Excessive CPU & RAM usage
Hi there, I have just provisioned a new PG database two hours ago but its usage is scaring me.
Not sure if it is a bug but if it is not, I have never reached that level before.
All my other PG databases are 5% CPU and 2GB RAM usage max.
Was using Prisma and Nextjs locally for the past few hours.
The different thing that I did with this time was using Prisma Studio. Never used the studio before for my previous projects and PG with railway.
I also use prisma disconnect() to explicitly disconnect whenever my query is done.
I used Prisma best practices with Nextjs to maintain number of instances for this project as well. So really not sure how did it manage 35% CPU usage and 13.5 GB ram usage.
My project ID is: 952fe2ae-33c1-4915-98e4-ba428e94343b
EDIT: I have closed my local dev and its usage is still rising up.
8 Replies
Project ID:
You might find these helpful:
- Prisma and nextjs app with pg url
- Debug postgres queries
- Postgres DB eating too much RAM
⚠️ experimental feature
do the metrics in the plugin confirm this high usage?
Ah you are a lifesaver!
Thank you, phew
I assume it is just a UI bug then on the usage page?
yep then it would just be a display bug, you won't be charged for those incorrect numbers in the account usage section
Thanks for the help 🙂
no problem!