How to create restrict absolute positioned element from leaving grandparent's boundary?

I have an element that displays a value range and a text bubble above it that communicates where the value lies in the range. When the value is in the middle of the range, I would like the text centered on its pointer and if it is near the edge, I would like the text to shift to contain itself within the grandparent's boundary. How can I contain the grandchild within the grandparent's boundary? This is what I have so far. I can get what I need it to do until the value is near the boundaries where I need the text to be off-center of the arrow
.container {
position: relative;

.your-position {
position: absolute;
transform: translateY(-110%);
// triangle
border-color: blue transparent transparent;
border-style: solid;
border-width: 0.4rem 0.3rem 0;
height: 0;
width: 0;

.value {
position: absolute;
transform:translateX(-50%) translateY(-110%);

<div class="container">
<div class="your-position">
<div class="value">Your value is: {{value}}</div>
.container {
position: relative;

.your-position {
position: absolute;
transform: translateY(-110%);
// triangle
border-color: blue transparent transparent;
border-style: solid;
border-width: 0.4rem 0.3rem 0;
height: 0;
width: 0;

.value {
position: absolute;
transform:translateX(-50%) translateY(-110%);

<div class="container">
<div class="your-position">
<div class="value">Your value is: {{value}}</div>
15 Replies
glutonium2y ago
this would require js right?? i believe
~MARSMAN~2y ago
If you wanna use transform, I think you will need to use JS to calculate the width of your text bubble and arrow and calculate the position of it and the end of the parent container.
glutonium2y ago
yee i forgot what the thing was to calculate the length of a text .getTotalLength i guees
~MARSMAN~2y ago
I think the whole box width is better than letters length?
glutonium2y ago
oooh .yaa I guess like the div u mean ryt? the text container
~MARSMAN~2y ago
glutonium2y ago
now I'm wondering what to use to look for the comparison. like do u use .setInterval() to always see if the text length is equal to box length ?? or maybe a setTimeOut() .. timeout function will go somewhere where it could be triggered everytime the animation happens and the timeout time will be equal to the animation duration.. will that even work??
Daryl2y ago
I think you should take a look to requestAnimationFrame:
Window: requestAnimationFrame() method - Web APIs | MDN
The window.requestAnimationFrame() method tells the browser that you wish to perform an animation and requests that the browser calls a specified function to update an animation right before the next repaint. The method takes a callback as an argument to be invoked before the repaint.
glutonium2y ago
hmm..ik about it i have used it while working on canvas that would also work.
Super 🦸🏻
Super 🦸🏻OP2y ago
Thank you Boob, Marsman, and Daryl for confirming my theory that this isn't possible with HTML and CSS. I'll probably calculate the tanslateX position in JS and write it to the element to keep it simple. I appreciate everyone's input on this ❤️
Avinash2y ago
you want something like this? but the tool tip not to exceed boundary?
Coder_Carl2y ago
It is ALMOST If you update the aria-valuenow with JS you can then reference the step in your css using an attribute selector
Super 🦸🏻
Super 🦸🏻OP2y ago
@Avinash exactly! 💯 do you know how I’d do that? 😃 I’ll try check that out Coder Carl. Thank you Looks like the attr isn’t well supported. Thanks for the suggestion
Super 🦸🏻
Super 🦸🏻OP2y ago
attr() - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets | MDN
The attr() CSS function is used to retrieve the value of an attribute of the selected element and use it in the stylesheet. It can also be used on pseudo-elements, in which case the value of the attribute on the pseudo-element's originating element is returned.
Avinash2y ago
Nope, mine also goes beyond bounds 😄

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