9 Replies
Can't you set it on the ManagePage?
Method 'App\Filament\Resources\SubStockRequestResource\Pages\ManageSubStockRequests::getTableQuery()' is not compatible with method 'Filament\Resources\Pages\ManageRecords::getTableQuery()'
this is the error i am getting @Dennis Koch
read the error
you have not used the correct method signature
@Dan Harrin Good afternoon
I hope you are good today
after overriding the getTableQuery function
the records are empty even though they exist in the DB!
when i try to add ->get() i get the error saying: Return value must be of type Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder, Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection returned
something I might be missing please?
i dont have any ideas
if the query had results then it shouldnt show no results
theres probably something you are missing that also scopes the query and causes it to have no results
It worked @Dan Harrin
thank you!
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