Form Select options reload

Is there a way to send an event to a form select component to reload its options ? Or do I have to registerListeners for this specific select
8 Replies
wyChoong2y ago
How are you triggering the event? A normal listener with $refresh should work?
David Vincent
David VincentOP2y ago
My question is how to trigger such event, and a form field is not a livewire component, so I can't trigger a $refresh on a field but on the livewire component which contains the select field.
wyChoong2y ago trigger from js/alpinejs, then $refresh on the livewire component
Events | Livewire
A full-stack framework for Laravel that takes the pain out of building dynamic UIs.
Something like this?
//my query
->registerListeners(['updateOptions' => [function ($component) {
//my new query
//my query
->registerListeners(['updateOptions' => [function ($component) {
//my new query
David Vincent
David VincentOP2y ago
thanks, I will give it a try
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin2y ago
listeners arent gonna do anything here the options are stored in js if you pass a callback to options(), the select should refresh them each time you open it
David Vincent
David VincentOP2y ago
Great! Thanks Dan
my bad, it is true

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