Using Filters AboveContent, how to set number of columns?
I know that if we are using the table inside a livewire component we can use the function getTableFiltersFormColumns() to set the number of columns, how can we do the same if we are using the admin panel?
8 Replies
maybe the same method in the List page..?
Already tried that but since im using the admin panel it does not work, if im using the tables as a standalone it works
Should work:
are you putting that inside the Resource class?
even to put the filters above the table i need to use this instead of the function getTableFiltersLayout()
nope.. in the List page. In this example, app/Filament/Resources/PostResource/Pages/ListPosts.php
oh you are right
and i already did that for other things now i was not remembering about the list page
no worries 👍