GEONβ€’15mo ago

ApolloH Hotswappable PCB 88H-T-SC, PgUp key always green led on everytime on restart..

Is there a way to permanently to turn it off? The led appears even when the rest of my leds are off. Tried searching everywhere for an answer, sorry for noob question
91 Replies
Xenonβ€’15mo ago
It seems to be hardware damage in the led part, but please try reinstalling the software.
mailliβ€’15mo ago
ah i see for more clarification, the green LED lights up (pgup key) only when I restart my PC and the keyboards plugged in it's managable, BUT was hoping if there was an option to turn it off to prevent burn-in in the future
Xenonβ€’15mo ago
I will give the feedback to the maker. πŸ™‚
mailliβ€’15mo ago
Actually my mistake… it seems to be the pause key instead
mailliβ€’15mo ago
this is what it looks like upon launching my pc would like to know what the green led status means under the pause button, any help would be much appreciated 🫰🏻
Gondolindrimβ€’15mo ago
Means nothing much It has been noted as a QMK bug that it does not act upon bootup on the RGB settings Many people have been seeing that problem i will issue a firmware update soon adding the indicators And trying to fix that
mailliβ€’15mo ago
ah, alright. thanks for your response
Gondolindrimβ€’15mo ago
Check #apollo87h-project . The latest patch should solve your issue
mailliβ€’15mo ago
Will this work on the Apollo 88h?
Gondolindrimβ€’15mo ago
I'll issue the same patch for 88 soon
mailliβ€’15mo ago
Thanks πŸ‘Œthe goat 😀
Gondolindrimβ€’15mo ago
Patch issued. Please see #apollo87h-project
Weililooβ€’15mo ago
This patch is for user configurable indicators in VIA, any other fixes?
fukurooβ€’15mo ago
Sorry for ask here, but latest patch for 88H CapsLock's Indicator seems not working properly It's always ON on my board, another key like Scroll Lock or Layer key is no problem
Gondolindrimβ€’15mo ago
Try wiping EEPROM And then unplug and replug
fukurooβ€’15mo ago
I wiped EEPROM and flash firmware again, it still ON anyway, it might be hardware problem?
Gondolindrimβ€’15mo ago
Hardly I'll meet soon with someone that's having the same issue I'll see if we can debug it
mailliβ€’15mo ago
@Gondolindrim also curious, do we follow these steps to reflash apollo 88?
mailliβ€’15mo ago
mailliβ€’15mo ago
nvm, i got it to work, everything is successful for now pepeok 🫰🏻 @Gondolindrim just a bit curious, does entering DFU mode when pressing escape and plugging back Pcb in mean we've cleared EEPROM? (the clear eeprom was always greyed out, so never really gave me an option to). just wonderin, thanks!
Gondolindrimβ€’15mo ago
The clear EEPROM button on QMK Toolbox doesn't do anything here Pressing the escape does clear EEPROM and forces MCU into DFU
mailliβ€’15mo ago
@Gondolindrim only problem i'm kind of having right now is that when i turn rgb off, and restart my pc, rgb just resets and turns back on is there any possible way to leave it off completely? thanks
Gondolindrimβ€’15mo ago
Turn it to zero brightness
mailliβ€’15mo ago
yep.. ive turned it down to 0 brightness but it just goes back to default brightness 😒 the rgb resets if i unplug and plug pcb back in, tried to reflash but remains the same @Gondolindrim
Gondolindrimβ€’15mo ago
It's working fine on my unit Try using the 24-04 firmware
mailliβ€’15mo ago
ah is that the most recent one?
