Multiple forms on custom page

Hello, is there any way I can add multiple forms to a custom page? I the getFormSchema() method in my component that is already creating up a form but I need to add one more form for a different action.
17 Replies
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin2y ago
yes it describes the process in the Getting Started page of the form builder docs with getForms()
Gianmarco Varrone
Thank you Is there any way i can display actions in a different position from the top right corner? but how to display it? I see an example that say that you can override the getFormSchema() method with a custom method with a name, but if in the view I do {{$this->authorForm}} I get property not found on component
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin2y ago
send the code you use in getForms()
Gianmarco Varrone
Oh I see, thank you very much. Any answer to this? I see I can create custom actions but It's going to be displayed in the top right corner by default, but I would like to display it in custom position. I have followed the docs and your advices but I can-t get it to work on a custom view page.
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin2y ago
send the code you use in getForms()
Gianmarco Varrone
Here's my getForms() : protected function getForms(): array { return [ 'chatForm' => $this->makeForm() ->schema($this->getChatFormSchema()) ->model($this->ticket), "updateManagerForm"=>$this->makeForm() ->schema($this->getChatFormSchema()) ->model($this->ticket), ]; } Unsure if I have to pass $this->ticket or $this->record
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin2y ago
so where is authorForm
Gianmarco Varrone
I just made a test with the Example of the docs, but now I'm using actual names
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin2y ago
a form isnt gonna turn into an action, its just gonna be rendered on the page like another form actions are currently limited to the header only unless you write custom modal html
Gianmarco Varrone
That is what I'm trying to achieve, the action is a separate question.
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin2y ago
i don’t understand the question then
Gianmarco Varrone
Ok, I imagined so for the actions. From title, how to display multiple forms on custom pages Above you pointed me that I could find example in the docs, now I'm following the example and your advices to render multiple forms on a page From what I see in the example in the docs, It should work now but I keep getting errors. This is what I have done so far, can you please help me to understand where I'm wrong? Here's my full class
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin2y ago
You sent the code to add to the view already {{ $this->formName }} then you define formName in the getForms() pass a schema() exactly like the example in the docs.
Gianmarco Varrone
Ok, it seems to me I have done so in my code, but whenever i try to run it I get this error: Typed property App\Filament\Resources\TicketResource\Pages\ViewTicket::$ticket must not be accessed before initialization Which is being thrown at : 'chatForm' => $this->makeForm() ->schema($this->getChatFormSchema()) ->model($this->ticket), So i tried to change to $this->record but i get: Filament\Resources\Pages\ViewRecord::getRecord(): Return value must be of type Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model, string returned
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin2y ago
the form model is either the class name of the model (if it doesnt exist) or the model instance it there is no ticket set then you cannot pass it for now you can probably leave out model() altogether
Gianmarco Varrone
Ok, thank you. I'll give it a try.

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