C#16mo ago

❔ Understanding project structure - Visual Studio ASP.NET Core

I was assigned a task, to split a big Web Service into smaller independent Web Services. The thing is, I only have the past 3 days of experience with working with C# and Web Services. That being said, I'm slowing learning my way into them, and now I would like to analyse the original project I have to split. The image is a snippet of the solution explorer. Could someone help me understand what each icon means? They all contain a bunch of stuff and files inside, so I'm not really sure if the icons are related to the contents, but I have to start somewhere. :)
2025 Replies
júlio16mo ago
Here is the solution explorer expanded one level, maybe it might help to see a the contents.
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
Pobiega16mo ago
helper and proxy are web projects (the globe symbol) UnitTestProject is a unit test project (contains your unit tests, aka automated code tests) the rest are class libraries
júlio16mo ago
So in the web solution, helper and proxy are two separate projects?
Pobiega16mo ago
Everything in the top image except web and Solution items are projects. not all projects are runnable on their own. You have two that are (helper, proxy).
Pobiega16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
Thanks 😅
Pobiega16mo ago
So yeah, helper is a web project (just like your new one) its an older one thou, so its not written in the "minimal api" style, but rather using controllers
júlio16mo ago
The proxy one is apparently obsolete, and no one really know what it's doing, it was made by some person that is no longer in the group So I''l leave that aside from now
Pobiega16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
The biggest question I have currently is What are the Program.cs and especially the Startup.cs files Since the code in the Program.cs does not reflect the code that the tutorial taught me
Pobiega16mo ago
like I said, this is an older project structure and most likely also using older .NET Framework
júlio16mo ago
using Microsoft.AspNetCore;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;

namespace helper
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)

public static IWebHost BuildWebHost(string[] args) =>
.ConfigureLogging((hostingContext, logging) =>

using Microsoft.AspNetCore;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;

namespace helper
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)

public static IWebHost BuildWebHost(string[] args) =>
.ConfigureLogging((hostingContext, logging) =>

Pobiega16mo ago
while your new project uses the much more modern .NET
júlio16mo ago
I see. So what weirds me out is that, no route is done here All the routing is done is the Controllers
Pobiega16mo ago
yes. Thats how controllers work.
júlio16mo ago
Pobiega16mo ago
If you look in Startup.cs thats where you see most of the configuration including the line that maps the controllers 🙂
júlio16mo ago
maybe by this method
// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container.
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container.
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
Pobiega16mo ago
the program/startup split is an older pattern that has been merged into a single file in the new ASP.NET versions yup, that method "replaces" your builder.Services... stuff in your new one
júlio16mo ago
I see... This might be a silly question but does Dao mean anything special to you?
Pobiega16mo ago
Data Access Object?
júlio16mo ago
Yep I never really understood that Isnt that the point of a Controller
Pobiega16mo ago
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Its a pretty generic term It may or may not be the same thing as a DTO (Data Transfer Object)
júlio16mo ago
I see Looking at code that apparently is very outdated and having to separate everything is weird I never know if I should copy paste everything or re write it to modern code
Pobiega16mo ago
A rewrite might take a very long time. you said it was several thousand LOC per library
júlio16mo ago
Going back to the structure, inside the helper project, what would the Services folder contain?
Pobiega16mo ago
thats not trivial to rewrite, especially not when you are new to C#
júlio16mo ago
yep I agree
Pobiega16mo ago
Services is one of those words that dont really have a meaning its most likely just a bunch of classes that contain logic
júlio16mo ago
So there are 2 weird folders, Logs and wwwroot. They have like a ghost-folder icon thing Does that mean anything?
Pobiega16mo ago
means they are empty but force-included in the project or hidden, might be that too you can open the .csproj and see but Logs is likely a placeholder folder to store logs created during execution logging.AddFile("Logs/helperApi-{Date}.txt");
júlio16mo ago
<Folder Include="Logs\" />
<Folder Include="wwwroot\" />
<Folder Include="Logs\" />
<Folder Include="wwwroot\" />
Pobiega16mo ago
wwwroot is a special name
júlio16mo ago
Ah yes
Pobiega16mo ago
its the "root asset folder" for a webprogram its where your static stuff goes, I'd wager but since this project doesnt have any... its empty
júlio16mo ago
Well, we dont reply Razor pages
Pobiega16mo ago
I have not done .NET framework development since 2016, so its a bit rusty
júlio16mo ago
It's fine, hey you know much more then me thats for sure So they told me here to do something They told me to set up a VM running windows (they want to use kubernets in windows) oh btw, i talked again with the boss and he told me (regarding IIS and Kubernetes) that IIS would not be managed by Kubernetes there would be the IIS and the kubernetes would run bellow it, i think he just forwards tragic to the services? idk would have to read more about it when the time comes Anyways, set up a VM running windwos and to run the Service as is, in it and then to try and idk delete certain parts and see what happens If I installed visual studio in the VM, that would be cheating right? I think the hole point is to have a machine without dependencies If I install vs then... I would have everything there? Actually Would I be able to put the service in a container since the code is kind of old? So many questions going trhu my head.... I need to step back a bit i think Thanks for the patience so far.
Pobiega16mo ago
This makes no sense. IIS would then effectively be a single point of entry, kind of like an API Gateway... but much slower than an actual API Gateway. and how would it "contact your kubernetes", the entire plan there was to run the gateway and the load balancers in the cluster so they can handle all that invisibly you CAN remove the gateway, but you will need a load balancer for each service INSIDE the cluster or you will not get any auto scaling running .net framework on windows in a container? I have never done this. I've never worked with windows containers at all.
júlio16mo ago
ISnt the ASP.NET Core cross platform? Should be fine I think
Pobiega16mo ago
the closest thing Ive done is run Docker for Windows in WSL mode (running on the windows subsystem for linux) Core is. Your old stuff is NOT using core. thats on good ol' windows only specific .NET Framework
júlio16mo ago
How can you tell? Just so I know how to show to the people above me So I would have to rewrite the whole thing? panic installs
Pobiega16mo ago
I can tell by looking at the structure of the project. You can tell by looking at the .csproj files
júlio16mo ago
This is bad, isn't it Arent we like on the 7.0 version
Pobiega16mo ago
It's.. actually not. It's not the latest, but it's a lot better than framework 4
júlio16mo ago
Wait, 3 is better then 4? Dont the numbers go up?
Pobiega16mo ago
framework is old. Look up .net version history It's framework 1 - 4, core 1 - 3, then .net 5 to 7
júlio16mo ago
Pobiega16mo ago
That's specifically framework you are watching Anyways, got a meeting, bbl
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
I see... good luck and thanks for the help so far :) So, a few questions regarding the target framework When you say this, is there something I can do? Would I have to rewrite the hole code, or would just making a .net core project and pasting existing code solve this issue?
Pobiega16mo ago
Well, it looks like it actually is using core, just an old version. You could try updating it to .net 6/7
júlio16mo ago
Yeah, I was looking thru the .csproj and some stuff says Core in them This is kind of confusing honestly Evrything is so similar
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.Buffering" Version="0.2.2" />
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From what I saw, only .NET Core 7.0 is cross-platform
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
So it is using Core just not the most updated version
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
Can it really be this easy? Well, a bunch of errors But It runs regardless?
Pobiega16mo ago
Unlikely. There will be breaking changes
júlio16mo ago
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error NU1201 Project helper is not compatible with netcoreapp3.0 (.NETCoreApp,Version=v3.0). Project helper supports: net7.0 (.NETCoreApp,Version=v7.0) UnitTestProject C:\develop\helperApi\web\UnitTestProject\UnitTestProject.csproj 1
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error NU1201 Project helper is not compatible with netcoreapp3.0 (.NETCoreApp,Version=v3.0). Project helper supports: net7.0 (.NETCoreApp,Version=v7.0) UnitTestProject C:\develop\helperApi\web\UnitTestProject\UnitTestProject.csproj 1
He didnt update the .csproj files hmmmm A lot of things he fails to find with the .NET 7.0
Pobiega16mo ago
You need to update all the projects, except maybe the libraries (if they are .net standard)
júlio16mo ago
Are all versions of .NET Core cross-platform?
Pobiega16mo ago
So first, lets clear up a confusion .NET Core is version 1, 2 and 3.
júlio16mo ago
Yes please 😅 I have many
Pobiega16mo ago
.NET 5 6 and 7 are NOT called "Core" they are just .NET 5 6 and 7 ASP.NET Core however decided to keep the "Core" suffix... so thats version 1 to 7 All versions of .NET Core (1-3) and .NET (5-7) are cross platform
júlio16mo ago
Okay, that makes more sense I mean, the explanation Not the names they used Xd
Pobiega16mo ago
Yeah, the names are insane.
júlio16mo ago
So speaking in terms of containerizing things Because that is a big factor here Would the version I choose, besides the framework ones, be a issue? Since they are all cross-platform
Pobiega16mo ago
Right. Yea you should be able to containerize these, both as .NET Core 3 and post-upgrade (if you do that)
júlio16mo ago
Okay okay, that is good, no need to diferentiate from windows containers or linux containers, correct?
Pobiega16mo ago
Pobiega16mo ago
I have never worked with windows containers. I do not know how they work.
júlio16mo ago
but I would need to use windwos cointaners?
Pobiega16mo ago
No. You would not.
júlio16mo ago
isnt the point of cross'platform to run on every platform? Ah
Pobiega16mo ago
Yes, but you dont need to run a program in a container you can run it outside a container on linux, mac or windows you can run it just fine inside a linux container, on a windows, mac or linux OS
júlio16mo ago
Well yes, but since the end goal is to have kubernetes orquestrate the applications, i have to containerize them
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júlio16mo ago
I ask alot of things
Pobiega16mo ago
Sure. But remember that kubernetes doesnt run windows.
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Pobiega16mo ago
So if you want to run this on k8s, you need to make sure it builds and runs fine on linux, and it likely will
júlio16mo ago
What? Kuberenetes runs on windwos
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Pobiega16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
Iºm not trying to doubt what you are saying is just that I read things online and them people tell me otherwise and them my boss tells me otherwise and I just keep going back and forth
Pobiega16mo ago
Dont host anything on windows, ever, if avoidable...
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Pobiega16mo ago
its bad enough that you need to run a "gateway" on IIS already
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júlio16mo ago
he told me that, regarding IIS, they have more experience with it and want to keep it, and regarding Windwos, people here are more used to work with Windwos, but if I make a good argument he told me heºd consider
Pobiega16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
But what are the big issues?
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júlio16mo ago
Because in Kubernetes website they say they can run on Windows, and that is what my boss sees k8s on windwos
Pobiega16mo ago
your boss is an idiot. Period.
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júlio16mo ago
Well I still had to do what he tells me, I just have to convince him to change by making good arguments i'd be the maintainer of the windows cluster, if I got it implemented
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Pobiega16mo ago
Okay, you will get way worse performance, way more node load, a MUCH harder time to find an ops team who can manage the cluster...
júlio16mo ago
I have not even learned how to use kuebernetes
Pobiega16mo ago
running your own cluster isnt trivial
KhaosVoid16mo ago
This exactly. Much lighter weight containers, lower cost, can spin up more at a time, speed, security...the list goes on
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júlio16mo ago
nope He told me to learn kubernetes
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Pobiega16mo ago
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Pobiega16mo ago
Im dying here
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júlio16mo ago
that is a great question
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júlio16mo ago
cloud I think
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Pobiega16mo ago
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Pobiega16mo ago
or just lambdas, since the entire reason behind wanting this in k8s is auto scaling
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Pobiega16mo ago
and to be frank here, @dryfish you seem to be quite new to this whole thing. Learning how to USE a k8s cluster is quite the undertaking... learning how to CREATE and MANAGE a cluster on your own is... a whole different story. This would be a big task for a senior devops engineer.
KhaosVoid16mo ago
and if your company has subscriptions for it, I would definitely recommend looking into some Pluralsight videos to learn how to use/manage clusters
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júlio16mo ago
Okay I went and talked with him I asking him about the cloud he is not using Azure nor Amazon nor Google He is using a cloud from our country network provider Now I have no cluie why that has anything to do with Kubernetes honestly reading all that I dont really know what to think anymore 😅 Im a junior developer I'm about to complete 3 months here, this is my first job So i'm learning things, everything is very new to me I dont believe in a impossible task However everywhere I look it makes it seem like this is impossible Xd This is all new to the boss too They didnt really give me a deadline Since it's a lot to do So maybe if I take things slowly I'll talking with him about using linux and not windows but could you please expand a bit more on what role the cloud provider has to do with Kuberenetes? I though Kubernetes is just something I ran on the computer, that managed containers
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Pobiega16mo ago
Kubernetes isnt a "program" as such.. its a group of computers (individually called nodes) connected in whats called a cluster. You talk to the master node and tell it that you want 3 instances of some container to be ran. The cluster then runs that on the nodes, according to your specifications. HUGE simplification here, obviously, but thats the gist the cluster takes care of restarting a pod (an instance of a container) that crashes, or if a node crashes etc there are then smart programs that interact with the cluster they are running in, like auto scaling load balancers they will run as a pod on a node, but automatically request more pods as needed if they are seeing high load Running your own cluster is hard, and since you have a local cloud provider, they likely offer "kubernetes as a service" already (my company runs on a similar solution) so we have a private cluster in a private cloud, and they have an entire team of ops/SREs who help manage it, and help us with stuff like k8s upgrades
júlio16mo ago
Me too. I meant that I'm working here for 2 months and this month will make it 3. I was referring to the amount of time spend in the company Altice So a Cluster os a group of computers, each called a node, and inside the cluster there is a master node? So, if the cloud provider does not support a Kubernetes cluster, I'm... basically fucked?
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júlio16mo ago
he is a dev and software arquitect
Pobiega16mo ago
yes. specifically, each node in a cluster is a computer that runs an "agent" program that makes it part of the cluster. you can ask a cluster what nodes are currently available etc
júlio16mo ago
and it would be 1 + the numebr of computers?
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júlio16mo ago
1 being the master node
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Pobiega16mo ago
well sure, but computers start and stop.. including the master node so you usually have multiple masters
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júlio16mo ago
I need to have a computer whos only job is to be the master node?
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Pobiega16mo ago
if you operate your own cluster, yes
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Pobiega16mo ago
but you really DONT want to operate your own cluster, if you can avoid it
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júlio16mo ago
So lets say the cloud provider supplied the cluster, I would just need to creat the machines inside, and tell which is which?
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Pobiega16mo ago
you dont worry about nodes/masters etc at all, you just worry about deployments and pods
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Pobiega16mo ago
you pay for X nodes, usually
júlio16mo ago
It would do the autoscaling for me?
Pobiega16mo ago
like "I want a cluster with 6 nodes of this size" you can configure autoscaling in multiple ways since this is a HTTP service you want to scale, a load balancer would be a good idea it can keep track of number of requests that are ongoing and how long they are taking etc
júlio16mo ago
So just so I can put things in prespective, lets say using kubernetes from scratch is 100% work, how much work would get off my shoulders if the cloud provided handled the cluster? because I'm not sure neither is my boss, that the cloud provider has kubernetes support
Pobiega16mo ago
assuming your service is already written, tested and works? somewhere around 5-10% maybe
júlio16mo ago
Pobiega16mo ago
as in, 90% of the work is gone you have 10% remaining
júlio16mo ago
OH okay
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júlio16mo ago
I was scared for a sec
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júlio16mo ago
Pobiega16mo ago
don't worry, its a beautiful thing shared between 2 consenting adults... kubernetes management, that is
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júlio16mo ago
Okay so I definitly need to communicate this with my bosss then I will try and see if I can get a link to it, the thing is its not a public thing iirc
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júlio16mo ago
https://www.altice-empresas.pt/solucoes/cloud-datacenter/cloud/servidores-privados It is btw this website is not english because this is my country provider
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júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
Well they say they have a hybrid azure thingy and they wrote Kubernetes in a list so maybe Kuberenetes
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júlio16mo ago
This day keeps getting better and better
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júlio16mo ago
I think we need to talk to them and see if they have something for Kuberentes this might be a sily question, but what should I ask for specifically?
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Pobiega16mo ago
managed kubernetes
júlio16mo ago
If I asked "can you manage a kubernetes cluster for us"
Pobiega16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
is this a silly thing to ask? oh ok
Pobiega16mo ago
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Pobiega16mo ago
thats a good first question. they either can or they cant.
júlio16mo ago
Is there some sort of documentation that backs up this cluster thing? Im scared they might ask questions I dont know the anwser to Is that good or bad? I feel so dumb rn
Pobiega16mo ago
They might ask how many nodes or what kind of load you expect
júlio16mo ago
WOuld I need N clusters, one for each Service?
Pobiega16mo ago
no 1 cluster
júlio16mo ago
Or N nodes, one for each service?
Pobiega16mo ago
not one for each service you might need way more depends on load
júlio16mo ago
How will I know how much I need
Pobiega16mo ago
if you only run one instance of each service, 2 nodes might be enough. you need to know the average and peak load of your services, more or less
júlio16mo ago
what is the units we are talking about here? I could ask for that inforamtion
Pobiega16mo ago
whatever makes sense. execution time per request, number of requests per second is there high CPU load, or IO load?
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júlio16mo ago
yeah, that will tell them I know my stuff XD
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júlio16mo ago
I see, lightly touching the subject
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júlio16mo ago
I didnt pick up aggression from the text honestly
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júlio16mo ago
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Pobiega16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
THre is another side to this so the company i work in is the second biggest customer they have
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júlio16mo ago
and we have a close relation with them apparently like we have direct access to the people in charge and whatever I'm afraid that if they dont support Kubernetes
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júlio16mo ago
my boss wont look for alternatives cause he might be too found of them idk
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júlio16mo ago
Yeah xD i did that too
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júlio16mo ago
so... more dollar?
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Pobiega16mo ago
yes, probably
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Pobiega16mo ago
azure stack is expensive
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júlio16mo ago
this whole conversation just feel like something outside of my area lmao
Pobiega16mo ago
this might all be getting way ahead of yourself tbh
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Pobiega16mo ago
make your services.
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júlio16mo ago
yep lol I still have to split the godammn things in the first place...
Pobiega16mo ago
since you are replacing a single IIS server running all 6 services, you likely dont need that many VMs tbh
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júlio16mo ago
yeah and if I solve every problem i'll be king of the world, but do I want that? My goal is to be a teacher, I'm not really a money person. I'll still learn the things tho, it's just not my mindset, to "grow and earn more", it's just to "grow"
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júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
@Pobiega and I were talking the other day, regarding IIS I asked my boss and his idea is the following He wants to use IIS and for that to be external to Kubernetes
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júlio16mo ago
now I dont even know how any of that even works but does that make sense?
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júlio16mo ago
I talked with him about using Kestrel but he has a lot of knowledge on IIS and they work with it for a long time thats basically it
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júlio16mo ago
well, it would be eventually
Pobiega16mo ago
they have a single webservice running on IIS right now
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Pobiega16mo ago
its slow. they want to make it faster and split it so it can be scaled individually
júlio16mo ago
Pobiega16mo ago
it currently handles ~6 "subservices"
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Pobiega16mo ago
its not chill
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Pobiega16mo ago
so, these 6 subservices are to be made standalone asp.net services thats where k8s came into the picture, to be able to scale this
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Pobiega16mo ago
exactly. BUT
júlio16mo ago
yeah, and to allow different kinds of deployment
Pobiega16mo ago
here came the boss and said "I dont trust this Kestrel stuff, I like IIS, I want to use IIS" "oh and also, I want a single point of entry to all the services" I had previously suggested using an API gateway inside k8s for this
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júlio16mo ago
well actually, the cloud provider would handle that
Pobiega16mo ago
how on earth?
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Pobiega16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
if I understood things correctly, the cloud provider actually sends the requests to the correct routes
Pobiega16mo ago
So they operate an API gateway
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júlio16mo ago
He told me not to worry about it, is what im trying to say\
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júlio16mo ago
there are more then 3 confusions here for sure, atleast on my side
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júlio16mo ago
The colud provider, assuming it would handle the cluster for us, would also take care of that, correct?
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júlio16mo ago
which I would have to configure?
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júlio16mo ago
HmmNoted it normal to feel like i'm completly lost?
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júlio16mo ago
Okay, just making sure
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júlio16mo ago
So that times 6
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júlio16mo ago
maybe after I figure out how to split the service into smaller ones, I can ask my boss for a team since that is a lot to maintain or atleast seems like a lot
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júlio16mo ago
well atleast its well documented i guess
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júlio16mo ago
the anoying thing is taht you need to understand wtf u're doing
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júlio16mo ago
right know most of the stuff mentioned here rings no bells, but i'm slowly kind of getting the overall concepts which is nice
Pobiega16mo ago
don't worry about k8s right now get your services up and running
júlio16mo ago
yes that is probablty the best advice
Pobiega16mo ago
once you have 6 individual working services, then you worry about deployment
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Pobiega16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
yeah I agree, do you recomend someone for this kind of situations? does kubernetes offers some sort of support line for this?
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júlio16mo ago
"to ask about kubernetes, you must know about kubernetes"
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júlio16mo ago
sad part is that I am
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júlio16mo ago
He legit just told me this "we will setup a VM for you to run kubernetes in, get it to manage a few containers, and them we will put that online" I was like "damn okay lets do this" now im like ".... :( "
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júlio16mo ago
im not planning on leaving, I jsut started :P Its my first job actually
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júlio16mo ago
No time limit so far
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júlio16mo ago
THe service is alreaddy running
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júlio16mo ago
I just have to split it into smaller services
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júlio16mo ago
the cloud provider hosts the service currently
Pobiega16mo ago
probably a VM
júlio16mo ago
yes a VM
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júlio16mo ago
Yes sir
Pobiega16mo ago
its an asp.net core 3.1 monolith
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júlio16mo ago
yep, im also a beginner at C# so this is a bit of a challenge too
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júlio16mo ago
I think I will make a call with the previous maintainer and ask him to help me run the service and show me how to interact
Pobiega16mo ago
Just... run the service? its a web service should be just run and make http requests to it
júlio16mo ago
Well most of the time i dont really knwo what im doing Can you help me with that? XD i sound ridiculous This is what I know how to do I know how to use Postman
Pobiega16mo ago
open visual studio, click run?
júlio16mo ago
to send requests Just like that? wont that like mess with the alreaddy running service? this question sounds so dumb
Pobiega16mo ago
no its running on your computer
júlio16mo ago
localhost right? ok ok I get it now i forgot about that
Pobiega16mo ago
localhost refers to your computer at all times, yes or well, its technically the loopback network interface... but its close enough 🙂
júlio16mo ago
Okay I actually was messing with the configs and now idk wtf I did but i broke the whole thing Ill make another clone and delete this one one sec i guess this is the embarassing weeks of the junior developer journey dont know shit, always screwing up network isnt really my speciallity tho im a c++, algorithms, low level guy im just learning about this whole web deal in more detail now funny thing is im actualy enjoying it its a fun challenge so far plus so far the community as been nothing but amayzing, you guys are the living proof i was honestly not expecting this much help and paciense from anyone really I have to thank you guys for that, alot
Pobiega16mo ago
eh, you've been given quite the "junior task" this is way bigger than what is reasonable
júlio16mo ago
originally I came here to program in Delphi
Pobiega16mo ago
dodged a bullet there
júlio16mo ago
it was also a language i never eard about frist 2 months were doing things in Delphi now they moved me to this project also new language for me, but way better documentation online Okay, I have a question
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
When I open the solution It alreaddy says IIS here when I create a new project, it says something like http or something Why does it say IIS here, what does it mean? does the solution come with the IIS? I didnt install anything besides visual studio
FusedQyou16mo ago
I believe IIS Express (not IIS!) is build in and is a way to host your application. I don't have much knowledge on it but it's very different to IIS You can check your launchsettings.json for the various profiles to use. If it's IIS, IIS Express, http, whatever, it will be defined there
júlio16mo ago
IIS Express apparently
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júlio16mo ago
So Iºm having a weird problem I run the thing
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júlio16mo ago
I click on the green arrow that say IIS Express
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júlio16mo ago
It starts running When I try to communnicate with it I get error 500
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júlio16mo ago
I think so I asked the previous maintainer what I was doing wrong He told me to debug lol so yeah not really sure what to do now is there something I could try? How do I even debug this thing 😩
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júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
So the link he gave me I asked him about what port was the service using, he didnt know, he sent me a link and the link works? idk But it gives me 500
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júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
The target framework of the project is .NET Core 3.0 I think Does that have anything to do with the problem?
júlio16mo ago
Stack Overflow
HTTP Error 500.31 - Failed to load ASP.NET Core runtime
I'm having issues deploying .NET Core applications to IIS on a Windows 10 machine. When I deploy to IIS and navigate to the site I recieve the message: "HTTP Error 500.31 - Failed to load ASP....
júlio16mo ago
What is a Hosting Bundle?
FusedQyou16mo ago
Why? You can set up IIS on your local pc. You just don't have valid certification. I used to have it so that my websites could be tested on an actual "valid" host
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FusedQyou16mo ago
SSL certification
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Florian Voß
Florian Voß16mo ago
change the value of <TargetFramework></TargetFramework> in your appsettings.json file to <TargetFramework>net7.0</TargetFramework>
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FusedQyou16mo ago
"dont need" and "you never want to put IIS on your computer" are two completely different things Then don't begin with it 😄
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FusedQyou16mo ago
Because I would love to actually understand why you're saying that
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júlio16mo ago
wont that break things?
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Pobiega16mo ago
It will, you tried it already
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
Oh yeah right Well I tried changing the project not in the file directly
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Florian Voß
Florian Voß16mo ago
just try it and see, you can always change back to the other version if anything breaks
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júlio16mo ago
lol, what it worked?
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júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
What is going on
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júlio16mo ago
All i did was refresh the browser
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Pobiega16mo ago
Run In debug configuration
Florian Voß
Florian Voß16mo ago
Pobiega16mo ago
Not release
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júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
Diferent kind of error now
Florian Voß
Florian Voß16mo ago
show us
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FusedQyou16mo ago
What does it say here?
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FusedQyou16mo ago
Because you probably have release there
júlio16mo ago
FusedQyou16mo ago
And not debug
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júlio16mo ago
one second
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júlio16mo ago
FusedQyou16mo ago
The problem is fixed when you select debug instead of release. No need to select anything other than IIS Express
júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
FusedQyou16mo ago
Do you have the .NET 7 SDK installed?
Florian Voß
Florian Voß16mo ago
he does
FusedQyou16mo ago
I keep forgetting 7 is released
júlio16mo ago
I do? Okay lol
FusedQyou16mo ago
Welp idk
júlio16mo ago
I have no clue man I installed visual studio
MODiX16mo ago
share your full csproj
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Florian Voß
Florian Voß16mo ago
we saw that on an earlier screenshot
FusedQyou16mo ago
I'm guessing it's not able to load a .NET 7 feature
Florian Voß
Florian Voß16mo ago
FusedQyou16mo ago
But idk
júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
FusedQyou16mo ago
You're kind of behind on versioning mate
júlio16mo ago
I didnt write any code myself, this is the current service code
Pobiega16mo ago
This is a core3.1 program
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júlio16mo ago
Just like that? I can just delete things?
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júlio16mo ago
As long as it works, i dont even care anymore
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júlio16mo ago
I see...
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Florian Voß
Florian Voß16mo ago
if you wanna update all of these to the latest version you can either use nuget update YourSolution.sln or Update-Package
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Florian Voß
Florian Voß16mo ago
just do this instead of looking for each package seperately
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FusedQyou16mo ago
I don't think that will get rid of all these obsolete packages
júlio16mo ago
I got code errors after applying the changes
Pobiega16mo ago
Ofc you did
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júlio16mo ago
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error CS1061 'IApplicationBuilder' does not contain a definition for 'UseResponseBuffering' and no accessible extension method 'UseResponseBuffering' accepting a first argument of type 'IApplicationBuilder' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) helper C:\develop\helperApi\web\helper\Startup.cs 113 Active
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error CS1061 'IApplicationBuilder' does not contain a definition for 'UseResponseBuffering' and no accessible extension method 'UseResponseBuffering' accepting a first argument of type 'IApplicationBuilder' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) helper C:\develop\helperApi\web\helper\Startup.cs 113 Active
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MODiX16mo ago
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Buffering is dead and never ever got released
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FusedQyou16mo ago
Looks like a reference to what TeBe mentioned
júlio16mo ago
I dont know, I didnt make the code
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FusedQyou16mo ago
What was its use? Before you remove something important lol
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júlio16mo ago
I wanna cry
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júlio16mo ago
So what now.... I can't run this?
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júlio16mo ago
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
if (env.IsDevelopment())

