Looking for a better way

hey guys!! in the following codepen, https://codepen.io/-bloop-/pen/RweNZaN i made a simple hamburger icon animation, it's not anything much fancy, but i feel like how I did it is too complicated or excessive all tho it works perfectly fine, and that's why I'm here, can anyone show me how this same result can be achieved in a better way ? tnx ❤️
4 Replies
Jochem2y ago
Just looking at it real quick, I can think of a couple of improvements. You could move the styles you set in navOpen/navClose and put those in CSS instead. I'd suggest toggling an additional class on .navIcon, and putting the new rules on a selector like .navIcon.open .topBar You can move the transition: 100ms; rule from your individual bars to the .navIcon div selector cause they're all the same. I really like the effect, it's quite fancy
glutoniumOP2y ago
i tried using the toggle , u can see in the animation, first the top and bottom bar Marges together and then the middle on rotates 90deg when i do with toggle, the first part works normal, but when navCloses, what happens is, unlike the animation where, the middle one rotates back to 0 and then the top and bottom bar goes back to their position, using toggle, the top and bottom bar actually animates first and THEN the middle one hope u understand what m saying, i can show u screen record of that if u want me to..just lemme know xD
Jochem2y ago
there's a transition delay property in CSS, can't look up details now but you can set it on an element to create the delay you're using setTimeout for now
glutoniumOP2y ago
here https://codepen.io/-bloop-/pen/RwewpEV i used the delay method.. check how the closing animation happens that's what I was talking about xD

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