Using custom colors

I've successfully built tailwind with vite, created a new tailwind.config file to override the default colors and everything seems to work. The issue I'm having is that, if in the tailwind.config i add new colors beside the primary, success ecc. let's say Violet, this color is not rendered from filament. How do i solve this?
17 Replies
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin2y ago
the class needs to be in a file somewhere otherwise it will not be compiled where are you trying to use the color
Gianmarco Varrone
I created a filament.css file as required from the doc. Should i create a custom class to assign the color?
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin2y ago
have you used tailwind before?
Gianmarco Varrone
Yes, in another project and it was enough using the tailwind classes to assign a color...
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin2y ago
so you know that if the tailwind class is not in the code, its not compiled by tailwind
Gianmarco Varrone
Yes of course but even if I use it in the code it does not render the color. Here's the issue
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin2y ago
show me the code
Gianmarco Varrone
What should i show you? Here's the tailwind config : const defaultTheme = require("tailwindcss/defaultTheme"); const colors = require("tailwindcss/colors"); /** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */ module.exports = { content: [ "./resources/**/*.blade.php", "./resources/**/*.js", "./resources/**/*.vue", "./vendor/filament/**/*.blade.php", ], darkMode: "class", // original false or 'media' or 'class' theme: { extend: { colors: { danger: colors.rose, // rose primary: colors.cyan, //original blue success:, // green warning: colors.yellow, //yellow violet: colors.violet,, }, fontFamily: { sans: ["Nunito", ...defaultTheme.fontFamily.sans], }, }, }, variants: { extend: {}, }, plugins: [ require("@tailwindcss/forms"), require("@tailwindcss/typography"), ], };
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin2y ago
show me where youre using the custom color
Gianmarco Varrone
BadgeColumn::make('priority')->label('Priorità')->color(static function ($state): string { if ($state == "low") { return 'success'; }elseif($state == "normal"){ return 'blue'; }elseif($state == "high"){ return 'warning'; }elseif($state == "critical"){ return "danger"; } })->enum([ "low" => "Bassa", "normal"=>"Normale", "high"=> "Alta", "critical"=> "Critica", ]), TextColumn::make('created_at')->date(), BadgeColumn::make('status')->label('Status')->color(static function ($state): string { if ($state == "open") { return 'blue'; }elseif($state == "pending"){ return 'warning'; }elseif($state == "resolved"){ return 'blue'; }elseif($state == "closed"){ return 'success'; } })->enum([ "open" => "Aperto", "pending"=>"In attesa", "resolved"=> "Risolto", "closed"=>"Chiuso", ]), ]), ViewColumn::make('request')->view('tables.columns.ticketing.ticket-details'), ];
Gianmarco Varrone
This is the result
wyChoong2y ago
first, you are using the color class in files not int the config content
Gianmarco Varrone
What do you mean sorry?
wyChoong2y ago
next, you should be using the color with shade, example bg-primary-500
Gianmarco Varrone
This one is my tailwind config.js, here i should use the shades?
wyChoong2y ago
and also, violet and colors.violet are basically the same thing lastly, the BadgeColumn's view not necessary is passing your custom color "blue" to render passing the right color class will be rendered please read Tailwind's doc to understand how the basics works
@gianmarcovarrone , in addition, you can create a custom badge column Ex
theme: {
extend: {
colors: {
info: colors.indigo
theme: {
extend: {
colors: {
info: colors.indigo
namespace App\Tables\Components;

use Filament\Tables\Columns\BadgeColumn;

class MyBadgeColumn extends BadgeColumn
protected string $view = '';
namespace App\Tables\Components;

use Filament\Tables\Columns\BadgeColumn;

class MyBadgeColumn extends BadgeColumn
protected string $view = '';
<!-- resources/views/tables/components/my-badge-column.blade.php -->
<!-- copy/paste the content of vendor/filament/tables/resources/views/columns/badge-column.blade.php -->

<!-- edit what you want -->
$stateColor = match ($getStateColor()) {
'info' => \Illuminate\Support\Arr::toCssClasses(['text-info-700 bg-info-500/10', 'dark:text-info-500' => config('tables.dark_mode')]),
<!-- resources/views/tables/components/my-badge-column.blade.php -->
<!-- copy/paste the content of vendor/filament/tables/resources/views/columns/badge-column.blade.php -->

<!-- edit what you want -->
$stateColor = match ($getStateColor()) {
'info' => \Illuminate\Support\Arr::toCssClasses(['text-info-700 bg-info-500/10', 'dark:text-info-500' => config('tables.dark_mode')]),
'info' => 'closed'
'info' => 'closed'

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