app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
if (env.IsDevelopment())

app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
It was used here In the Startup.cs file
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júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
How would I know how to answer that...
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júlio16mo ago
there are some hardcoded sus things to share, yes
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júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
God damn it
júlio16mo ago
I think i didnt leak anything
FusedQyou16mo ago
hardcoded connection string 🥹
júlio16mo ago
Imma go on a small break, ill be back in 15 minutes, all this stuff im making me hungry brb brb
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Pobiega16mo ago
I'm oh phone, summarize it for me plz 🙂
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Pobiega16mo ago
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Pobiega16mo ago
so, tiny summary about what this app is
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Pobiega16mo ago
its an asp.net page that "creates and uses APIs" for webpages that dont have them, that dryfish's team needs to interact with including stateful sessions their delphi app sends requests here, the app does some http calls and uses HAP to parse the html and extract the values it needs, then returns a json response to their delphi app
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Pobiega16mo ago
kinda, but on demand ie, it doesnt scrape, it just... uses a non-api webpage to do things its not just GET stuff
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Pobiega16mo ago
I've not seen any more code than you have, just talked with dryfish a lot lately :p
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Pobiega16mo ago
also, poor dude is a junior dev, brand new to C# and .NET and been handed this .NET Core 3.1 monolith and asked to split it up
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júlio16mo ago
oh no sorry you told me to hide sensitive information So i did a funny and used facebook there
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júlio16mo ago
my bad
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júlio16mo ago
ntp04.oal.ul.pt this is the original link
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júlio16mo ago
Hmmm Not really, just the declaration atleast that I see Program.cs doesnt use that either so idk
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júlio16mo ago
Oh wait the constructor sets the variable
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júlio16mo ago
I dont know :( I can do a word search in all files
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júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
get ready to depress
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júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
its 300 line of code
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júlio16mo ago
I think so
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júlio16mo ago
That would be something I should know how to answer Im going to say no wait
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júlio16mo ago
let me first explain to you what people explained to me that this did Delphi client sends a request to the service the services gets the html reply of some website, does some parsing and return in JSON format thats it in essence So id say no Razor buisness
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Pobiega16mo ago
remember, this is .netcore3.1
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júlio16mo ago
yeah we dont have Views here They called it BaseController
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júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
Hey man I also wish they did things right expesially since everything i find here is differente then the things i find online and everything is outdated
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júlio16mo ago
and also i dont understand most things that are here honestly after all this talk i have no clue how this is running
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júlio16mo ago
the biggest file i have to split is a 6k lines of code file its also the most important one its also the one I undestand zero about i just wanted it to run so that I could see how it works by interacting with it apparently cant even do that
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júlio16mo ago
I removed the oens you marked red and updated the ones with green this
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júlio16mo ago
O I'll try that
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júlio16mo ago
Its runnig
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júlio16mo ago
It did a bunch of things runnig just Update-Package
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júlio16mo ago
It's okay, not a problem!
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júlio16mo ago
that looks good
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júlio16mo ago
I though about that but
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júlio16mo ago
So I add file by file? Eventually reaching full code? on a fresh .net 7.0 project okay Wont that be bad? To replicate old code on a modern .net idk
Pobiega16mo ago
that wont really work, thats not how code works files refer to other files
júlio16mo ago
So what did TeBeConsulting mean?
Pobiega16mo ago
create a new .net 7 project and "translate" the code from your startup.cs into the new format, then try and get it running. It will need a few packages.
júlio16mo ago
Ohhhhhh okay, that seems better but i'm going to be honest, I'm going to need help for thtat
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júlio16mo ago
so I have a new project in it I have a Controllers folder you are saying to move the code that was on the previous project Controllers folder, into the new project Controllers folder, correct?
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júlio16mo ago
the jsonserive in the Services folder? (im just trying to understand where te thigns you mentioned are)
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júlio16mo ago
that sounds alien to me honestly bad thing about this is they did not make any documentation about the service and the original person that made it is gone so theres that
Pobiega16mo ago
time to get your hands dirty
júlio16mo ago
yep XD
Pobiega16mo ago
open up the file, and get going
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júlio16mo ago
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;

namespace helper.Services
public class JsonService

// private JsonSerializerSettings _jss = new JsonSerializerSettings {
// NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Include
// };

public JsonResult ToJson(object obj)
//return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj, _jss);
return new JsonResult(obj);


using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;

namespace helper.Services
public class JsonService

// private JsonSerializerSettings _jss = new JsonSerializerSettings {
// NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Include
// };

public JsonResult ToJson(object obj)
//return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj, _jss);
return new JsonResult(obj);


