Railway16mo ago

Prod + Dev (PR) Environments

Hi there, I would like to understand how to achieve the following workflow. Production Env: Only Deploys main branch. Development Env: Only Deploys PR branches. I can see https://docs.railway.app/deploy/config-as-code but those docs are sparse. Help would be much appreciated here. Project ID: 25c13071-6077-466e-bf9b-2e08a6d0c02f
Railway Docs
Config as Code | Railway Docs
Documentation for Railway
3 Replies
Percy16mo ago
Project ID: 25c13071-6077-466e-bf9b-2e08a6d0c02f
Percy16mo ago
It seems that the best approach is to consolidate the back and front end PRs so that functionality can be properly tested, as far as is known. Alternatively, a monorepo could be used.
⚠️ experimental feature
munch16mo ago
From the dash, i cant seem to control the where ephemeral PR environments grab their env vars from?