Issue with FolderBrowserDialog in console application
Hey, when I start my application via Visual Studio everything works, but as soon as I start the console application directly, I get the following error:
20 Replies
console runtime does not have access to ui stuff.
If you want UI, don't pick a console project
but why then via visual studio?
if i start the application with visual studio stuff (image), then it works.
and yup, it have the STAThread Attribute
Oh. Are you copying your app to another machine or something?
later then, not yet
so yes, it is planned that others can use the programme. currently, however, it is only local to me.
if that's what you meant
What SDK/.NET version are you using ?
MissingMethodException for System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPerm...
Looks like the issue I opened in probably belongs here. New in .NET Core 3.0 Preview 1 compared to 2.2 is a MissingMethodException for Void System.Sec...
Seems relevant
old stuff i think
.NET Core 3.1 is old stuff, indeed
or just update your net core
'net core' -> net 7
will it fix the issue? 😂
If it will - great
If it won't - still great, you're up to date at least
its not supported by them, but i never had issues like that.
but im sure, it will change nothing xd
whatever, thank you all