cloud provider
júlio16mo ago
Okay fresh start here we go
júlio16mo ago
I'm hyped :D feeling confident
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júlio16mo ago
of the JsonService.cs file, yes
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júlio16mo ago
xd is it bad?
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júlio16mo ago
Ctrl+Shitf+F time
Pobiega16mo ago
dear god this is cursed
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
Its used in a few places i guess
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júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
thats it pretty much Its used in some controllers I think that Some websites alreaddy reply in JSON format so maybe its for the ones that dont? or do? I dont know :( I'm asking the previous maintainer maybe he has something to say about it
Florian Voß
Florian Voß16mo ago
json is THE data interchange format of the internet if you will. Most API will give you json back. XML is still more widely used as of right now iirc but that will change soon
júlio16mo ago
yes, but some of the websites do not reply in JSON and we need to craft a JSON responce after parsing the HTML responce
Florian Voß
Florian Voß16mo ago
its for your own responses that your controller endpoint sends when it gets called probably
júlio16mo ago
but if that was the case, every controller should have a JsonService, no? only 2 have out of
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júlio16mo ago
Florian Voß
Florian Voß16mo ago
do those other 9 controllers return json too? cuz if not then why should the JsonService be used by them?
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júlio16mo ago
Pobiega16mo ago
no, because you dont need it to return json see what it does
júlio16mo ago
what is "it"?
Pobiega16mo ago
its literally just a return JsonResult(object)
júlio16mo ago
Pobiega16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
Pobiega16mo ago
that service is 100% pointless it looks like at some point it was only mostly pointless, from the commented out code
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júlio16mo ago
Wait, I dont specify a constructyor Is this a c# thing?
Pobiega16mo ago
C# has implicit parameterless constructors
júlio16mo ago
but hes passing it a object, whatever that means
Florian Voß
Florian Voß16mo ago
no constructor == invisbible default constructor
júlio16mo ago
Im talking about return new JsonResult(obj); Its constructing a JsonResult with a object but I dont define anny constructor that takes in a object
Florian Voß
Florian Voß16mo ago
JsonResult is not a type from you, its from .net / asp.net
júlio16mo ago
Ohhh Lol so yeah this is pointless tf ugh lmao the maintainer just replyed "It's useless" ahahaha sO whY is It sTilL herE
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júlio16mo ago
XD So the positive thing iiiis I can skip over this file! One less file to worry about The next one is MadExceptParses.cs but i think I need that one oh well actually its not used anywhere in the project just in the file where its declared omg imagine if I went thru the files and in the end only like 10 files actually did something, the rest 40 files where useless XD It's used in unittest project not in the helper one, so I wont need it for this Okay, this is great, the Services folder is done... Maybe I can start with the Controllers now?
Florian Voß
Florian Voß16mo ago
ehhhm I would suggest the order repositories > services > controllers because services depend on repositories and controllers depend on services
júlio16mo ago
the services folder is done tho it had 2 files, one was useless and the other was not behing used lol i smirked writting this
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júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
i dont think this is using a database
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júlio16mo ago
i... do?
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júlio16mo ago
entity framework core entity means database okay but I dont make any crud here
Florian Voß
Florian Voß16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
i just handle requests and parse
Florian Voß
Florian Voß16mo ago
entity means, an object that is defined by it's identifier (id)
júlio16mo ago
oh, usually entity means database stuff so i assumed
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Florian Voß
Florian Voß16mo ago
the word entities is commonly used in context of databases but the definition what an entity is is unrelated to databases
júlio16mo ago
I see So how can I see the database Im apparently using?
Florian Voß
Florian Voß16mo ago
anyway, i dont see any repositories in your solution explorer so i dont think a db is used in this project
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júlio16mo ago
yeah i dont think so either
Florian Voß
Florian Voß16mo ago
i assume the author just added EFCore dependency without needing it
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júlio16mo ago
where are you guys even seeing efcore?
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júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
Oh okayu
júlio16mo ago
Florian Voß
Florian Voß16mo ago
yes there is a reason to use repositories xd you seem to missunderstand the purpose of a repository. A repository abstracts CRUD operations against ANY data source. Whether that data source is an EF Core dbcontext or a file in the local file system is completely irrelevant
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
Ill ask around
Pobiega16mo ago
this is not the place or the time, but you are SO FUCKING wrong its not even funny
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júlio16mo ago
OKay I asked to the previous maintainer He told me the DB connection is for logging
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júlio16mo ago
He told me its loggs exceptions and to check BaseController
Florian Voß
Florian Voß16mo ago
@Pobiega do you plan to enlighten me or not? You just call me out for being SO FUCKING wrong and leave it like that? Any place or time
júlio16mo ago
sure, but hehe where is that?
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Pobiega16mo ago
this is a help thread. you are not helping. But yeah,as tebe said, DbSet<> is a repo
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Pobiega16mo ago
and the take "there are no repos, thus there must be no database" is one hell of a take
júlio16mo ago
using helper.Dao;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;

namespace helper.Models
public class HelperContext : DbContext
private DaoNif _daoNif;

public HelperContext(DbContextOptions<HelperContext> options)
: base(options)

_daoNif = new DaoNif(this);

public DbSet<Nifs> Nifs { get; set; }
public DbSet<Analitycs> Analitycs { get; set; }

public DaoNif DaoNif
get { return _daoNif; }


protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
using helper.Dao;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;

namespace helper.Models
public class HelperContext : DbContext
private DaoNif _daoNif;

public HelperContext(DbContextOptions<HelperContext> options)
: base(options)

_daoNif = new DaoNif(this);

public DbSet<Nifs> Nifs { get; set; }
public DbSet<Analitycs> Analitycs { get; set; }

public DaoNif DaoNif
get { return _daoNif; }


protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
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Pobiega16mo ago
See, this is why I said "this is not the time or the place"
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Pobiega16mo ago
the EF Core repo debate is so tiring
Florian Voß
Florian Voß16mo ago
right and thats the whole point behind Repository Pattern from my understanding... You create an interface that holds methods for CRUD operations. Then one implementation of your IRepository<T> where T : Entity might be using a dbcontext<T> as its data source. Another might be using local file system as its data source
Unknown User
Unknown User16mo ago
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Florian Voß
Florian Voß16mo ago
... you dont get my point
Pobiega16mo ago
why do you need an abstraction over your abstracted database?
Unknown User
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Pobiega16mo ago
its fine to use repo over a file system
Unknown User
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Pobiega16mo ago
its fine to use it over... whatever. but not EF Core its already a repo
Unknown User
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Pobiega16mo ago
But srsly, take it elsewhere
Unknown User
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Pobiega16mo ago
Stop it with the EF Repo shit
Unknown User
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Pobiega16mo ago
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Pobiega16mo ago
take it to #database and never bring it up again thank you
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júlio16mo ago
You're going to cringe beware
júlio16mo ago
using System;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;

namespace helper.Models
public class Analitycs
public long Id { get; set; }
public string Produto { get; set; }
public string Licid { get; set; }
public string Tipo { get; set; }
public string Versao { get; set; }
public string Versaoerp { get; set; }
public string Browser { get; set; }
public string Starttime { get; set; }
public string Username { get; set; }
public string Nempresa { get; set; }
public DateTime InsertDateTime { get; set; }
public string Location { get; set; }
public string Mensagem { get; set; }
public string Stack { get; set; }
public string Apikey { get; set; }
public string Ip { get; set; }


using System;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;

namespace helper.Models
public class Analitycs
public long Id { get; set; }
public string Produto { get; set; }
public string Licid { get; set; }
public string Tipo { get; set; }
public string Versao { get; set; }
public string Versaoerp { get; set; }
public string Browser { get; set; }
public string Starttime { get; set; }
public string Username { get; set; }
public string Nempresa { get; set; }
public DateTime InsertDateTime { get; set; }
public string Location { get; set; }
public string Mensagem { get; set; }
public string Stack { get; set; }
public string Apikey { get; set; }
public string Ip { get; set; }


Unknown User
Unknown User16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
oh I can split
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Unknown User16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
its 100 lines of code, its not that big 1 sec
using GestcontactParser;
using System;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;

namespace helper.Models
public class Nifs
public string Nif { get; set; }

public string Entidade { get; set; }
public string SituacaoActual { get; set; }
public string Morada { get; set; }
public string Localidade { get; set; }
public string CodigoPostal { get; set; }
public string Telefone { get; set; }
public string Telemovel { get; set; }
public string Fax { get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }
public string PaginaWeb { get; set; }
public string Distrito { get; set; }
public string Concelho { get; set; }
public string Freguesia { get; set; }
public DateTime InicioDeActividade { get; set; }
public Decimal CapitalSocial { get; set; }
public Int32? Empregados { get; set; }
public string Cae { get; set; }
public string AreaDeActividade { get; set; }
public string Categoria { get; set; }
public string Socio1 { get; set; }
public DateTime LastUpdate { get; set; }
public string Apresentacao { get; set; }
public string ProdutosServicos { get; set; }
public string Marcas { get; set; }
public string PalavrasChave { get; set; }
using GestcontactParser;
using System;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;

namespace helper.Models
public class Nifs
public string Nif { get; set; }

public string Entidade { get; set; }
public string SituacaoActual { get; set; }
public string Morada { get; set; }
public string Localidade { get; set; }
public string CodigoPostal { get; set; }
public string Telefone { get; set; }
public string Telemovel { get; set; }
public string Fax { get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }
public string PaginaWeb { get; set; }
public string Distrito { get; set; }
public string Concelho { get; set; }
public string Freguesia { get; set; }
public DateTime InicioDeActividade { get; set; }
public Decimal CapitalSocial { get; set; }
public Int32? Empregados { get; set; }
public string Cae { get; set; }
public string AreaDeActividade { get; set; }
public string Categoria { get; set; }
public string Socio1 { get; set; }
public DateTime LastUpdate { get; set; }
public string Apresentacao { get; set; }
public string ProdutosServicos { get; set; }
public string Marcas { get; set; }
public string PalavrasChave { get; set; }
public Nifs()
Nif = "";
Entidade = "";
SituacaoActual = "";
Morada = "";
Localidade = "";
CodigoPostal = "";
Telefone = "";
Telemovel = "";
Fax = "";
Email = "";
PaginaWeb = "";
Distrito = "";
Concelho = "";
Freguesia = "";
InicioDeActividade = DateTime.MinValue;
CapitalSocial = 0;
Empregados = 0;
Cae = "";
AreaDeActividade = "";
Categoria = "";
Socio1 = "";
LastUpdate = DateTime.MinValue;
Apresentacao = "";
ProdutosServicos = "";
Marcas = "";
PalavrasChave = "";
public Nifs()
Nif = "";
Entidade = "";
SituacaoActual = "";
Morada = "";
Localidade = "";
CodigoPostal = "";
Telefone = "";
Telemovel = "";
Fax = "";
Email = "";
PaginaWeb = "";
Distrito = "";
Concelho = "";
Freguesia = "";
InicioDeActividade = DateTime.MinValue;
CapitalSocial = 0;
Empregados = 0;
Cae = "";
AreaDeActividade = "";
Categoria = "";
Socio1 = "";
LastUpdate = DateTime.MinValue;
Apresentacao = "";
ProdutosServicos = "";
Marcas = "";
PalavrasChave = "";
public void Assign(Gestcontact info)
if (Nif != info.Nif)
Nif = info.Nif;

if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Entidade)) Entidade = info.Entidade;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.SituacaoActual)) SituacaoActual = info.SituacaoActual;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Morada)) Morada = info.Morada;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Localidade)) Localidade = info.Localidade;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.CodigoPostal)) CodigoPostal = info.CodigoPostal;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Telefone)) Telefone = info.Telefone;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Telemovel)) Telemovel = info.Telemovel;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Fax)) Fax = info.Fax;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Email)) Email = info.Email;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.PaginaWeb)) PaginaWeb = info.PaginaWeb;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Distrito)) Distrito = info.Distrito;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Concelho)) Distrito = info.Concelho;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Freguesia)) Freguesia = info.Freguesia;
if (info.DataInicioActividade != DateTime.MinValue) InicioDeActividade = info.DataInicioActividade;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Cae)) Cae = info.Cae;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.AreaDeActividade)) AreaDeActividade = info.AreaDeActividade;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Apresentacao)) Apresentacao = info.Apresentacao;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.ProdutosServicos)) ProdutosServicos = info.ProdutosServicos;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Marcas)) Marcas = info.Marcas;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.PalavrasChave)) PalavrasChave = info.PalavrasChave;
LastUpdate = DateTime.Now;
public void Assign(Gestcontact info)
if (Nif != info.Nif)
Nif = info.Nif;

