Watched the video and giving my best but it seems it heavy warped
Im hammering like crazy but nothing is changing

20 Replies
Lower the right front corner (x-max/y-min). Make sure no mesh is loaded.... re-home and re-z_tilt then run your mesh
id lowered my left front corner?
isnt that right
im trying but cant get any lower
can i instead up the left rear?
@Helge Keck any idea what corner to hit I’m a bait confused?
its hte rear left corner, not the front one
first you need to level the 2 rear corners, then the 2 front corners
check the X and Y on the image
y500 means its in the back
X0 means its left
So fear left up ?
Can’t get any down more it already on the electronics panel
then the others up
i mean its not that hard, you need to level the 4 corners
just try it out and see what happens
Like this ?

as i already said, first try to level the 2 rear corners
then the 2 front corners
after every change home the printer again and do a z tilt before creating a new mesh
It feels like i cant really move the corners
then you havent released all needed screws
The 3 and the top one of the belt holder thingy like in the video
please have a look at your printer
if you want to move the rear corners you need to release much more screws
Now I am complete confused
I losend those 3 screws and the one int he top lifted it up and it’s still not better

3 on the back as well
plus a corner bracket where your y rail is
So got up this corner and wich corner bracket ?

Getting better now

No i need to somehow fix this bow in the middle
How do i fix this bow?
i already losened and retightened the x axis rail