Gondolindrimβ€’15mo ago
mailliβ€’15mo ago
ohh, didnt see the updated firmware, just installed the one for 23 in the apollo87 thread
Gondolindrimβ€’15mo ago
Make sure to use up to date firmware and the new JSON
mailliβ€’15mo ago
oh do you have the most recent json file? is it 23 for json
mailliβ€’15mo ago
dis one? and curious, what does json file do exactly? πŸ˜…
Gondolindrimβ€’15mo ago
JSON is the VIA configuration
mailliβ€’15mo ago
mhm, i just loaded it up to via but i dont have any real clue on its functionality lol
Gondolindrimβ€’15mo ago
If you want to know how it works in the itty-gritty I suggest reading the documentation Functionality-wise what you need to know is: the new QMK firmware needs a new VIA file because they work together So if you use new QMK with old VIA it's just not going to work
mailliβ€’15mo ago
ohh okay, lol im a bit slow yeah the dimming the brightness to 0 works to make sure the rgb stays off
Gondolindrimβ€’15mo ago
Oh it's fine, it's all really technical when it gets to the how does it work part I just don't want to get all the way down to that haha
mailliβ€’15mo ago
lol no you're good, understandable the rgb does however turn back on if you decide to toggle it off i can just keep brightness to 0 which is fine lol
Gondolindrimβ€’15mo ago
I mean I can explain how the VIA persistent memory configuration works through manipulation of customized typedef data-types and pointerized addresses on register memory But I think you don't want an embedded systems lecture so
mailliβ€’15mo ago
i wouldn't understand anything LOOL yeah i'd have to learn the craft first to understand any type of lecture of this calibre πŸ™ˆ @Gondolindrim would u say tho not to use the rgb toggle function?
Gondolindrimβ€’15mo ago
What RGB toggle Ok I was able to replicate your issue
mailliβ€’15mo ago
oh before i'd just do this setting
mailliβ€’15mo ago
Gondolindrimβ€’15mo ago
If you set RGB to "All off" it resets back right
mailliβ€’15mo ago
but turning brightness down is also another alternative mhm yeah the past firmware i was able to just leave it like that so i got used to it lol
Gondolindrimβ€’15mo ago
If you use all off the indicators wont work It is all off after all..... However this is a bug I'll try and correct it Thank you for the report
mailliβ€’15mo ago
Gondolindrimβ€’15mo ago
For now setting brightness to 0 should do the trick
mailliβ€’15mo ago
yessir no problem, appreciate your clarity and responsiveness froggyHeart
Gondolindrimβ€’15mo ago
@mailli this is a fixed version "All off" stays after reboot Bit of warning: all off is indeed all off so not even indicators
mailliβ€’15mo ago
ah so in order to enable indicators, just toggle rgb back on?
Gondolindrimβ€’15mo ago
The idea is that the RGB and indicators are kind of separate entities So setting RGB to zero brightness controls only RGB Indicators still work
mailliβ€’15mo ago
Gondolindrimβ€’15mo ago
All off turns all off There are plenty people that use use the PCB with no lighting
mailliβ€’15mo ago
fsho, thank u!
ameripolβ€’14mo ago
I seem to be having a weird issue with indicators. Pressing Scroll Lock, turns on the indicators for Caps, Num, and Scroll Lock. Pressing Num Lock turns on the indicator for Num Lock and Caps Lock. Pressing Caps Lock only turns on Caps Lock.
ameripolβ€’14mo ago
They all kinda function as an logical OR as well. Meaning, if I have Num and Caps lock on, the Caps indicator will remain on until both Num and Caps lock are turned off.
Gondolindrimβ€’14mo ago
What is the indicator configuration you are using
ameripolβ€’14mo ago
For indicator config #1 is Caps Lock, #2 is Scroll block, and #3 is Num Lock
Gondolindrimβ€’14mo ago
Give me a print screen
h0tr0dβ€’14mo ago
I'd like to know if you guys get this figured out and what the solution is.
ameripolβ€’14mo ago
Will do, once I get home
ameripolβ€’14mo ago
ameripolβ€’14mo ago
Gondolindrimβ€’14mo ago
That is interesting Have you cleared EEPROM?
h0tr0dβ€’14mo ago
Doesn't putting it into programming mode by holding ESC when plugging it in clear eeprom? All of my previous settings are reverted when I do that. This is after doing that and a fresh flash with the 4/23 firmware.
h0tr0dβ€’14mo ago
h0tr0dβ€’14mo ago
@Gondolindrim Mine does the same thing as @Ameripol 's pcb.
ameripolβ€’14mo ago
Repeatedly, following your steps of holding ESC before plugging in, holding for 5 more seconds, then releasing. I've also flashed the latest firmware you posted, using QMK. The one from 04/25/2023.
h0tr0dβ€’14mo ago
I missed that one. Just flashed it and same result.
ameripolβ€’14mo ago
Glad to know it's not just a me problem πŸ™‚
h0tr0dβ€’14mo ago
It's not really a big deal and I am by no means trying to gang up on Gondolindrim. I was just trying to offer another case where the issue is present to help with troubleshooting. I think it's a great PCB and I am thankful for all his hard work.
ameripolβ€’14mo ago
Absolutely, it's a minor issue for me too. The board is fantastic overall.