if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Entidade)) Entidade = info.Entidade;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.SituacaoActual)) SituacaoActual = info.SituacaoActual;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Morada)) Morada = info.Morada;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Localidade)) Localidade = info.Localidade;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.CodigoPostal)) CodigoPostal = info.CodigoPostal;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Telefone)) Telefone = info.Telefone;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Telemovel)) Telemovel = info.Telemovel;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Fax)) Fax = info.Fax;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Email)) Email = info.Email;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.PaginaWeb)) PaginaWeb = info.PaginaWeb;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Distrito)) Distrito = info.Distrito;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Concelho)) Distrito = info.Concelho;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Freguesia)) Freguesia = info.Freguesia;
if (info.DataInicioActividade != DateTime.MinValue) InicioDeActividade = info.DataInicioActividade;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Cae)) Cae = info.Cae;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.AreaDeActividade)) AreaDeActividade = info.AreaDeActividade;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Apresentacao)) Apresentacao = info.Apresentacao;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.ProdutosServicos)) ProdutosServicos = info.ProdutosServicos;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Marcas)) Marcas = info.Marcas;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.PalavrasChave)) PalavrasChave = info.PalavrasChave;
LastUpdate = DateTime.Now;
Thats it
Pobiega16mo ago
@Florian Voß I apologize for the harsh tone, just really tired of the EF Core repo "debate". Sorry.
Florian Voß
Florian Voß16mo ago
@Pobiega no worries. Just hoping you're gonna explain it to me... Any place and time you wish
júlio16mo ago
guys, im going home now, (im at workplace) buuut ill turn on the computer and reply from there regardless, thanky uo for the time and patience so far I'm really glad that you guys are helping me understand all this
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Pobiega16mo ago
I believe TeBe just did. If that didnt satisfy you, a simple google search should put it better than I can. If that STILL doesnt satisfy you, go ask in #database why repo over EF is not only not needed but a bad idea.
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júlio16mo ago
good morning, I took your advice actually, I got home, turned computer, saw that and was like "he's right" did some exercise, watched a movie, and took a sleep, now im woke and ready to face c# again ikr, dont they get that by default? i see
Pobiega16mo ago
no, they will be null by default, not "empty string"
júlio16mo ago
Oh I see By the way the connection string isnt really a link its just a word
Pobiega16mo ago
Not being a link is expected, but literally just a single word?
júlio16mo ago
Pobiega16mo ago
or something like... Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=asd;User Id=sa;Password=asd
júlio16mo ago
2 things happen yes that happens if var cs = Configuration.GetConnectionString("magicword"); returns null
Pobiega16mo ago
magicword is just the connstr identifier for your configuration file
júlio16mo ago
Pobiega16mo ago
and you apparently have a fallback for it which is weird imho, you shouldnt be able to start a program with a faulty configuration
júlio16mo ago
var cs = Configuration.GetConnectionString("MagicWord");
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(cs)) cs = @"MagicWords";
services.AddDbContext<HelperContext>(options => options.UseSqlServer(cs));
var cs = Configuration.GetConnectionString("MagicWord");
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(cs)) cs = @"MagicWords";
services.AddDbContext<HelperContext>(options => options.UseSqlServer(cs));
This is the code flow
Pobiega16mo ago
then again, this seems to be hacked in, and its "only for logging" yeah.
júlio16mo ago
Logging exceptions apparently
Pobiega16mo ago
that second string is your actual connstr that is used when nothing was written in the config file
júlio16mo ago
but that string doesnt really have a link
Pobiega16mo ago
why would it have a link?
júlio16mo ago
its has a Server=BlaBlaBla\BlaBlaBla
Pobiega16mo ago
it has a hostname most likely yes the Data Source usually in a SqlServer connstr
júlio16mo ago
I dont have a Data Source
Pobiega16mo ago
thats the contact details of your actual sql server
júlio16mo ago
The tags I have are these
Pobiega16mo ago
ok, Server is similar if not the same, it seems
júlio16mo ago
Server=... Initial Catalog=... Persist Security Info=... User ID=... Password=...
Pobiega16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
I see
Pobiega16mo ago
so the value you have there, that is the protocol/hostname/port of your sql server protocol and port are optional
júlio16mo ago
yeah, no port is specified
Pobiega16mo ago
you said it was x\y?
júlio16mo ago
yes it feels like not sensitive information tbh but i have no clue
Pobiega16mo ago
x is your hostname, y is your instance name
júlio16mo ago
So to make a backup of the database (no clue how big it is btw), how could I access it? cant I just get the XML and make my own
Pobiega16mo ago
you'd use something like SSMS or datagrip
júlio16mo ago
are those built in VS?
Pobiega16mo ago
nope and nope they are database management tools SSMS is the official one for sql server, and its free
júlio16mo ago
oh lol turns out its in my computer alreaddy the ssms one login is alreaddy set...okay So I'm looking at the databases now out of curiosity, if i fuck around here, will I get fired or something? are these the live stuff?
Pobiega16mo ago
could be, no way for us to know but likely not
júlio16mo ago
or are these the local ones oh ok
Pobiega16mo ago
depends on the hostname like, how much do you know about computers in general? it seems you are... very new to most things.
júlio16mo ago
I know a lot about memory, algorithms, datastructures, and how the computer operates network wise I know how packets work but I never really learned a lot about network stuff database wise... I know CRUD operations, and how to create databases
Pobiega16mo ago
but stuff like what a hostname is?
júlio16mo ago
the computer name in the network?
Pobiega16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
That what i think it is Oh nice 😅
Pobiega16mo ago
so given that you have the hostname of the db server, you should hopefully be able to know some stuff about it like, is it local (localhost,, .), on your local network (local. or .local (usually)), or external
júlio16mo ago
Pobiega16mo ago
there are no strict rules for naming, but hopefully it isnt just a random string . means its your local machine so this is a local database running on your computer
júlio16mo ago
THat makes sense, because I regonize a bunch of databases here I interact with Delphi, and they were all local ones So if its local I can mess with it, no need to backup right? the thing is the magicword\magicword in the c# service didnt have a dot it wasnt like .\magicword but
Pobiega16mo ago
you probably dont want to edit your structure, but the data should be safe to mess with
júlio16mo ago
I think there is a easier way to address this I'll just ask someone XD 1 sec
Pobiega16mo ago
You have quite the task ahead of you, but to be honest you can't really expect us to hold your hand throughout the entire thing, that should be your senior dev, mentor or similar - not a bunch of strangers on the internet.
júlio16mo ago
Yes I agree
Pobiega16mo ago
Your task should however be fairly straight forward, if somewhat complicated by the fact that the current version doesn't run. I don't think its that much work to get it running, but your lack of basic C# and ASP.NET knowledge is blocking you. So imho, try and learn enough C# so you can read the code. This will involve writing C# and experimenting with your API. Then, you can either try and get the existing thing running, or slowly porting it by reading+rewriting/copying parts as you go.
júlio16mo ago
Yeah, its why I wanted to get the service running in the first place so that I could start experimenting with it to the thing keeps giving me 500 error
Pobiega16mo ago
do you know what 500 stands for?
júlio16mo ago
fast forward to now, im making a copy of a database? Xd stands for... error :p
Pobiega16mo ago
"internal server error"
júlio16mo ago
ohh So thats why
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Pobiega16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
btw the database I cant mess with it, its not local I need to make a copy if I want to mess with it
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Pobiega16mo ago
yeah so dont. change the conn str you have a local one set up so connect to that
júlio16mo ago
I do?
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Pobiega16mo ago
yes, you said so? when you started ssms
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júlio16mo ago
I understand that the thing is In my local databases I didnt found one with the name in the conenction string
Pobiega16mo ago
its just a log table iirc serilog creates it for you, if it doesnt exist so likely, its enough to make a blank db and change your connstr
júlio16mo ago
how do I do a blank db? ugh
Pobiega16mo ago
Come on
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júlio16mo ago
sorry I'll search online
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Pobiega16mo ago
ah right, the nif and stuff was in the context
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júlio16mo ago
I do have a Audits folder inside a Security folder No clue if thats related to anything tho
Pobiega16mo ago
not related
júlio16mo ago
:/ wait In the tutorial I followed they used a memory database thingy like the database stayed in memory
Pobiega16mo ago
You need to learn a bunch of stuff. Like how databases work, what EF Core is and its basics, etc
júlio16mo ago
cant I use something like that?
Pobiega16mo ago
in theory. change your context registration to use in memory db instead of sqlserver but like, porting a .netcore31 app to .net 7, without knowing C# or .NET at all, will be rough as you are seeing did you try getting it running as a .netcore31 app first?
júlio16mo ago
yes, error 500
Pobiega16mo ago
and you used a debugger to see why?
júlio16mo ago
Pobiega16mo ago
so do that
júlio16mo ago
where do I p[ut the break point? in the place with the connection string?
Pobiega16mo ago
"error 500" just means "something went wrong" program.cs, first line or just nowhere but run it in debug mode, and it should stop at first exception
júlio16mo ago
Pobiega16mo ago
you need to get a rough idea of WHAT is going wrong
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Pobiega16mo ago
sure, it booted enough to start the http pipeline at least
júlio16mo ago
no break there is a weird thing happening tho in previous services when I started the execution a tab poped up in my browser this one nothing pops up
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Pobiega16mo ago
because thats a recent addition
júlio16mo ago
I have to manually open a tab
Pobiega16mo ago
not a problem just do that.
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júlio16mo ago
I had that alreaddy I think
júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
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Pobiega16mo ago
When are we getting added to your company payroll btw?
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júlio16mo ago
Okay, im sorry, you dont have to help me
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júlio16mo ago
I see, thanks for explaining that Is it normal to have many exceptions in these kinds of programs?
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júlio16mo ago
nothing stoped it just run as normal I give up I'll read some more stuff and follow your previous tips Thanks for the help so far I really appreciated it
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júlio16mo ago
It's fine lol, maybe the problem is me
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júlio16mo ago
I just feel like its a lot of stuff and then I feel bad asking you guys stuff cause I understand its like you guys are being teachers I dont want to anoy anyone honeslty i just wanted this Service to run so that I could experiment with it Maybe I'll try and ask the previous maintainer if he can help me, he told me to debug, but debug we saw that doesnt stop anywhere maybe ill try the breakpoint thing
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júlio16mo ago
It's kind anoying to ask him for help tbh, he never really explains anything, plus never gives documetnation on anything, he usually just says "read the code"
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júlio16mo ago
the original creator left, the project was passed to this guy that I refer to as "the previous maintainer", and now they pass it to me. He still works on it, but after I split the service its me
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júlio16mo ago
problem was that nothing was documented, no one knows what documentation was used to make anything, there is stuff about the service the guy before me also donest know, etc
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júlio16mo ago
I basically "found out" it was a web service, originally I was making Backgourng Services thinking that I was making progress xd Noted I'll start with that
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júlio16mo ago
I prefer reading then videos, but ill take a look definitly! THank you for sharing
júlio16mo ago
Also, is this a good place to starthttps://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/ef/ ?
Entity Framework documentation
Learn to use Entity Framework Core, a modern object-database mapper for .NET that supports LINQ queries, change tracking, updates, and schema migrations. Browse tutorials, sample code, fundamentals, API reference and more.
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júlio16mo ago
Yes, but I thouhg a little and I also lack knowledge on EF
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júlio16mo ago
Oh okay Noted
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júlio16mo ago
So it follows the .NET version
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júlio16mo ago
I see xd
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júlio16mo ago
I'll read all that and watch the video and I'll return when I understand EFCore I promise Thank you for the patience so far I very much appreciate it, now it's time for me to put in the work
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júlio16mo ago
I wont be fopcusing much on code tbh I just want the theory
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júlio16mo ago
Out of curiosity, I see a lot of things that go in the []'s before declarations thoes that have a name I can look for?
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júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
That is all new to me, the annoptations consept, I'll catch up on that too
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júlio16mo ago
I see...
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júlio16mo ago
I see, its a way to mark functionalities to the otisde
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júlio16mo ago
Yeah that makes sense why its a bad idea XD
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júlio16mo ago
I'm honestly kind of hyped to learn all this, I was always intimidated by database stuff so I stuck to learning things that were more comfortable to me But now after talking with you and seeing that stuff is well documented I think I can learn alot
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júlio16mo ago
I see I wont touch the service for now until I understand EFCore So I did some reading and now I'm following the video you posted above I ran into a issue
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
I installed the NuGet packages regarding EntityFrameworkCore yet he is not recognizing the things The suggeested options tell me to install a EntityFramework package but EntityFramework is the old one, right? Am I missing some step?
Pobiega16mo ago
if you check the "quick actions" on either of those errors, does it suggest "Import missing types" or similar?
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
The thing is Install package 'EntityFramework' I dont think this is Entity Freamework Core I think it could be the old one, right?
Pobiega16mo ago
yeah, you dont wanna do that
júlio16mo ago
Maybe Im missing some using? the video deosnt show the usings part of the code hmmm
Pobiega16mo ago
VS should suggest the usings if they are available are you sure the nuget is installed in this project?
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
I installed the ones the video showed
Pobiega16mo ago
that should be enough yep
júlio16mo ago
I'm using .NET 7.0, could that be the problem? maybe there is no DbContext in .net 7.0?
Pobiega16mo ago
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
júlio16mo ago
I tried that but
Pobiega16mo ago
DbContext comes from there not from .NET itself it comes from that nuget, that namespace
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error CS0234 The type or namespace name 'EntityFrameworkCore' does not exist in the namespace 'Microsoft' (are you missing an assembly reference?) EntityFrameworkCoreMWE
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error CS0234 The type or namespace name 'EntityFrameworkCore' does not exist in the namespace 'Microsoft' (are you missing an assembly reference?) EntityFrameworkCoreMWE
EntityFrameworkCoreMWE is the name of my project
Pobiega16mo ago
it cant find the nuget for some reason if you run "dotnet restore" in a terminal in your project root, what does it say?
júlio16mo ago
Pobiega16mo ago
okay... thats weird.
júlio16mo ago
Pobiega16mo ago
only one project in the solution?
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
Maybe it's the project type? I created a
júlio16mo ago
Pobiega16mo ago
empty was a bit overkill, but not a problem in itself and if you expand the "dependencies" there and then "packages"
júlio16mo ago
Pobiega16mo ago
no EF core
júlio16mo ago
:O but I installed?
Pobiega16mo ago
open your csproj
júlio16mo ago
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web">


<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore" Version="7.0.4" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design" Version="7.0.4">
<IncludeAssets>runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive</IncludeAssets>
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer" Version="7.0.4" />

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web">


<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore" Version="7.0.4" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design" Version="7.0.4">
<IncludeAssets>runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive</IncludeAssets>
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer" Version="7.0.4" />

They are here
Pobiega16mo ago
hm ok, restart VS
júlio16mo ago
Pobiega16mo ago
it must have an invalid state
júlio16mo ago
Same issue after restarting
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
Why does nothing that I do work i swear to god
Pobiega16mo ago
wait a second thats showing "program.cs" show your program.cs
júlio16mo ago
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;

namespace EntityFrameworkCoreMWE
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
var app = builder.Build();

app.MapGet("/", () => "Hello World!");


public class DataBase : DbContext
protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
// The Connection Strings Reference: https://www.connectionstrings.com/sql-server/

// We tell EF about Messages, this means we now have, in the EntityFrameworkCoreMWE database,
// a table called Messages
public DbSet<Message> Messages { get; set; }


// this would go into the Model folder
// Message is a Entity
public class Message
public int Id { get; set; } // primary key: unique identifier for each row
public string? Title { get; set; }
public string? Body { get; set; }
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;

namespace EntityFrameworkCoreMWE
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
var app = builder.Build();

app.MapGet("/", () => "Hello World!");


public class DataBase : DbContext
protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
// The Connection Strings Reference: https://www.connectionstrings.com/sql-server/

// We tell EF about Messages, this means we now have, in the EntityFrameworkCoreMWE database,
// a table called Messages
public DbSet<Message> Messages { get; set; }


// this would go into the Model folder
// Message is a Entity
public class Message
public int Id { get; set; } // primary key: unique identifier for each row
public string? Title { get; set; }
public string? Body { get; set; }
I was following the video
Pobiega16mo ago
I'm thinking you are mixing top level statements... ah ok you are not mixing it but its unusual to mix things like this. and please use file scoped namespaces 😄
júlio16mo ago
So, make a file, open namespace EntityFrameworkMWE and type there? So the end goal would be more separated code?
Pobiega16mo ago
you should have a quick action on the namespace EntityFrameworkCoreMWE line that says "convert to file scoped namespace"
júlio16mo ago
Okay I did that
Pobiega16mo ago
good. Now check the quick action on DataBase you should have a "Move to Database.cs"
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
Yes Okay i will do that
Pobiega16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
OKay it created a new file and moved the things to that file
Pobiega16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
I did the same to Message
Pobiega16mo ago
normally you only have one type per file, but its not a hard requirement if two classes strongly belong together, I let them be in the same file
júlio16mo ago
I see The issues all come from the DataBase file now question If I manually create de Models folder and move Message.cs there Would that be good or bad?
Pobiega16mo ago
you'll need to update the namespace but thats fine
júlio16mo ago
Oh ok
Pobiega16mo ago
namespaces should reflect folder structure
júlio16mo ago
Oh I see
Pobiega16mo ago
Im really not sure what the error is here thou, you clearly have an EF reference but it doesnt work in VS for some reason try dotnet build in the terminal see what it says
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
a lot of red
Pobiega16mo ago
its still saying Program.cs
júlio16mo ago
Pobiega16mo ago
did you leave a using behind there?
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
I dont thing so oh
Pobiega16mo ago
look at the very top lol its right there :p
júlio16mo ago
Pobiega16mo ago
still, no idea why its not working
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
maybe c# dislikes me maybe I'll just see the video without making code and believe that it works XD
Pobiega16mo ago
no, you should fix your issues nugets are resolved as dll files does your output directory contain the EF Core dlls?
júlio16mo ago
i dont even fully understand EFCore, how am I suposed to fix something that I dont even understand why its breaking 💀 let me see
Pobiega16mo ago
its not breaking, its not even starting this isnt a code issue, its a tooling problem somewhere
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
Pobiega16mo ago
no, up one step then "bin"
júlio16mo ago
nothign there i searched in the binaries frist but i didnt find anything
Pobiega16mo ago
hm... comment out your dbcontext for now
júlio16mo ago
so i tried the obj one ok
Pobiega16mo ago
so that your project builds dotnet build verify that it actually builds
júlio16mo ago
Pobiega16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
Pobiega16mo ago
now go bin/debug/ etc and check the dlls
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
There is one
Pobiega16mo ago
thats yours
júlio16mo ago
Yes I think it has the project name
Pobiega16mo ago
Pobiega16mo ago
you are missing these. the EF dlls
júlio16mo ago
that's alot of files :/
Pobiega16mo ago
so we need to figure out why dotnet restore isnt working right you're sure all files are saved properly?
júlio16mo ago
I think so yes
Pobiega16mo ago
like, your csproj isnt actually empty on disk?
júlio16mo ago
let me check
Pobiega16mo ago
if you open it wiht say notepad, it has the package references?
júlio16mo ago
yes it is not empty and has the packages references
júlio16mo ago
Pobiega16mo ago
dotnet nuget list source run that.
júlio16mo ago
Pobiega16mo ago
ok, thats the expected result... wtf
júlio16mo ago
xd I can try making anew project
Pobiega16mo ago
try this dotnet nuget locals all -c then dotnet restore
júlio16mo ago
Pobiega16mo ago
okay, now your cache is clear so try a dotnet restore
júlio16mo ago
Pobiega16mo ago
ok, and dotnet build, then check your bin folder
júlio16mo ago
the code is still commented, correct? the database one
Pobiega16mo ago
should be ya
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
Still missing :/ very weird
Pobiega16mo ago
Pobiega16mo ago
try this
júlio16mo ago
ok ill trya nd see if it fix I noticed something
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
Is it normal to have the yellow thing?
Pobiega16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
I think its because they are unused
Pobiega16mo ago
no shouldn't be.
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
They appear selected when I click on "remove Unused References"
Pobiega16mo ago
Hm, thats a new window. Never seen taht before. But lets not remove them.
júlio16mo ago
Pobiega16mo ago
go to database.cs again and try manually typing using Microsoft and using the autocomplete, does it not suggest EntityFrameworkCore?
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
Pobiega16mo ago
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I have no idea.
júlio16mo ago
C#, the C is for Cursed I will try a new project Maybe I did something wrong when creating this one idk LOL fixed it @Pobiega I unnistalled the packets and re-installed them and now it works hehehe thank you for showing me how to approach this issues!
Pobiega16mo ago
That makes no sense.
júlio16mo ago
I noted down the process
Pobiega16mo ago
Did anything change in the csproj?
júlio16mo ago
nope its the same mystery So I wasnt able to get the database running xd I got error 40 and after some research I was kinda lost then I went and read alot about migrations and damn its a very clear thing, i liked knowing about them now Im back to the video and have a question
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
This is a screen shot of a part of the video the line await using var db = new Database(); ignoring the part about await using var cause i dont know about any of that yet, but what is he doing here? is db a Session? what I think its doing, is basically "connecting" us to the database? so basically, we can then mess with the Database object like if we were doing CRUD stuff, is that it?
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júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
I think he was just showing stuff around 30:00 actualy around 24:00 sorry i need to go to college now i have classes after work but ill be on discord there I also have a second question I didnt really understand from teh video
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
What would happen if the query gave no results? Would we get an exception? or nothing would happen?
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Pobiega16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
I see...
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Florian Voß
Florian Voß16mo ago
@TeBeConsulting I wonder how we could change the default value to something other than null? I guess we could use null coalescing operator:
people.FirstOrDefault(person => person.Name == "TeBeConsulting") ?? new Person("TeBeConsulting");
people.FirstOrDefault(person => person.Name == "TeBeConsulting") ?? new Person("TeBeConsulting");
anything nicer we can do?
Pobiega16mo ago
could do something like that, but its not a very common case, since this is fetching from a database.
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Pobiega16mo ago
so you'd want to add the new entity to your tracking
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Florian Voß
Florian Voß16mo ago
and the GetOrAdd() method would be using null coalescing operator?
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Florian Voß
Florian Voß16mo ago
cool, thank you
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Florian Voß
Florian Voß16mo ago
mhm okay
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Pobiega16mo ago
could even register the returned object with the dbset before returning it, if you wanted
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Pobiega16mo ago
yep, that would work
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Pobiega16mo ago
if you are really fancy, you'd ofc provide a non-async factory version too. overloads are nice 🙂
Florian Voß
Florian Voß16mo ago
couldnt this be refactored to:
public static T GetOrCreateAsync(this DbSet<T> dbSet, IQueryable<T> query, Func<Task<T>> factory)
var entity = await dbSet.FirstOrDefaultAsync(query);
return entity ??= await factory();
public static T GetOrCreateAsync(this DbSet<T> dbSet, IQueryable<T> query, Func<Task<T>> factory)
var entity = await dbSet.FirstOrDefaultAsync(query);
return entity ??= await factory();
Pobiega16mo ago
??= wouldn't work there but ?? would
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Florian Voß
Florian Voß16mo ago
oh, then
public static T GetOrCreateAsync(this DbSet<T> dbSet, IQueryable<T> query, Func<Task<T>> factory)
return await dbSet.FirstOrDefaultAsync(query) ?? await factory();
public static T GetOrCreateAsync(this DbSet<T> dbSet, IQueryable<T> query, Func<Task<T>> factory)
return await dbSet.FirstOrDefaultAsync(query) ?? await factory();
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Pobiega16mo ago
almost codegolf at that point :p
Florian Voß
Florian Voß16mo ago
why not tho?
Pobiega16mo ago
because thats an assigment ??is just "take right value if left is null" ??= is "assign right value if left is null, else do nothing"
Florian Voß
Florian Voß16mo ago
this should work right?
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Florian Voß
Florian Voß16mo ago
yeah I understand 🙂
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MODiX16mo ago
REPL Result: Success
var a = 5;
Console.WriteLine(a = 3);
var a = 5;
Console.WriteLine(a = 3);
Console Output
Compile: 539.566ms | Execution: 27.839ms | React with ❌ to remove this embed.
MODiX16mo ago
REPL Result: Failure
var a = 5;
if(a = 3) {Console.WriteLine(true);}
else {Console.WriteLine(false);}
var a = 5;
if(a = 3) {Console.WriteLine(true);}
else {Console.WriteLine(false);}
Exception: CompilationErrorException
- Cannot implicitly convert type 'int' to 'bool'
- Cannot implicitly convert type 'int' to 'bool'
Compile: 589.724ms | Execution: 0.000ms | React with ❌ to remove this embed.
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Florian Voß
Florian Voß16mo ago
public static async T GetOrCreateAsync<T>(this DbSet<T> dbSet, IQueryable<T> query, Func<Task<T>> factory)
return await dbSet.FirstOrDefault(query) is T t ? t : await factory();
public static async T GetOrCreateAsync<T>(this DbSet<T> dbSet, IQueryable<T> query, Func<Task<T>> factory)
return await dbSet.FirstOrDefault(query) is T t ? t : await factory();
how about this one xD goddamn I love c#, there are so many cool ways to write this but also kinda makes it hard to choose one
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Florian Voß
Florian Voß16mo ago
i just took what you had as the method's definition but yeah makes sense right, edited xd
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júlio16mo ago
A model is made up of entity classes and a context object that represents a session with the database. Isn't a Model just a class? I don't get the "context object that represents a session with the database" part Wait, do I have to have a Context for each Model? So for example
public class PersonContext : DbContext {...}
public class Person {...}

