C#•2y ago

Sending File and Data to a Minimal API endpoint

Hi. I am using .NET 7, Minimal API and Mailkit. What I want to do is to send an attachment along with other information in an email. I want to receive both the information and the file using a Form-Data request type but I am having problems receiving the information . The error I am getting is:
IFromFormMetadata is only supported for parameters of type IFormFileCollection and IFormFile.
IFromFormMetadata is only supported for parameters of type IFormFileCollection and IFormFile.
. Here is the endpoint code :
app.MapPost("/sendEmailWithAttachments", async ([FromForm] REmailWithAttachments sendFileRequest) =>
BSendEmail.sendEmailWithAttachments(EmailData: sendFileRequest, sendFileRequest.file.Name, sendFileRequest.file);
return Results.Ok("Email sent successfully");
app.MapPost("/sendEmailWithAttachments", async ([FromForm] REmailWithAttachments sendFileRequest) =>
BSendEmail.sendEmailWithAttachments(EmailData: sendFileRequest, sendFileRequest.file.Name, sendFileRequest.file);
return Results.Ok("Email sent successfully");
And here is the REmailWithAttachments class:
public class REmailWithAttachments
public REmailWithAttachments(string subject, string toName, string toEmail, List<string> ccToEmail, IFormFile file)
Subject = subject;
ToName = toName;
ToEmail = toEmail;
CcToEmails = ccToEmail;
this.file = file;

public string Subject { get; init; }
[Required] public string ToName { get; init; }
public string ToName { get; init; }
[Required, EmailAddress]
public string ParaEmail { get; init; }
public List<string> CcToEmails { get; init; }
[Mandatory] public IFormFile file { get; init; }
public IFormFile file { get; init; }
public class REmailWithAttachments
public REmailWithAttachments(string subject, string toName, string toEmail, List<string> ccToEmail, IFormFile file)
Subject = subject;
ToName = toName;
ToEmail = toEmail;
CcToEmails = ccToEmail;
this.file = file;

public string Subject { get; init; }
[Required] public string ToName { get; init; }
public string ToName { get; init; }
[Required, EmailAddress]
public string ParaEmail { get; init; }
public List<string> CcToEmails { get; init; }
[Mandatory] public IFormFile file { get; init; }
public IFormFile file { get; init; }
5 Replies
Angius•2y ago
Bit of a stab in the dark, but could it be because of the constructor? Either delete it since it's not needed, or add a default constructor
13p14OP•2y ago
I tried that but still the same problem 😢
13p14OP•2y ago
Oh, it looks like they are still working on it: https://github.com/dotnet/aspnetcore/issues/39430
Support Form binding for Minimal endpoints · Issue #39430 · dotnet/...
Support for simple types. ##44653 Suport for complext types. Support for IFormCollection
Angius•2y ago
Ah, another reason to not use minimal APIs then
13p14OP•2y ago
Had to learn it the hard way Smadge

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