Add Styling to Custom Widgets
I have made a custom widget and within the Blade file, I am trying to style the elements of my widget. I understand that I do not have access to all of Tailwind and that I can add Tailwind, but is there anyway I could access Filament's CSS? As in, I have a widget and it has a button and I wish for the style to be the same as the other buttons on the Admin panel.
8 Replies
hello fellow tofu lover
you can use
or other blade components
if you need custom classes you can create a theme which will compile any classes you need
i see you @Dennis Koch, come to join the tofu clubCome to the Light side.
Why is there no tofu emoji? We should change that!
maybe we should steal the buff tofu because noone likes weak tofu
oh awesome! is there a place I see all of the available components?
yes, in /vendor/filament/filament/resources/views/components
thank you

Nice 😅