public class BookContext : DbContext {...}
public class Book{...}

public class CarContext : DbContext {...}
public class Car{...}
public class PersonContext : DbContext {...}
public class Person {...}

public class BookContext : DbContext {...}
public class Book{...}

public class CarContext : DbContext {...}
public class Car{...}
Pobiega16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
Or only if I have a database for each?
Pobiega16mo ago
you usually have one context for an entire project
júlio16mo ago
I see, yeah this is what I though
Pobiega16mo ago
it contains multiple DbSets
júlio16mo ago
DbSet meaning a table in the database right?
Pobiega16mo ago
something like that one dbset corresponds to one entity but that entity may potentially span more than one table usually thou, its fairly 1-to-1
júlio16mo ago
I see Makes sense, thanks
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Denis16mo ago
hot damn this thread has almost 2k comments
Pobiega16mo ago
don't bother reading it, its really not that interesting
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júlio16mo ago
But it would make sense if I wanted to connect to other database, for example I think Since form what I understand, a Context is relative to a database
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júlio16mo ago
Yes, I agree I gave tat example to make clear since in the documentation the gave a name to a context that was related to a Entity
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júlio16mo ago
Yeah okay o7 Also, I see code like this
using (var db = new BloggingContext())
var blog = new Blog { Url = "http://sample.com" };
using (var db = new BloggingContext())
var blog = new Blog { Url = "http://sample.com" };
In he video he also used using ... and assgned objects to it What is the meaning of using in this situations? Is it just to force destruction of a object? Does it mean the object wont be managed by garbage collector? Or just that that instance will be invalid after the scope ends?
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júlio16mo ago
Yeah I understand that part now
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júlio16mo ago
So I assume its good for the context to use using, correct?
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júlio16mo ago
because we want to have more control over when it will be disposed right?
Pobiega16mo ago
if you use it like this, yes. but normally you dont use it like this
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júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
Yeah, i though about "damn do I have to write this every time" xd
Pobiega16mo ago
especially in a web app, you will never ever see new BloggingContext() you inject it instead
júlio16mo ago
thats a new thing Ill have to learn aswell
Pobiega16mo ago
and that means the service provider takes care of object lifetimes, and in a web project that would be the request scope
júlio16mo ago
Okay, thanks for explaining, back to reading 📖
Denis16mo ago
The using statement is basically syntax sugar for closing connections, disposing of instances wrapped in the using statement. E.g., you wrap a File writer in a using statement. This ensures that the file is closed, once you are done writing to it. Without a using statement you'd have to write that yourself
Denis16mo ago
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FusedQyou16mo ago
To me syntactic sugar means an easier alternative to write certain behaviour, which ends up being lowered into the same thing. Considering using is lowered into a try-finally, I would call it the syntactic sugar of that, since it's an easier way to write it.
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FusedQyou16mo ago
That's whole different behaviour altogether which would not be related to the using block lel
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júlio16mo ago
Is it the equivalent of doing siomething like
var foo = SomeConnection();
var foo = SomeConnection();
Pobiega16mo ago
Denis16mo ago
This thread is still going Smadge
Pobiega16mo ago
what exactly would this hypothetically be equivalent to? the outer scope does nothing here, and the inner one simply limits the scope of foo, just like all scopes do.
júlio16mo ago
end of scope forces a stack unwind so it would dispose of the stuff inside oh wait c# doesnt put objects in the stack i keep forgetting
Pobiega16mo ago
it wouldnt dispose either way if an object goes out of scope, it will eventually be picked up by GC
júlio16mo ago
wait no, it would work cause no other ref was holding the obj
Pobiega16mo ago
but that is not the same as disposing IDisposable.Dispose() is a specific method
júlio16mo ago
Isnt Disposing what happens when the objects gets collected by the GC?
Pobiega16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
Pobiega16mo ago
not everything can be cleaned up nicely by the GC anyways unmanaged resources, like window handles, file handles etc for example thats why IDisposable exists, so you can handle that stuff yourself
júlio16mo ago
Yeah i know does implementing IDisposable mark the object as unmanaged? it should honestly
Pobiega16mo ago
it doesnt.
júlio16mo ago
cause if Dispose isnt called in destruction I have to make it call Dispose, right?
Pobiega16mo ago
not have to. but in most cases, should HttpClient is a good exception. you should not be using var client = new HttpClient(), ever
júlio16mo ago
what I mean is, if I dont explicitly call Dispose, or do the funny using thingy, will something call it for me? why not? ever?
Pobiega16mo ago
look here for how to implement IDisposable if you have native resources
júlio16mo ago
native resources are resources I make, right?
Pobiega16mo ago
no its unmanaged stuff like IntPtr in this case
júlio16mo ago
why are they called native resources? kinda weird name unmanaged resources would be more clear
Pobiega16mo ago
its native because it belongs to the OS managed resources are managed by the CLR but tbh, stop worrying about this lol this is so beyond what you are doing
júlio16mo ago
managed resources are managed by the GC tho CLR starts the GC
Pobiega16mo ago
the GC is part of the CLR why are you splitting hairs?
júlio16mo ago
GC was the topic i read the most about when I knew about c# a few days ago its very interesting the way it works
Pobiega16mo ago
Sure, but unrelated to your current problems and tasks.
júlio16mo ago
it helps me understand things if i have a clear definiton of what hings are I know but if I dont know how things work, do I really know the things?
Pobiega16mo ago
Sure. But do you need to know quantum physics to ride a bike?
júlio16mo ago
No :)
Pobiega16mo ago
You already have a huge task ahead of you, don't make it larger 😛 you can learn the details on GC and managed/unmanaged stuff later
júlio16mo ago
maybe its just my brain trying to detour from the main task cause im stuck again oh well back to reading
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
I only have one project here i think Why cant I add a migration? omg the goddamn backup file
Pobiega16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
todday is the day I try to get a migration working yesterday i tried but I got error 40
Pobiega16mo ago
I don't know what error 40 is. I know most http status codes by heart, but not everything else :p
júlio16mo ago
it was a error not in the browser but like in the command shell lwt me see if I can reproduce
Pobiega16mo ago
likely a SQL server error?
Error 40: Could Not Open a Connection to SQL Server
júlio16mo ago
It was when I tried to update the database
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
The command was dotnet ef database update So yeah, I was unable to follow the video from there
Pobiega16mo ago
seems pretty clear to me what the error is
júlio16mo ago
buuuut my connection string is good i think
Pobiega16mo ago
its not, or your server is offline
júlio16mo ago
I'm going to make a very noob beginner question Microsoft SQL Server Managment Studio
Pobiega16mo ago
SSMS, yep
júlio16mo ago
Is that my SQL server?
Pobiega16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
Its just a program that manages databases?
Pobiega16mo ago
its a program that connects to SQL server and lets you do stuff in it yes.
júlio16mo ago
So I have a local SQL server? lLike in my computer?
Pobiega16mo ago
probably? maybe? I dont know?
júlio16mo ago
Pobiega16mo ago
looks like it
júlio16mo ago
it has a IP in front that isnt
Pobiega16mo ago
wdym in front
júlio16mo ago
Pobiega16mo ago
thats not an IP thats the version
júlio16mo ago
Oh.... hehe
Pobiega16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
oh okay
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
This is mine So if it was local I should see a icon in bottom left corner right?
Pobiega16mo ago
no, it is local how do I know? because the hostname is .
júlio16mo ago
Pobiega16mo ago
nah, it likely runs as a service press ctrl+shift+esc go to services (the plugin icon) see if you find it in your services list
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
Any of these?
Pobiega16mo ago
I run mine in a docker container on WSL, so its slightly different well, those are related to it for sure
júlio16mo ago
those are the only ones I have that have the text SQL
Pobiega16mo ago
okay, well it doesnt really matter change your connstr to Server=.\SQLSERVER give that a spin.
júlio16mo ago
SAme output error 40\
Pobiega16mo ago
when you start SSMS, what do you put in the "server name" field?
Pobiega16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
Pobiega16mo ago
then that is what your connstr should have
júlio16mo ago
Ohh okay, noted
Pobiega16mo ago
wait, is that your entire connstr above? or did you remove the userid/password fields?
júlio16mo ago
do thaths it ohhhh omg I forgot about the password sorry Ill add that and see Goddamnit Same issue
júlio16mo ago
Pobiega16mo ago
hm, it cant even get to the login part your computer seems a bit cursed tbh first the weird dotnet nuget restore, now this
júlio16mo ago
true everyuthing i tried so far as failed with erros sucks to be me
Pobiega16mo ago
But SSMS can connect and manage the server just fine?
júlio16mo ago
I mean... yes Iºmn not understanding something Why is it that the original project (the service), doesnt have a DbCOntext he uses theconenction string in the Startup.cs file
Pobiega16mo ago
It did thou
júlio16mo ago
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
in this function not in a class that inherits from DbCOntext
Pobiega16mo ago
Thats how you usually do it
júlio16mo ago
So why are the tutorials using a class? ohhhh it used to be in the class HelperContext but its commented there #warning To protect potentially sensitive information in your connection string, you should move it out of source code. See http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=723263 for guidance on storing connection strings. So maybew it was originally in the class but it was changed to the Startup.cs file maybe for security reasons? I mean the string is still there so idk how that would improve security but ok
---> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (67): The network name cannot be found.
---> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (67): The network name cannot be found.
So this line appears in that big output from the console maybe its a clue?
Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections.
Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections.
How can I verify that the SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections? I mean its local tho i dont know :(
Pobiega16mo ago
SSMS working is the key bit You need to figure out why
júlio16mo ago
Is there a way to "ping" the sqlserver? just to see if its alive I want to see if I can reach my local server before assuming the problem is in the connection string I mean, sure if the SSMS can connect, it should be alive Login works fine and it shows the dates and whatever but like outside of SSMS
Pobiega16mo ago
You don't ping a server, you ping a host. The equivalent is connecting to it
júlio16mo ago
so I would run the command "ping <hostname>"? in this case
Pobiega16mo ago
But the hostname is . Aka localhost
júlio16mo ago
Pobiega16mo ago
That's not your hostname Hostnames don't contain slashes
júlio16mo ago
I see Okay i used my hostname and it replied so that is good i think
Pobiega16mo ago
.... Did you ping localhost?
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
that is my computers hostname I dont get why my connection string is <hostname/SQLSERVER> and not just <hostname>
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júlio16mo ago
well yes but
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
I have N databases SQLSERVER is a database of databases?
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júlio16mo ago
in this case, my local mahcine
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júlio16mo ago
So if I can ping my hostname and i get a reply, it means the server is alive
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júlio16mo ago
in the server (my machine), I have 1 or more SQLSERVER instances, and each instance can have 1 or more databases, is that it?
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júlio16mo ago
I see....
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júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
This is the problem im having since yesterday I try to run the command dotnet ef database update I made the migration successfully but it cant connect to the database my conenction string looks like this Server=JULIOPACHECO/SQLSERVER;Database=EntityFrameworkCoreMWE;User Id=sXXXX;Password=XXXX; oh wait the password is incorrect wtf 1 sec
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júlio16mo ago
no the password is corerct.... I tried giving the connection string in the command
dotnet ef database update --connection "......"
dotnet ef database update --connection "......"
Still failed
Pobiega16mo ago
and you have tried Server=.\SQLSERVER;Database=EntityFrameworkCoreMWE;User Id=sXXXX;Password=XXXX;?
júlio16mo ago
username and password are correct Yes still faild
Pobiega16mo ago
with the . and the backslash?
júlio16mo ago
omg wait it faild but difernt error
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
omg my hopes are back up i was starting to question my existence
Pobiega16mo ago
have you been using a forward slash the entire time?
júlio16mo ago
yes :(
Pobiega16mo ago
NGL, getting a bit tired of you not paying attention to details I suggested .\SQLSERVER from the very start and you said several times you tried it and it didnt work
júlio16mo ago
sorry... So SSL is a cerificate
Pobiega16mo ago
SSL is .. a lot more than that but it uses certificates
júlio16mo ago
so SQL uses a SLL certificate and the certificate is not trustetd? i asked GPT is tehre a way to check the certificates?
Pobiega16mo ago
TrustServerCertificate=true; in your connection string since this is for a local machine, this is fine its not fine for a remote connection
júlio16mo ago
OMG it worked
Pobiega16mo ago
Also, please stop using GPT as a google replacement its not a google replacement it doesnt know facts
júlio16mo ago
I didnt! I was just for the errors i was getting :( I dislike GPT
Pobiega16mo ago
it predicts text sequences
júlio16mo ago
I know :( But desperate times make desperate measures
Pobiega16mo ago
Pobiega16mo ago
that top link contained the answer
júlio16mo ago
O yeah GPT wasnt very helpful here
Pobiega16mo ago
So why are you defaulting to it over google?
júlio16mo ago
Pobiega16mo ago
or bing, or DDG
júlio16mo ago
I DiNt I literally just used it for this now i didnt touch gpt for the past days i talked here
Pobiega16mo ago
okay, your connstr is finally fixed, so now you can get started with EF
júlio16mo ago
yes, finally... thank you for the patience sorry i annoyed you i didnt mean to mess up
Pobiega16mo ago
beacuse you don't normally have a fallback connstr hardcoded in your application, as I mentioned before. You read from the config, if it isnt there, you crash (intentionally). because that means your app is not configured correctly
júlio16mo ago
this would be the appsettings.json?
Pobiega16mo ago
sort of. not really, is the real answer
júlio16mo ago
Pobiega16mo ago
because that file is usually checked in to source control and you dont want your secrets in source control you'd use user secrets or similar locally, and when deployed you'd use environment variables or a keyvault or something
júlio16mo ago
Noted One question Lets say that I have 3 classes in my program and I only put one of them in a forthe class (the context class)
Pobiega16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
So in it I would only have one DbSet<A>
Pobiega16mo ago
Pobiega16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
When I made a migration, would It only create one table in the database for class A? fourth*
Pobiega16mo ago
"put them in", you mean by making a DbSet property for it?
júlio16mo ago
My question is, will the migration only make the tables for the stuff I register in the Context?
Pobiega16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
yes ahh okay that is nice
Pobiega16mo ago
however, if you make a DbSet<A> and A has a list of B in it then it will create tables for both since B is required for A to make sense
júlio16mo ago
this would be a 1-N relation?
Pobiega16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
I see So We use lists for that
Pobiega16mo ago
or many to many, if B also has a list of A
júlio16mo ago
okay Some kinds of relations require a third table to be created tho would It do that? Or would I have to help it?
Pobiega16mo ago
yes no
júlio16mo ago
okay okay
Pobiega16mo ago
EF will figure it out on its own, most of the time but we can help it or guide it to do things the way we want thats done in the OnModelCreate override
júlio16mo ago
I see, thats a bit more advanced tho, ill get to that eventually, just curious :) Ill go back to the video and the documentation im happy now finally got something to work after 4 days
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
Left side is my project, right side is the original project I'm slowly adding file by file I installed the NewtonJSON package but the IDE is not recognizing it I have the same usings The only thing that is differente is the .NET version the original project (right) is using .NET Core 3 and my project (left) is using .NET 7 Any thing I can try? The quick actions dont solve anything
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
I also have a similar issue with logging.AddFile in the Program.cs file Maybe the .NET version is the issue?
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
not sure is ASP.NET Core 7.0 is just a fancy way of saying .NET 7.0 but idk
Pobiega16mo ago
ASP.NET Core 7 is the latest version of ASP .NET is the CLR , asp.net core is the web framework I would recommend you try not using NewtonsoftJson in the new one .NET has a new JSON library called System.Text.Json since a few versions ago, and its much faster and modern. It doesnt have all the features of newtonsoft just yet, but it does handle most everyday usecases.
júlio16mo ago
Well the things is, I dont really know enought to replace existing code using Newton with that well actually its only used there in that situation in the public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
Pobiega16mo ago
well, it does a lot more than that.
júlio16mo ago
maybe I can try using that neew one
Pobiega16mo ago
that AddNewtonsoftJson(); thing registers newtonsoft as the default serializer but tbh, you likely wont notice a differnce, since there are no newtonsoft specific configurations being applied there and without those, they behave more or less the same you'll just need to look out for [JsonProperty] (newtonsoft) vs [JsonPropertyName] (STJ) and the likes
júlio16mo ago
the project doesnt use [JsonProperty] anywhere So I think its fine?
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
Is this one the equivalent?
Pobiega16mo ago
even if it did, you'd just need to add a Property and you'd be done.
júlio16mo ago
I installed the System.Text.Json
Pobiega16mo ago
yes, but if you dont specify any options its there by default you dont need to STJ is part of the .net base library
júlio16mo ago
O So its the default? okay I see So i just delete the Newton and delete the line cause the error okay
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
So I remember we talked about this some time ago But I didn't really understand anything
Pobiega16mo ago
dont use it just skip that line entirely.
júlio16mo ago
just straight up delete okay
Pobiega16mo ago
its most likely an attempt at optimizing the api
júlio16mo ago
"Enables full buffering of response bodies. "
Pobiega16mo ago
but just from going to .NET 7 you will likely increase the request/second rate by a singnificant rate and from using STJ instead of newtonsoft too
júlio16mo ago
Okay, out of curiosity, what is the default behaviour?
Pobiega16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
Or, same question but from another angle, what does it mean to "full buffering of response bodies"
Pobiega16mo ago
I have no idea.
Pobiega16mo ago
it was an experimental package that never left prerelease
júlio16mo ago
Oh Maybe that's why in .net 7.0 i cant find it in ide maybe it doesnt exist anymore
Pobiega16mo ago
it only ever existed for a very short time I had never heard of it before you and tebe brought it up
júlio16mo ago
Xd same Xd btw what do you think about my plan my plan is to make a migration since I have no clue about the tables but I do have the objects Im going to try and make a migration and then make EF make the database locally so that I can mess with the service and have a working database is this a good idea?
Pobiega16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
FINALLY I say something that makes sense I'm learning :D I'm down to one last error
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
This happens herer in Program.cs
public static IWebHost BuildWebHost(string[] args) =>
.ConfigureLogging((hostingContext, logging) =>