Gondolindrimβ€’14mo ago
Not feeling gang up on at all, just trying to understand the issue. Little frustrated that I can't replicate your issue As far as PCB goes I have nothing to say on firmware because it works I do know that some machines have issues when it comes to caps/num/scroll It would suggest that for some reason your machine activates them all at once What happens when you change indicators for layer fgunctions?
h0tr0dβ€’14mo ago
Strangely, if I change indicator 2 to be a layer 1 toggle indicator and don't have scroll lock indicator defined the scroll lock button still toggles the caps-lock indicator.
Gondolindrimβ€’14mo ago
Im not sure I understand
h0tr0dβ€’14mo ago
h0tr0dβ€’14mo ago
Indicator 1 is defined as caps lock indicator. Indicator 2 is set as TG(1) on the pause key. There is no indicator 3 or 4 defined. Scroll lock key still turns on caps lock indicator.
Gondolindrimβ€’14mo ago
This pretty much confirms that for some reason scroll lock is activating caps I am inclined to say that is not a PCB problem, much likely an OS/computer issue? To be honest that is a first for me
ameripolβ€’14mo ago
Thank you for the response. It's interesting to hear it might be an OS/Computer issue. I have ruled out my own computer, as I tested it on my wife's computer as well. Same behavior. I guess that would just leave the OS. Currently, my Wife and I are both using Windows 10 Pro. Are there any other troubleshooting steps you could suggest I take? I have a home server running Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. I'll give it a try there, and let you know if it behaves any differently. I will add that for me, Num Lock also activates Caps, not just Scroll Lock. I also replicated h0tr0d's latest testing, and I got the same result. Scroll lock always turns on the caps indicator, even if it has no indicator. A further step has shown that Num Lock turns on Caps indicator, even without a Num lock indicator. Lastly, Scroll lock will turn on Caps and Num indicators, even if there is no scroll lock indicator, but just a scroll lock button. Just tested on my Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Server, and it seems to function the same as on Windows. Scroll Lock turns on Num and Caps indicators, in addition to Scoll Lock indicator. Num Lock turns on Caps indicator in addition to Num Indicator. Interestingly though, the Caps Indicator didn't seem to work when I tried Caps Lock by itself.
Gondolindrimβ€’14mo ago
Ok so I think I solved it @Ameripol I was able to replicate the issue And apparently fixed it
Gondolindrimβ€’14mo ago
Try this
h0tr0dβ€’14mo ago
Looks like it's working for me! Thanks!
ameripolβ€’14mo ago
Can confirm, works for me as well! Thank you so very much!!!!
Weililooβ€’14mo ago
Is it recommended to flash this 0306 firmware or it is only for those who encountered this specific indicator problems?
Nyaberryβ€’14mo ago
TY! Something similar but different was happening to 87H-T-SC as well. Please look into it πŸ™
typ_β€’14mo ago
where do i get the json file for via? I updated the firmware for h88 and I dont see the indicators options in VIA
Gondolindrimβ€’14mo ago
Now that I confirmed the issue and confirmed the patch works I have already applied the changes to 87H and 87HTSC. I will publish their binary files soon. For this new firmware you need a new JSON. You can find it in #apollo87h-project Glad to be of help! Glad to be of help! Firmwares uploaded to #apollo87h-project . If you have the stock firmware it works just fine, so I think you can keep it with no issues The new firmware is new QMK after all, more modern with more features so you can admit it's somehow better I wouldn't worry about it honestly If you want the indicators feature then yeah the 0306 firmware is the way to go as the old one seems to have an issue
Weililooβ€’14mo ago
Thanks for the clarification. I can live without the indicators feature.