Set up custom domain
I have a domain under . Im trying to set up the custom domain in Railway but my domain service is asking me for just a host name, not a CNAME key value pair. Could someone help me with this?
11 Replies
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That sounds arbitrary. Have you tried to put the railway link
I tried but It's asking me for two hosts. One primary and one secondary. For example GreenGeeks gave me the two hosts
Oh dear. The only way to point to a railway deployment is via a CNAME to the URL it was given since railway IPs (A records) are not static. Have you considered changing DNS host or is that not plausible
Ok. Let me ask to my domain service then. Thank you for your help !
Yeah no problem I would suggest CloudFlare as your DNS provider. They offer tons of really cool stuff for free
what is your current dns provider?
dns provider is railway, dns hosting is called nicargentina which is a website to register domains
yep you'll want to do what Ryan suggested
and you don't need to transfer the domain to cloudflare, you can just use their nameservers
I don't have other choice then 😆 thank you guys !