public static IWebHost BuildWebHost(string[] args) =>
.ConfigureLogging((hostingContext, logging) =>

júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
Is this also something that deosnt exist anymore? Also, how can I tell if something no longer exists? BEcasue i might encounter this issue again eventually since the code is really old
Pobiega16mo ago
Pobiega16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
I see Ill save that link for future
Pobiega16mo ago
anytime you see a package, check it up on nuget.org if its an official microsoft package, and its version isnt 7.xxxx then you should take an extra look when a new .net version comes out, all core packages are released with the same major version
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
This one is still alive But I get error? This is regarding the .AddFile
Pobiega16mo ago
that is definitely still alive
júlio16mo ago
Pobiega16mo ago
you are using it the wrong way the API has likely changed since .netcore31
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
So they removed file support
Pobiega16mo ago
looks like the file based methods were either removed or moved to another package to google we go! "LoggingBuilder add file"
júlio16mo ago
How do I know what to search for? I ask this because this is being done in a specifi place in a configuration how do I know that something "will fit"?
Pobiega16mo ago
check the type of logging
júlio16mo ago
Pobiega16mo ago
no wrong yes correct start with "C# <type name> <your thing>"
júlio16mo ago
Serilog.Extensions.Logging.File or FileLoggerProvider in Orleans.TestingHost.Logging
Pobiega16mo ago
Serilog absolutely can write to a file, but that is a different logging framework. from what I've found, it looks like M.E.Logging has entirely dropped file support
júlio16mo ago
Pobiega16mo ago
However, serilog is... amazing
júlio16mo ago
cant I just log to console
Pobiega16mo ago
so you could just use that sure you can or you add serilog in "adaptor" mode where it wraps M.E.L and takes over logging but your applicationcode still use M.E.Logging, but you can log to console, file etc
júlio16mo ago
Logging is a pretty new concept to me yet if I do
Pobiega16mo ago
Add it to your list of stuff to investigate 🙂
júlio16mo ago
logging.AddCOnsole(); will it log to console? Will do!
Pobiega16mo ago
Serilog is considered "best practice" and industry standard tbh yup
júlio16mo ago
So it means that, when I start my application, it will open up a console and start dumping things threr, right? even if my project is not a console application?
Pobiega16mo ago
kinda. it would open the console anyways. no it only works on console apps. But luckily for you, web apps are console apps.
júlio16mo ago
They are? oh
Pobiega16mo ago
ofc they are.
júlio16mo ago
i though they were browser pages or smthng since I access then with a link
Pobiega16mo ago
jfc my guy you lack some serious basic computer knowledge >_> a backend web app listens to web requests and responds it isnt a browser, or a page its the thing that answers the requests
júlio16mo ago
Ohh i see
Pobiega16mo ago
its still a program, so it needs to run somewhere
júlio16mo ago
So its output is stdout I mean
Pobiega16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
the console
Pobiega16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
ok ok
Pobiega16mo ago
but inside the app is a HTTP listener where it accepts http requests, and returns http responses
júlio16mo ago
i see well myu boss just came near and told me i cant use discord smh imma die im going to read documentation and write down my questions :( when I get home I will aks things sorry i have to leave apparently goddamn it :(
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Pobiega16mo ago
"Since no one at the company is helping me with anything at all, I got these french and swedish dudes teaching me everything from C#, networking, databases, asp.net, ef core, how computers work, how to troubleshoot and much more."
Denis16mo ago
@dryfish please try and find a new employer
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FusedQyou16mo ago
Discord is pretty commonly disabled due to causing procrastination Blame other servers that are not helpful 🤷
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Pobiega16mo ago
ideally the goal is to make sure everyone has what they need to move forward with their tasks, ie not be blocked by something, and other people pitch in to say "I can help with that". usually its just used to say what you did/are doing so the PM feels that they are involved 😦
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júlio16mo ago
Hey guys I'm using discord on phone I'm on a food break They can't control what I do on my breaks So I managed to do a bunch of things actually I'm having a few problems tho When I navigate in browser to a route I get an exception and the breakpoint doesn't stop in the controller I suspect it's cause I'm not registration the Json service properly in the program.cs Anyways, in my lunch break I'll dump here some questions I have maybe someone can help I have to go now they are coming Brb
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júlio16mo ago
Okay guys Imma dump some question I noted down, ill read them when I get home
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júlio16mo ago
1- Why are methods in Controllers not marked as async? Are they implicitly asnychronous? 2- What are the methods in the Controllers supposed to return? and what is a Task<IResult>? 3- Is it enough to jsut change the return type to a JsonResult if I want them to return JSON? It works if I do that, but I dont get what kind of magic is happening 4- Why is the connection string behing used in the ConfigureServices in the Startup.cs file? What do Services have to do with connecting to the database? 5- also, why do they call Services to the helper classes? Its just a class that does soemthing? 6- what should I return if I get a invalid input, of a method in the COntroller that returns a JSON? is there some standard I can fallback to or just return null? 7- What are the future implications of not having a Model that deosnt directly represent the database? For example, I found out the model has more fields then the database we are using, and when We convert to JSON the extra fields get the value null. I mentioned this and they told me maybe the database changed?No one really knows wtf is going on so Yeah, I wrote down some thing I think might be bad in the future but idk appreciate someone who knwos better to explain this Also I solved the issue I was having and managed to get the thing running However I did some things that I think could be done better,. For the Service problem, the registartion was giving me the execption. I was using the MS type JsonResult like tihs: //builder.Services.AddSingleton<JsonResult>(); I solved by doing this:
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;

namespace helper.Services
public class JsonService
public JsonService() { }
public JsonResult ToJson(object obj) {
return new JsonResult(obj);
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;

namespace helper.Services
public class JsonService
public JsonService() { }
public JsonResult ToJson(object obj) {
return new JsonResult(obj);
And in the Program.cs I did this:
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júlio16mo ago
I saw a video in the .net yt channel that shwoed something similar and I tried it and worked but this is wwhat the previous guys did in the code and the viode is 3 years old So is tehre a better approach for this so taht I dont have to use the useless type JsonService>? Okay guys I gotta run now before I get caught Illr ead everythigng wehn I get home I rpomise gotta run
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FusedQyou16mo ago
1. Nothing is async unless specified with the async key. Controller methods are synchronous by default but you can make them async by adding the async keyword and returning Task. .NET will then invoke it asynchronously. 2. This really depends on use case. Mostly you can return IActionResult, but you can also return ActionResult<T> where T is the type you return. This is useful for programs like Swagger to understand what an endpoint returns. When returning an (I)ActionResult, you need to specify the status code. NoContent() returns a 201, and Ok(T) returns a 200 with a returned object for example. There are a lot. You can also just return any Type, which means that you have no control over specific status codes, and you're not required to pass Ok(T) or something. 3. Yes, I believe if you make it an (I)ActionResult you can return Json(T) and your endpoint will also indicate JSON is returned. 4. I didn't read the convo, but you inject a database context into the list of services the application can use. This is called dependency injection. The idea is that you specify your settings once, for this collection, and anything supporting dependency injection can then request a transient, scoped or singleton instance of a dependency, which is then used there. In this case, a scoped database context is used for each request to communicate with the database. I strongly recommend you learn about dependency injection. 6. Same as point 2 and 3 I guess. You can return json(T) for a valid result. Otherwise you can return badRequest(), assuming the user did something wrong and assuming you're returning an (I)ActionResult. By default, your API will return an InernalServerError if something goes wrong, and you did not handle it.
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júlio16mo ago
Heyo guys I'm back Imma go thru each anwser, thanks for the replies btw fcken have to do this on the weekends cause no other change to use discord while im there during the week xd well, atleast i'm enjoying learning all this honestly, so it's fine :) yeas, both I think So, currently I have this:
public JsonResult Get(string nif)
{ //...
public JsonResult Get(string nif)
{ //...
So you're saying that, If I don't specify the async, it's not async?
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júlio16mo ago
(This code is inside the Controller)
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júlio16mo ago
Yes Input Output
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júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
yes all that is a form of I/O
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júlio16mo ago
reading from console too but thats a stream
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júlio16mo ago
you areladdy menitoned stream
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júlio16mo ago
oh really? interesting
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júlio16mo ago
Some streams could be just for I and others for O, is that what you mean?
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júlio16mo ago
okay i will
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júlio16mo ago
This is also some thing that after I read async for C# i didnt really understand, so I get that its a language level asynchornization thingy, but what does that actually mean? does it start a thread if I do something async? and what if I use the thing I asynced before, does it wait there until that imaginary thread finish?
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MODiX16mo ago
TLDR on async/await: * every .net API that is suffixed with Async (eg: .Read() and .ReadAsync()) => use the Async version * if the API name ends with Async => await it * if the API returns a Task => await it * if you have to await in a method: * that method must have the async keyword (you could even suffix your function name with Async, up to you) * if it was returning T (eg:string) => it should now return Task<T> (eg: Task<string>) * APIs to ban and associated fix:
var r = t.Result; /* ===> */ var r = await t;
t.Wait(); /* ===> */ await t;
var r = t.GetAwaiter().GetResult(); /* ===> */ var r = await t;
Task.WaitAll(t1, t2); /* ===> */ await Task.WhenAll(t1, t2);
var r = t.Result; /* ===> */ var r = await t;
t.Wait(); /* ===> */ await t;
var r = t.GetAwaiter().GetResult(); /* ===> */ var r = await t;
Task.WaitAll(t1, t2); /* ===> */ await Task.WhenAll(t1, t2);
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júlio16mo ago
Well, but why? I get that the goal is to not get stuck on I/O, but what is actually happening when I use a async thing? Does the main thread start a new thread and pass that new thread the context (not talking about BD context here) and the new thread now deals with the request, freeing up the main thread to listen to other requests?
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júlio16mo ago
So I should only mark functions as Async when I do I/O in them, else its overkill or bad use of resources?
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MODiX16mo ago
TLDR on async/await: * every .net API that is suffixed with Async (eg: .Read() and .ReadAsync()) => use the Async version * if the API name ends with Async => await it * if the API returns a Task => await it * if you have to await in a method: * that method must have the async keyword (you could even suffix your function name with Async, up to you) * if it was returning T (eg:string) => it should now return Task<T> (eg: Task<string>) * APIs to ban and associated fix:
var r = t.Result; /* ===> */ var r = await t;
t.Wait(); /* ===> */ await t;
var r = t.GetAwaiter().GetResult(); /* ===> */ var r = await t;
Task.WaitAll(t1, t2); /* ===> */ await Task.WhenAll(t1, t2);
var r = t.Result; /* ===> */ var r = await t;
t.Wait(); /* ===> */ await t;
var r = t.GetAwaiter().GetResult(); /* ===> */ var r = await t;
Task.WaitAll(t1, t2); /* ===> */ await Task.WhenAll(t1, t2);
júlio16mo ago
That doesn't explain my question I think I was asking about how I should decide to mark the function as async
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júlio16mo ago
From what you explain, I think that I mark a function as async if I do I/O inside it, is this correct? Hmmm The thing is Im looking at the existing code now The function is not assync but in it they query the database and no Async used
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júlio16mo ago
Yeah this is what they are doing, a .FirstOrDefault, but no await used
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MODiX16mo ago
let's take SaveChanges/Async
React with ❌ to remove this embed.
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júlio16mo ago
Out of curiosity, if Async is the one that should be used, why do they support the non-Async version? A better question is, in what situations would I want to use the non-Async version?
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júlio16mo ago
Yeah, I was actually wondering in schenarios with alot of trafic, if I really wanted to use async, or would waiting for I/O be prefered
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júlio16mo ago
I see So what I registered from this topic: If I do I/O on a function, I mark it as asyn and return a Task<Return Type> and I use await for stuff that end with Async
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júlio16mo ago
Noted Iºm trying out the things we talked bout
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
oh wait i think its in the wrong place
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júlio16mo ago
nvm yeap my bad
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
Yeah so I keep getting these kind of stuff
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júlio16mo ago
"X" is not null here
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júlio16mo ago
I added the Task but forgot the async 😅
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júlio16mo ago
But isnt the controller only called by the browser, when I nagivate to the route? I mean, not the brwoser but like when I make a request to that endpoint isnt that the only place?
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júlio16mo ago
have a nice meal sir So I have now corrected the function
[HttpGet("{nif}")] // /api/nifs/<nif>
public async Task<JsonResult> Get(string nif)
Nifs? first = null;
_logger.LogInformation(LoggingEvents.GetNif, $"Getting nif {nif}", nif);
if (IsValidNif(nif))
first = await _context.Nifs.FirstOrDefaultAsync(n => n.Nif == nif);
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.LogCritical(LoggingEvents.GetNifException, ex, $"nif({nif}) Error", nif);
return _json.ToJson(first);
[HttpGet("{nif}")] // /api/nifs/<nif>
public async Task<JsonResult> Get(string nif)
Nifs? first = null;
_logger.LogInformation(LoggingEvents.GetNif, $"Getting nif {nif}", nif);
if (IsValidNif(nif))
first = await _context.Nifs.FirstOrDefaultAsync(n => n.Nif == nif);
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.LogCritical(LoggingEvents.GetNifException, ex, $"nif({nif}) Error", nif);
return _json.ToJson(first);
This is what It looks like now (this code is from the Controller btw) The next thing I wanted to try and fix todday was the Json part Cause you guys told me a lot of times that I didnt need to have a class for this This is what I currently have rn
// JsonService.cs
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;

namespace helper.Services
public class JsonService
public JsonService() { }
public JsonResult ToJson(object obj) {
return new JsonResult(obj);
// JsonService.cs
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;

