Multiple input fields for one label
I'm trying to convert an existing form to a filament form, one of the input fields in the form is a combination of two components, an input field, and a select. These two together determine the value of the field on the model.
See screenshot for more context. Currently i've got it "working" in a hacky way, a custom FormField with a custom view. But I want to know if something like this is also possible with plain Filament.

13 Replies
This is a part of the original form:

Use a grid? Can you provide more info on how the data stores?
I've tried using a grid, but somehow the grid is not renered
it's stored as one string, the moment is stored as a negative value when it's before and positive when after.
The time is stored as a normal string like 09:00 in the database. This is just to make it simpler for users to select instead of type
It's already inside a card. Can a grid be placed inside a card?
Let me try the grid again
seems to work now, but I need a label in front

like this?
I was using grid, but the problem remains
I need the label Moment in front of it, as these two fields are together the value for one property on the model.
i've given te group a label, but it seems that it doesn't do anything
It's getting there!

It only needs align with the row underneath
Do 3 fields? Grid of 3, field 1 is a place holder other two are the field
I'm toying a bit wit putting all other items also in a group
will post my final form later, just to see if there are other ways of doing it
@bwubs any news you got it working?
can you help me, i also need a similar field.
Hi, haven’t been working on it for a few weeks. Actually, a colleague has taken over this specific task as I’m currently not at work for an extended period of time.