C#15mo ago

❔ SQL Table to Object

I have a SQL Table "Card" with a column "CardNr" and a column "CardType". How would I make this in to an object of my Card class?
4 Replies
Angius15mo ago
Depends what you want to use ADO? You'll need to wrestle with the reader, convert the values, all sorts of songs and dances Dapper? Just execute the query and pass the class as a generic parameter EF Core? Hopefully you're using code-first design, but if not... well I never used database-first design, but I guess you could just scaffold the code and use regular EF queries
Anton15mo ago
If you're using Visual Studio, there's an EF Core extension for database-first EF Core power tools I've seen it recommended a lot
rhymbit15mo ago
There's also a class called DataTable in C#. You can check it out as well https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.data.datatable?view=net-8.0
Accord15mo ago
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