namespace helper.Services
public class JsonService
public JsonService() { }
public JsonResult ToJson(object obj) {
return new JsonResult(obj);
And then I request a instance in the controller, like so:
public NifsController(HelperContext context, JsonService json, ILogger<NifsController> logger)
_context = context;
_json = json;
_logger = logger;
public NifsController(HelperContext context, JsonService json, ILogger<NifsController> logger)
_context = context;
_json = json;
_logger = logger;
If I try the mentioned approaches:
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
So I'm clearly didn'd understand I think you guys told me I read in the internet that I need to Register my Services Is something that converts Objs to Json not a service? Or is it a Service that ASP.NET offers for free? Do I need to request it in the Ctor of my Controller?
Monsieur Wholesome
Didnt we already establish that you should delete your jsonservice Make your endpoint method return whatever type first is (Task<Whatever>)
júlio16mo ago
Well You told me but I didnt really understand why So I woulndt say its "established" technically Oh Well It's reaturning a JsonResult Isnt this the Json type?
Monsieur Wholesome
Wait no, im dumb You should solely return an IActionResult :P An IActionResult is a catch-all for all kinds of responses Ok(), NotFound(), BadRequest(), etc. etc. By passing in your object to the Ok(first) call, you're telling it what to return to the requester By default it is always returned as json. It will handle that for you
júlio16mo ago
Ohhhh I was lacking this part of information you told me "An IActionResult is a catch-all for all kinds of responses" So hold up One thing I dont understand I was not returning a IAPlicationResult but it was still working I was getting a response Why is that? What kind of magic was happening?
Pobiega16mo ago
IActionResult is the untyped interface for all http responses so if you have return Ok(); thats a valid IActionResult but so is BadRequest() and all the other helpers (including JsonResult)
júlio16mo ago
So Everything I return from a HTTP method is implicitly converted to a IActionResult?
Pobiega16mo ago
not converted IActionResult is an interface
júlio16mo ago
Oh right So wait That would mean that I can only retun types that implement IActionResult, correct? (in the HTTP methods) It workss Damn I had no Idea I mean you guys told me i know but only now i understand
Pobiega16mo ago
Well, in an API controller you can return anything and it gets serialized by default to json
júlio16mo ago
And I assume that Json implements the IAplicattionresult, right thats why it works
Pobiega16mo ago
not really Like, if I return a MyClass that has no baseclass or interfaces implemented, it gets serialized to json by the http pipeline in asp its not related to JsonResult or the other result types.
júlio16mo ago
So I assume that the advantage Of returning a IActionREsult is that I can specify the return error? Ok BAd, etc
Monsieur Wholesome
By default it [a result object] is always returned as json. It will handle that for you
Pobiega16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
I seeeee
Pobiega16mo ago
if your only returns are 200 (with content), 400 (bad req) (by the model binder) or 500, then you dont need to use IActionResult
júlio16mo ago
And If I dont return a IActionResult, the result will always be Ok() ?
Pobiega16mo ago
but if you want more direct control over the returned code, you do no it will be 400 if the model binder fails, or 500 if you throw an exception
Monsieur Wholesome
It's a no brainer default tbh
júlio16mo ago
O So I was following some documentation to help me migrate to .net 7.0 and Alot of things I did and are way more clean now I only have the Program.cs file now, no more Startup.cs class but there are something I didnt knew how to migrate
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júlio16mo ago
I fixed the code I hope its not :(
public bool IsValidNif(string nif)
if (nif.Length != 9) return false;
if (!int.TryParse(nif, out _)) return false;
int checkSum = 0;

for (int index = 0; index < 9 - 1; ++index) {
checkSum += (nif.ElementAt(index) - '0') * (9 - index);
int checkDigit = 11 - checkSum % 11;
if (checkDigit > 9) checkDigit = 0;

return checkDigit == nif.ElementAt(9 - 1) - '0';
public bool IsValidNif(string nif)
if (nif.Length != 9) return false;
if (!int.TryParse(nif, out _)) return false;
int checkSum = 0;

for (int index = 0; index < 9 - 1; ++index) {
checkSum += (nif.ElementAt(index) - '0') * (9 - index);
int checkDigit = 11 - checkSum % 11;
if (checkDigit > 9) checkDigit = 0;

return checkDigit == nif.ElementAt(9 - 1) - '0';
This is my version I'm new to C# so be gentle :( The previous version was AIDs and I didnt even need to know C# to tell it was bad, I had to remake it
júlio16mo ago
Is it bad? Xd sorry
Monsieur Wholesome
idk what it does on first sight, so that's already meh for me
júlio16mo ago
It calculates a checksum basically nif is a special number you can tell if its valid by that formula
Pobiega16mo ago
index < 9 - 1 so... index < 8? 😄
júlio16mo ago
I did that to make it clear the intent Its common on code with magic numbers
Pobiega16mo ago
I prefer just naming my magic numbers
júlio16mo ago
9 every one knows its the length of the nif
Pobiega16mo ago
so do that const int NIF_LENGTH = 9;
Monsieur Wholesome
public bool IsValidNif(string nif)
const int NifLength = 9;

if (nif.Length != NifLength ) return false;
if (!int.TryParse(nif, out _)) return false;
int checkSum = 0;

for (int index = 0; index < NifLength - 1; ++index) {
checkSum += (nif.ElementAt(index) - '0') * (9 - index);
int checkDigit = 11 - checkSum % 11;
if (checkDigit > 9) checkDigit = 0;

return checkDigit == nif.ElementAt(9 - 1) - '0';
public bool IsValidNif(string nif)
const int NifLength = 9;

if (nif.Length != NifLength ) return false;
if (!int.TryParse(nif, out _)) return false;
int checkSum = 0;

for (int index = 0; index < NifLength - 1; ++index) {
checkSum += (nif.ElementAt(index) - '0') * (9 - index);
int checkDigit = 11 - checkSum % 11;
if (checkDigit > 9) checkDigit = 0;

return checkDigit == nif.ElementAt(9 - 1) - '0';
Screaming case gasp
Pobiega16mo ago
idk, used to it for constants.
júlio16mo ago
Will do :) thanks for the sugestion kinda wierd the name tho, i might use a differnt one since the parameter is called nif people could read it and thing its the size of the parameter idk
Monsieur Wholesome
public bool IsValidNif(string nif)
const int NormedNifLength = 9;

if (nif.Length != NormedNifLength)
return false;
if (!int.TryParse(nif, out _))
return false;

int checkSum = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < NormedNifLength - 1; i++)
checkSum += (nif[i] - '0') * (9 - i);

int checkDigit = 11 - checkSum % 11;
if (checkDigit > NormedNifLength)
checkDigit = 0;

return checkDigit == (nif[NormedNifLength - 1] - '0');
public bool IsValidNif(string nif)
const int NormedNifLength = 9;

if (nif.Length != NormedNifLength)
return false;
if (!int.TryParse(nif, out _))
return false;

int checkSum = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < NormedNifLength - 1; i++)
checkSum += (nif[i] - '0') * (9 - i);

int checkDigit = 11 - checkSum % 11;
if (checkDigit > NormedNifLength)
checkDigit = 0;

return checkDigit == (nif[NormedNifLength - 1] - '0');
No need for ElementAt, you can index strings
júlio16mo ago
Oh right Do I need to mark this function as async? Since it will be called by a async function?
Pobiega16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
nah probably not yep just wondering dont make sense
Monsieur Wholesome
A function only needs to be async, if its contents are async
Pobiega16mo ago
async code can call sync sync cant call async
júlio16mo ago
I see noted! Btw the thing I was mentioning migrating some things I didnt know how to do and one thing I didnt understand the meaning even after some search so ill start with that
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
I'm not sure I need this if i understand what it did exaclty I think this is to say that my application will make requests to other websites? idk This service wont
Monsieur Wholesome
Cors allows sending requests from the frontend (browser) to other sites If it was there before, you will likely still need it
júlio16mo ago
from the frontend? SO like
Monsieur Wholesome
júlio16mo ago
Monsieur Wholesome
júlio16mo ago
browser is local :( I didnt understand
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Monsieur Wholesome
You can only send a request from the javascript side if the server allows Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) If a frontend wants resources from your asp.net core server, while not being strictly under your domain, you will need to allow cors on your asp.net core server
júlio16mo ago
SO it's to allow, for example, some javascript somewhwhere to request to my API?
Monsieur Wholesome
I think, now I am double doubting myself
júlio16mo ago
Xd sorry Oh wait I think its the other way around
Monsieur Wholesome
Yes. Yes it also counts for apis
júlio16mo ago
I think its to allow my backend to access other peoples stuff
Monsieur Wholesome
just remembered my latest use case of cors configuration no
júlio16mo ago
SO you are saying that If I make some random javascript that tries to get info from my api if in my api I dont allow CORS the requests wont go thru? Cause by default only my frontend can talk to my backend? something like this?
Monsieur Wholesome
júlio16mo ago
this is only for frontend? weird the other people backend also dont share my domain so CORs would apply to them too, right?
Monsieur Wholesome
júlio16mo ago
So like, its for the whole exterior that has its own domain
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júlio16mo ago
logging somewheere? no clue, the code alreaddy was made like that, i didnt change much
FusedQyou16mo ago
Yup, no explicit indication will just make it synchronous (you can manually make threads instead but let's not talk about that). To make it async, change the method declaration to this:
public async Task<JsonResult> Get(string nif)
public async Task<JsonResult> Get(string nif)
Your actual method does not need to change, but it won't do anything asynchronous if there's no actual asynchronous code that is awaited.
Unknown User
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FusedQyou16mo ago
But I'm probably late as fuck with my answer
júlio16mo ago
a bit, but I still appreciate you! thanks why?
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Monsieur Wholesome
right, that $ shouldnt be there happens tho
Unknown User
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júlio16mo ago
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;

namespace helper.Controllers
public static class LoggingEvents
public static EventId GetNif = 1000;
public static EventId GetNifException = 1001;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;

namespace helper.Controllers
public static class LoggingEvents
public static EventId GetNif = 1000;
public static EventId GetNifException = 1001;
Monsieur Wholesome
@TeBeConsultingis slowly digging up our mate's company codebase and internals
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júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
whats the issue? i wanna understand :(
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júlio16mo ago
Its all crap code tho XD
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júlio16mo ago
will do
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Monsieur Wholesome
why you disturbing our victim's migration time catsip
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
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MODiX16mo ago
- _logger.LogInformation(LoggingEvents.GetNif, $"Getting nif {nif}", nif);
+ _logger.LogInformation(LoggingEvents.GetNif, "Getting nif {nif}", nif);
- _logger.LogInformation(LoggingEvents.GetNif, $"Getting nif {nif}", nif);
+ _logger.LogInformation(LoggingEvents.GetNif, "Getting nif {nif}", nif);
React with ❌ to remove this embed.
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júlio16mo ago
What was the original issue? Im curious! And what does this fix? wait but like this I wont log the nif or will i?
Unknown User
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júlio16mo ago
I dont know C# enought to tell what its doing with the string
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júlio16mo ago
Honeslty, this is the only place in the project wherer they log anything If i had to guess, its obsolete
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júlio16mo ago
I see... that's nice yeah
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júlio16mo ago
Ill definitly read documentation on that, i wrote it down
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júlio16mo ago
Oh I can query
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júlio16mo ago
Do you recomend any particular documentation on this?
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júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
I see... Noted
builder.Services.AddLogging(loggingBuilder => {
builder.Services.AddLogging(loggingBuilder => {
This makes the logs go to the console, correct?
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
Also, the last thing I dont get regarding this logging topic Why do I need to request ILogger<Type>? Why does it need to know the type of the thing? Im not even logging it
Monsieur Wholesome
The logger will add the origin (that type) to the logs, so you can filter aftewrwards
júlio16mo ago
Ohhhhhhh Thats smart yeah Didnt though about that at all
Monsieur Wholesome
Kinda like [Date] [Time] [Origin] [Severity]: [Message] something like that
júlio16mo ago
I see :) Well i need to write down alot of stuff mentioned here thanks for the patience so far guys
Monsieur Wholesome
What a thorough thread explaining how asp.net core projects are structured
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júlio16mo ago
thisis actually the otehr thig i wanted to address because not only there are some stuff I'm sure I don't need to do, I don't know which ones, and there are some stuff I didn't do that are done in the original project This is what my Program.cs lloks like currently:
using helper.Models;
using helper.Services;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

options => options.UseSqlServer(@"Server=blablablabla")


builder.Services.AddLogging(loggingBuilder => {

var app = builder.Build();

if (!app.Environment.IsDevelopment()) {


using helper.Models;
using helper.Services;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

options => options.UseSqlServer(@"Server=blablablabla")


builder.Services.AddLogging(loggingBuilder => {

var app = builder.Build();

if (!app.Environment.IsDevelopment()) {


Unknown User
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júlio16mo ago
Just like that?
Unknown User
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júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
using helper.Models;
using helper.Services;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

options => options.UseSqlServer(@"Server=blablablabla")


var app = builder.Build();

if (!app.Environment.IsDevelopment()) {


using helper.Models;
using helper.Services;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

options => options.UseSqlServer(@"Server=blablablabla")


var app = builder.Build();

if (!app.Environment.IsDevelopment()) {


The Json stuff part I'll also remove becasue I wont need that anymore
Unknown User
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júlio16mo ago
what do you mean by re-testing?
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júlio16mo ago
It was in the orioginal project
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júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
that is from the original one
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júlio16mo ago
isnt it to allow external domains to use my api?
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júlio16mo ago
what code do you want me to run? like start the service?
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júlio16mo ago
can I just do that on the live one? the service is running as we speak in the cloud the original one i tried running the service in my computer but its buggy
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júlio16mo ago
can Postman do it?
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júlio16mo ago
rip wait
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júlio16mo ago
cant I do it?
Unknown User
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júlio16mo ago
in my current service? oh ok
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júlio16mo ago
Javascript Playground (Sandbox, Repl)
The #1 JavaScript playground and sandbox to write, run and repl it. JavaScript playground is perfect for learning and prototyping javascript sandboxes. Fast. Easy to use.
júlio16mo ago
Can I test with this?
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júlio16mo ago
It replies
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júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
Actually it failed the first time I tried on the live one and that worked but on mine it failed didnt even remove anything
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júlio16mo ago
the link to the one running the api idk the endpoint
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júlio16mo ago
I did this
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júlio16mo ago
function httpGet(theUrl)
var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlHttp.open( "GET", theUrl, false );
xmlHttp.send( null );
return xmlHttp.responseText;

var a = httpGet("link here");

function httpGet(theUrl)
var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlHttp.open( "GET", theUrl, false );
xmlHttp.send( null );
return xmlHttp.responseText;

var a = httpGet("link here");

in the link, if I put the one in prod it gets a reply if I put mine in localhost it fails
Unknown User
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júlio16mo ago
JSFiddle - Code Playground
Test your JavaScript, CSS, HTML or CoffeeScript online with JSFiddle code editor.
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júlio16mo ago
ok ill do that
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júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
I didnt show everything the firtst time
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júlio16mo ago
yeap i think this is why tehy told me the cloud provider dealt with all that
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júlio16mo ago
I see
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júlio16mo ago
using helper.Models;
using helper.Services;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

options => options.UseSqlServer(@"Server=blablabla")


var app = builder.Build();

if (!app.Environment.IsDevelopment()) {
else {
app.UseCors(options => {


using helper.Models;
using helper.Services;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

options => options.UseSqlServer(@"Server=blablabla")


var app = builder.Build();

if (!app.Environment.IsDevelopment()) {
else {
app.UseCors(options => {


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júlio16mo ago
Probably XD yep its a bug
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
Hold up they have this code in the original project
Unknown User
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júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
Noo, why?
Unknown User
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júlio16mo ago
that sucks infinite loading
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júlio16mo ago
So many dogs :o I played a game once called lost ark it was similar to that clip but it got hard and I had to quit xd
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júlio16mo ago
im pretty bad at games ngl Xd
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júlio16mo ago
using helper.Models;
using helper.Services;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

options => options.UseSqlServer(@"Server=blablabal")


var app = builder.Build();

if (app.Environment.IsDevelopment())

app.UseCors(options => {


using helper.Models;
using helper.Services;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

options => options.UseSqlServer(@"Server=blablabal")


var app = builder.Build();

if (app.Environment.IsDevelopment())

app.UseCors(options => {


okay now its good
Unknown User
Unknown User16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
Why do I want to use swagger?
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júlio16mo ago
I thnik I dont need it becasue the original project didnt have it
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júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
I am! :d It that all I need to do to haev it?
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júlio16mo ago
oh, ill add it then to try!
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júlio16mo ago
imma do that rn to see
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júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
"profiles": {
"http": {
"commandName": "Project",
"launchBrowser": true,
"environmentVariables": {
"dotnetRunMessages": true,
"applicationUrl": "http://localhost:XXXX"
"https": {
"commandName": "Project",
"launchBrowser": true,
"environmentVariables": {
"dotnetRunMessages": true,
"applicationUrl": "https://localhost:XXXX;http://localhost:XXXX"
"IIS Express": {
"commandName": "IISExpress",
"launchBrowser": true,
"environmentVariables": {
"nativeDebugging": true
"iisSettings": {
"windowsAuthentication": false,
"anonymousAuthentication": true,
"iisExpress": {
"applicationUrl": "http://localhost:XXXX",
"sslPort": XXXX
"profiles": {
"http": {
"commandName": "Project",
"launchBrowser": true,
"environmentVariables": {
"dotnetRunMessages": true,
"applicationUrl": "http://localhost:XXXX"
"https": {
"commandName": "Project",
"launchBrowser": true,
"environmentVariables": {
"dotnetRunMessages": true,
"applicationUrl": "https://localhost:XXXX;http://localhost:XXXX"
"IIS Express": {
"commandName": "IISExpress",
"launchBrowser": true,
"environmentVariables": {
"nativeDebugging": true
"iisSettings": {
"windowsAuthentication": false,
"anonymousAuthentication": true,
"iisExpress": {
"applicationUrl": "http://localhost:XXXX",
"sslPort": XXXX
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júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web">


