Filament15mo ago

Complete headings set with RichEditor (trix)?

Anybody know any options for adding more headings to filament's RichEditor (Trix) form input? Right now the only options are "heading" and "Subheading" which resolve to h2,h3 tags. I like the trix editor but would like to have h4, h5 as an option as well. Thanks.
6 Replies
awcodes15mo ago
Honestly, I don’t think trix supports less than h3 I could be wrong though.
bionary15mo ago
I tried adding to ->enableToolbarButtons([... 'h4', 'h5', ...]) but it doesn't do a thing. shucks
awcodes15mo ago
Yea. I just don’t think trix has them in their codebase.
bionary15mo ago
Hmmm do you know of any solutions? I don't see any other rich text replacements in the docs. I wonder if there is more options in filament v3? I'm trying to take google docs out of my workflow and in order to do so I need more heading levels!
awcodes15mo ago
There’s plenty of WYSIWYG editor plugins. I can recommend https://filamentphp.com/plugins/tiptap because I built it but there are quite a few available as plugins.
Tiptap Editor by Adam Weston - Plugins - Filament
A Tiptap WYSISYG integration for Filament Admin/Forms.
bionary15mo ago
oh dang I didn't think to look in the plugins sections... well duh. As long as there is bold,italic,link,images, lists and headings....that's really all I need and your tiptap plugin looks more than capable. I'll give this a shot tomorrow. Thanks Adam.