C#β€’16mo ago

❔ How to spell check code?

I'm using visual studio code on windows. I've used webstorm at my previous job before which has a pretty good spell checker. Ive been looking around for an extension that does this but can't seem to find one that works.
10 Replies
james441β€’16mo ago
Sorry of this is a stupid question, I just get stressed because I can't spell to save my life
james441β€’16mo ago
I couldn't get this extension working... It is enabled but it doesn't appear in the status bar
Kouhaiβ€’16mo ago
Nothing like this?
james441β€’16mo ago
No, it's really strange... No idea why! Anyway, that extension does look really good, thanks πŸ‘ I will try to reinstall Vs code and see if that helps
Kouhaiβ€’16mo ago
Good luck, if it's still not working, try to disable it and then re-enable
Angiusβ€’16mo ago
If you used Webstorm, use Rider now. VS Code is kinda shit for C# anyway, at least compared to Rider and VS proper
james441β€’16mo ago
Ha, I've tried to convince my boss to buy an ide but no luck
Monsieur Wholesome
Monsieur Wholesomeβ€’16mo ago
"go notepad++ if you have to, but I aint buying shit"
Accordβ€’16mo ago
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