Filament16mo ago

Handle tenancy on specific tabs/resources

Hey, I have an application running that I would like to put on stancl/tenancy Basically all the users will have access to profile/subscription/etc... on the central domain in a filament dashboard (only located on the central domain) What I'd like to do is put users and their settings on the main database and using stancl/tenancy for them to manage their store for example, what can I do to handle the use of multi db tenancy on products tab only to populate data in filament resources ?
4 Replies
krekas16mo ago
I believe what you want has nothing to do with filament. It's just laravel and package work. https://laraveldaily.com/tag/multi-tenancy
skyrowl16mo ago
I'm not sure this is what I want I'm sorry ^^' I'll explain and you'll tell me if the answer is the same I have my application where I have no admin panel yet using stancl/tenancy on a multi DB setup, I'm willing to use filament to manage it Problem is that over users, their subscriptions and some settings that will be stored on the main DB, the application will be hosted on multiple different DB unique to each tenants So I'm willing to be able to manage both context in a single filament dashboard, I'll need to access the "main" DB on users, preferences, ... tabs (filament resources) and access "tenant X" DB on products, categories, ... tabs (filament resources again)
krekas16mo ago
you just need to set up package correctly, still it has nothing to with filament itself
skyrowl16mo ago
I'm going to take a better look then thanks