Possible to use Table Widget in getFormSchema method ?
Hello, i am using tabs in formSchema, i want make table view on inside tabs, how it's possible ?
i have table widget named "ListCorporationBranches"

10 Replies
You can't use a FilamentTable Inside it. I would suggest you build a view field and render form a livewire component if you need tables, or use a view field with a custom table view rendering the data.
I don't really want to use another custom table library, how do I use FilamentTable in livewire? im newbie on filament
Can i use FilamentTable inside Field ?

You will need to build a Livewire component that implements the table library and render that with View
Thanks i follow this document https://filamentphp.com/docs/2.x/tables/getting-started for component, there is a last point that I do not understand, how will I use this component in my resource page ?
Getting started - Table Builder - Filament
The elegant TALL stack table builder for Laravel artisans.
im using custom Field like this, how do i integrate the component

Don't use a custom field, and render the Blade for the Livewire component. So:
Thank you very much @toeknee_iom for your help, I did as you said ✅
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