Confused between Web And Game Developement.

I am confused between Web and game developement, I have some experience in Front end developement but recently Game developement excites me more, so I am confused. Also, I lost all my previous works and projects and Now am low in motivition to do that thing again.
3 Replies
Jochem2y ago
What is your question exactly?
glutonium2y ago
13eck2y ago
Well, web dev is/should be mostly HTML, CSS, and a bit of JS. It also includes some UI and design elements as you have to take a lot of variables into consideration (like view port size, element location, etc). Game dev is more focused on logic coding. User input -> visual output. Maths for things like on-screen movement, calculations for health, damage, etc, level/power up, state management, things of that nature. There is some UI/visual design in game development but it's more "how do I display the least amount of info and still be useful" than it is "how do I get everything on the screen at once" like with web design. Game dev can be HTML/CSS/JS (if you're making a browser-based game) but using game dev libs like Unity, GameMaker, etc for compiled languages are more common and usually more performant (but well-written JS can out-perform badly written C#) but unless you're trying to re-create World of Warcraft or that mobile Diablo game that recently flopped harder than a whale doing a high-dive JS can do most of what you need. Web-based game dev is mostly learning how the canvas element works and how to use the 2d and 3d rendering context to draw to the screen. One of the nice things about doing web-based games is that for menus you can use HTML and CSS as those languages are designed for text and alignment as opposed to trying to draw text to a 3d context.
Also, I lost all my previous works and projects and Now am low in motivition to do that thing again.
Sounds like you need to start using Git and GitHub to store your projects in a safe place (local is always volatile and can be deleted by accident).

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