13 Replies
That's quite broad: What do you want to customize?

I want to design it on my own way
eg: insert card, list group items,....
If you want to use Filaments form, overwrite the
method. Otherwise just create a simple Page and set the $view
property on that component

something wrong that i may be doing here?
It works now...
Thanks @Dennis Koch
the remaining problem is how can I access data now of the single record?
Yeah you put it in the vendor folder.
. It’s a normal Livewire componentIt works!
Thank you so much @Dennis Koch
@Dennis Koch
There is an application that I am currently working on and I have been given that once data are being saved to the DB (or any other operation to the DB), once there is no internet, the action can be saved somewhere( i am thinking in session )
and once users are being connected to the internet after a period of time. the action can be now done.
any tip on how i can achieve this?
Livewire has some helpers to display a message when offline. But storing stuff in Local storage and replaying it when online might be a very hard task
Offline State | Livewire
A full-stack framework for Laravel that takes the pain out of building dynamic UIs.
let me check this
I am using filament!
I have seen many of the answers are like pinging maybe google first before the request to check if connected!
but still to store data somewhere is difficult!
Filament is built with Livewire