Railway16mo ago

Long Running Process

I have a process that takes a little over 40 minutes to complete and have it running once a day using node-cron. I think there is a 300 second timeout for railway, is there any way around this so I can host the cron server on railway?
6 Replies
Percy16mo ago
Project ID: 0ea10b0d-f845-4b5a-b9b9-9340b33b4875
Percy16mo ago
It is possible to set up a process in which the project redeploys by itself, say ever hour, using a package like node-cron. Next year, there is an aim to launch scale-to-zero jobs so it will take truly zero resources.
⚠️ experimental feature
Masn16mo ago
0ea10b0d-f845-4b5a-b9b9-9340b33b4875 For additional reference, I have another project where I have the api that my cron job requests. Here's the id for that project: 08c3a56b-864d-4c40-905c-004c6d8cdb23
Brody16mo ago
you cant change the timeouts
Masn16mo ago
I suppose i could cut the function into smaller chunks or I gotta find another platform then
Brody16mo ago
I suppose so