<PackageReference Include="HtmlAgilityPack" Version="1.11.46" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore" Version="7.0.4" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design" Version="7.0.4">
<IncludeAssets>runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive</IncludeAssets>
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer" Version="7.0.4" />
<PackageReference Include="System.Text.Json" Version="7.0.2" />

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web">


<PackageReference Include="HtmlAgilityPack" Version="1.11.46" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore" Version="7.0.4" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design" Version="7.0.4">
<IncludeAssets>runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive</IncludeAssets>
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer" Version="7.0.4" />
<PackageReference Include="System.Text.Json" Version="7.0.2" />

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Unknown User16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
I see.... I do this for all the profiles?
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júlio16mo ago
I was wondering that actually xd I see, okay thats good
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júlio16mo ago
Ohhh That makes sense, I though it had to do with the Debug dropdown like running in debug or not
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júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
yeah after these changes I think I broke something cause its not replying the json when I go to the endpoint Ill have to look into what whent wrong
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júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
Weirddd Its complaining about IsValidNif
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Monsieur Wholesome
All endpoints need an explicit http verb like [HttpGet], [HttpPost], ...
júlio16mo ago
BUt its not ment to be a endpoint Its a helper function
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júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
indeeed I didnt know that actually that the public stuff was visible form the outisde
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júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
Took a while tho
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júlio16mo ago
but its working now! this is so cool Its a very nice UI thank you for showing it to me!
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júlio16mo ago
i agrre xd at first i wasnt understanding why it wasnt let me type values Ah... had to click... xd So the last thing Im missing from the startup was the thing that I didnt put in my current startup becasue I didnt understand any of that so i just... ignored it It works finetho so maybe i dont need? anyways this is the part of the code i'm missing i just want to understand why they did it its basically getting time from somewhere? idk
private DateTime GetNetworkTime(string ntpServer = "ntp02.oal.ul.pt")
var ntpData = new byte[48];
ntpData[0] = 0x1B; //LeapIndicator = 0 (no warning), VersionNum = 3 (IPv4 only), Mode = 3 (Client Mode)

var addresses = Dns.GetHostEntry(ntpServer).AddressList;
var ipEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(addresses[0], 123);
Socket socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp);

socket.ReceiveTimeout = 5000; //sec

ulong intPart = (ulong)ntpData[40] << 24 | (ulong)ntpData[41] << 16 | (ulong)ntpData[42] << 8 | (ulong)ntpData[43];
ulong fractPart = (ulong)ntpData[44] << 24 | (ulong)ntpData[45] << 16 | (ulong)ntpData[46] << 8 | (ulong)ntpData[47];

var milliseconds = (intPart * 1000) + ((fractPart * 1000) / 0x100000000L);
var networkDateTime = (new DateTime(1900, 1, 1)).AddMilliseconds((long)milliseconds);

return networkDateTime;
} catch
if (ntpServer == "ntp04.oal.ul.pt")
return DateTime.Now;
} else
return GetNetworkTime("ntp04.oal.ul.pt");

private DateTime GetNetworkTime(string ntpServer = "ntp02.oal.ul.pt")
var ntpData = new byte[48];
ntpData[0] = 0x1B; //LeapIndicator = 0 (no warning), VersionNum = 3 (IPv4 only), Mode = 3 (Client Mode)

var addresses = Dns.GetHostEntry(ntpServer).AddressList;
var ipEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(addresses[0], 123);
Socket socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp);

socket.ReceiveTimeout = 5000; //sec

ulong intPart = (ulong)ntpData[40] << 24 | (ulong)ntpData[41] << 16 | (ulong)ntpData[42] << 8 | (ulong)ntpData[43];
ulong fractPart = (ulong)ntpData[44] << 24 | (ulong)ntpData[45] << 16 | (ulong)ntpData[46] << 8 | (ulong)ntpData[47];

var milliseconds = (intPart * 1000) + ((fractPart * 1000) / 0x100000000L);
var networkDateTime = (new DateTime(1900, 1, 1)).AddMilliseconds((long)milliseconds);

return networkDateTime;
} catch
if (ntpServer == "ntp04.oal.ul.pt")
return DateTime.Now;
} else
return GetNetworkTime("ntp04.oal.ul.pt");

They call that in the Startup constructor
Monsieur Wholesome
Do you not have any colleagues you could ask this
júlio16mo ago
nope :( the original maintainer left he did most of the code
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júlio16mo ago
and left no documentation
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Monsieur Wholesome
captured and never released
júlio16mo ago
they basically do all that just to do this in the Ctor
OALDateTime = GetNetworkTime();
if (OALDateTime == null)
OALDateTime = DateTime.Now;
} catch
OALDateTime = DateTime.Now;
OALDateTime = GetNetworkTime();
if (OALDateTime == null)
OALDateTime = DateTime.Now;
} catch
OALDateTime = DateTime.Now;
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júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
thats it plus the BaseCOntroller thing is AIds Its very bad they basically made a type called ControllerBase that conflicts with MS ControllerBase and they make the ControllerBase inherit from Controller Phaahhaha Controller is a MS type that inherits from MS ControllerBase type its a mess
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júlio16mo ago
hell no I have multiple 3k + lines files Im separating piece by piece and fixing one at a time I have one working so far 10 left
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júlio16mo ago
on file is 6k lines long 367 lines
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júlio16mo ago
the consttructor and nothing else
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júlio16mo ago
protected and private
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júlio16mo ago
not sure because its a bit weird
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júlio16mo ago
it seems like they are hand encrypting and decrpyting sha1 stuff
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júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
Try again 😎 XD I joke ofc No clue what encryption this is decrpyting but
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
this is a thing? idk
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júlio16mo ago
Yep is in my profile
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júlio16mo ago
i think
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júlio16mo ago
I know its form sharing code n stuff, right?
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júlio16mo ago
no clue
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júlio16mo ago
O oke
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júlio16mo ago
Ok ill try not to mess up :(
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júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
Good morning! Every method as at least 1 reference The version parts are kinda weird I might be able to clean it up alot
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
It gets the version from this no clue where this is going tho
Pobiega16mo ago
That's th request query string accessor
Jayy16mo ago
Jesus Christ why does this thread have 3.5 k
Pobiega16mo ago
Tldr: brand new to C#, asked to split a .netcore31 monolith to .net 7 microservices, gets no help from anyone at his job
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Monsieur Wholesome
instant run
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júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
Exactly that :p yes!
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
AtController inherits from ControllerBase (not the MS type, the one in BaseController.cs)
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
the think I dont get is where is it getting the version from Wait hold up
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
what is the meaning of this? Try to get the version, if fail it gets the value in ApiVersion?
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júlio16mo ago
Sorry I dont undertand The only controller that calls the functions is the AtController
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júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
This is exactly what I was going to talk with you about XD Btw, I will send you something in the DMs The answer is no, I can't change that unfortunately Because a lot of code is already using the things like that elsewhere It would be very costly to scan thru all and change The version is related to the clients version I must support older versions, I can't change that part, and the version comes in the URL, so not sure if I can use the think you mentioned about ASP.NET being able to manage that
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júlio16mo ago
No problem!
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júlio16mo ago
I can't change the website/API/controller/whatever/idk part
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júlio16mo ago
Is something like this endpoint/v2 or endpoint/v3
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júlio16mo ago
it was waht i was told
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
one of the methods that use the version stuff gets it like this I see what you mean thonkpad ask the guy again Okay so the service is getting in the query string not in the fortmat I showed above
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júlio16mo ago
why? I alreaddy have a bunch Xd i created some to experiment a bit
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júlio16mo ago
ohh XD
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júlio16mo ago
yep i idnt think about that XD but we will make code fromm scratch there?
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júlio16mo ago
I see Are you sure? Im going to create a public repo in github 1 sec
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júlio16mo ago
so the issue is i have a work git and a personal git and the computer uses the work git it came set up I can do that when I get home tho in my personal computer becasue I have no clue how to chenge github accounts locally im scared to break everything else XD
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júlio16mo ago
I have the repo I created in the browser but its empty
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júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
or that yeah I asked chatgpt XD
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júlio16mo ago
and it wont change the global config, right=?
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júlio16mo ago
so your comand is fine
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júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
I seee Ill try 1 sec the command you made created me a directory with the name user.email=whateveremailIused XD oph wait im dumb I forgot a -c lets ignore this 4 messages IT WORKED this is so cool!! i wanted to do this is a long time but I was scared id mess up I will do the dotnet things now? creat a new project etc
júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
same error same error
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júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
vbut i did them
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
yes sorry meanwhile i was trying to see how I can serialize and vice versa from XML xd cause one place is returning a xml and the way the service deals with it is kinda ugly? idk trying to make it prettier
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júlio16mo ago
So a different route to different versions? Interesting Woulndt that repeat alot of code? because few things change Or is there a way to put only the thing that change inside the folders and then lets it handle that
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júlio16mo ago
I see I will try to get the github thing working when I get home work computer is being weird
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júlio16mo ago
So the ConsoleApp project will make a HttpClient, and that Client will make a request to the other project? The LearnApiVErsiojn one?
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júlio16mo ago
I see ok
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júlio16mo ago
You guessed correctly! :)) Wait cant we usee Postman for this? btw I did this on my own:
using System.Xml.Serialization;

namespace helperPostal.Models
public record class XMLPostal
[XmlElement("Criterio")] public Criterio? _Criterio;
[XmlElement("Result")] public Result? _Result;
[XmlElement("Localidade")] public Localidade? _Localidade;
public record class Criterio
[XmlElement("inDistrito")] public string? inDistrito;
[XmlElement("inConcelho")] public string? inConcelho;
[XmlElement("inLocal")] public string? inLocal;
[XmlElement("inRua")] public string? inRua;
[XmlElement("inPorta")] public string? inPorta;
[XmlElement("inCodPos")] public string? inCodPos;
[XmlElement("inCliente")] public string? inCliente;
[XmlElement("inIdLocal")] public string? inIdLocal;
[XmlElement("inIdRua")] public string? inIdRua;
[XmlElement("inEp")] public string? inEp;
[XmlElement("inApartado")] public string? inApartado;
[XmlElement("inIdEp")] public string? inIdEp;
[XmlElement("inPag")] public string? inPag;
[XmlElement("inMaxPag")] public string? inMaxPag;
[XmlElement("Id_Pesq")] public string? Id_Pesq;

public record class Result
[XmlElement("Pagina")] public string? Pagina;

public record class Localidade
[XmlElement("Designacao")] public string? Designacao;
[XmlElement("Distrito")] public string? Distrito;
[XmlElement("Concelho")] public string? Concelho;
[XmlElement("Freguesia")] public string? Freguesia;
[XmlElement("CodPos")] public CodPos? _CodPos;

public record class CodPos
[XmlElement("CP4")] public string? CP4;
[XmlElement("CP3")] public string? CP3;
[XmlElement("Designacao")] public string? Designacao;
[XmlElement("Geo")] public string? Geo;
using System.Xml.Serialization;

namespace helperPostal.Models
public record class XMLPostal
[XmlElement("Criterio")] public Criterio? _Criterio;
[XmlElement("Result")] public Result? _Result;
[XmlElement("Localidade")] public Localidade? _Localidade;
public record class Criterio
[XmlElement("inDistrito")] public string? inDistrito;
[XmlElement("inConcelho")] public string? inConcelho;
[XmlElement("inLocal")] public string? inLocal;
[XmlElement("inRua")] public string? inRua;
[XmlElement("inPorta")] public string? inPorta;
[XmlElement("inCodPos")] public string? inCodPos;
[XmlElement("inCliente")] public string? inCliente;
[XmlElement("inIdLocal")] public string? inIdLocal;
[XmlElement("inIdRua")] public string? inIdRua;
[XmlElement("inEp")] public string? inEp;
[XmlElement("inApartado")] public string? inApartado;
[XmlElement("inIdEp")] public string? inIdEp;
[XmlElement("inPag")] public string? inPag;
[XmlElement("inMaxPag")] public string? inMaxPag;
[XmlElement("Id_Pesq")] public string? Id_Pesq;

public record class Result
[XmlElement("Pagina")] public string? Pagina;

public record class Localidade
[XmlElement("Designacao")] public string? Designacao;
[XmlElement("Distrito")] public string? Distrito;
[XmlElement("Concelho")] public string? Concelho;
[XmlElement("Freguesia")] public string? Freguesia;
[XmlElement("CodPos")] public CodPos? _CodPos;

public record class CodPos
[XmlElement("CP4")] public string? CP4;
[XmlElement("CP3")] public string? CP3;
[XmlElement("Designacao")] public string? Designacao;
[XmlElement("Geo")] public string? Geo;
Is this a noob thing? I basically figured out the XML body of the reply i get So I make a class for it so that I can just deserialize into a object and avoid weird parsing things that the original code was doing is this a bad idea? i did some testing and with dummy data its working fine! :D
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júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
O xd my only scary though is if the XML changes buuuuut it it would change there would be also problems with the orinial code so i think its ok?
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júlio16mo ago
Ohhhh didn't think about that!! Yeah it's starting to make a lot of sense Well maybe for this no But like overall
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júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
Out of curiosity, why do they add that annotation? https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/web-api/overview/data/using-web-api-with-entity-framework/part-5 I was looking thru this and they add the annotation [ResponseType(typeof(BookDetailDto))] in the Get method What does that do? Isnt the return type enoughf?
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júlio16mo ago
Okay im home im in a mac computer but i think since projects are cross platfor its fine ill try the git repo now Ok everything when finee :D https://github.com/juliodryfish/ASP.NET-C-Web-Service.git i can then just clone this is work computer and it will be fine i think
MODiX16mo ago
services.AddApiVersioning(options =>
options.ApiVersionReader = new UrlSegmentApiVersionReader();
services.AddVersionedApiExplorer(options =>
options.GroupNameFormat = "VV";
options.SubstituteApiVersionInUrl = true;
options.SubstitutionFormat = "VV";
return services;
services.AddApiVersioning(options =>
options.ApiVersionReader = new UrlSegmentApiVersionReader();
services.AddVersionedApiExplorer(options =>
options.GroupNameFormat = "VV";
options.SubstituteApiVersionInUrl = true;
options.SubstitutionFormat = "VV";
return services;
React with ❌ to remove this embed.
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júlio16mo ago
Good morning So I'm having a weird issue I redid a part of the code And it's not returning a JSON when I go to the endpoint The object has the correct values in memory But I might have messed up somewhere
public class CodigoPostalDTO
[JsonPropertyName("codpostal")] public string? CodPos;
[JsonPropertyName("designacao")] public string? Designacao;
[JsonPropertyName("distrito")] public string? Distrito;
[JsonPropertyName("concelho")] public string? Concelho;
[JsonPropertyName("freguesia")] public string? Frequesia;
[JsonPropertyName("rua")] public string? Rua;
public class CodigoPostalDTO
[JsonPropertyName("codpostal")] public string? CodPos;
[JsonPropertyName("designacao")] public string? Designacao;
[JsonPropertyName("distrito")] public string? Distrito;
[JsonPropertyName("concelho")] public string? Concelho;
[JsonPropertyName("freguesia")] public string? Frequesia;
[JsonPropertyName("rua")] public string? Rua;
This is what I did
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
This is what I do result is a CodigoPostalDTO I always get a {} in the response even if the object has values in the fields I have the NuGet packege System.Text.Json the method looks like this:
public async Task<IActionResult> GetAsync(string pesq)
public async Task<IActionResult> GetAsync(string pesq)
Its returning a IActionResult Anything I can try? O right I forget about that
FusedQyou16mo ago
I'm guessing you need to specify properties rather than fields. I don't think fields can be serialized.
public class CodigoPostalDTO
public string? CodPos { get; set; }
public string? Designacao { get; set; }
public string? Distrito { get; set; }
public string? Concelho { get; set; }
public string? Frequesia { get; set; }
public string? Rua { get; set; }
public class CodigoPostalDTO
public string? CodPos { get; set; }
public string? Designacao { get; set; }
public string? Distrito { get; set; }
public string? Concelho { get; set; }
public string? Frequesia { get; set; }
public string? Rua { get; set; }
You also don't need JsonPropertyName because the JSON is serialized as pascal case by default.
júlio16mo ago
I will try that in a moment, thank you!
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júlio16mo ago
That was it! thank you, i didntk know it was becasue of the get set thingy missing
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júlio16mo ago
im currently not using the newton json thingy I change to the System.Text.Json
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júlio16mo ago
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web">


<PackageReference Include="HtmlAgilityPack" Version="1.11.46" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.OpenApi" Version="7.0.4" />
<PackageReference Include="Swashbuckle.AspNetCore" Version="6.5.0" />
<PackageReference Include="System.Text.Json" Version="7.0.2" />

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web">


<PackageReference Include="HtmlAgilityPack" Version="1.11.46" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.OpenApi" Version="7.0.4" />
<PackageReference Include="Swashbuckle.AspNetCore" Version="6.5.0" />
<PackageReference Include="System.Text.Json" Version="7.0.2" />

No its the one im making
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júlio16mo ago
Im currently trying to clean a part of another code that i think it can be better
public class JsonResponse
public bool success = true;
public string errorMessage = "";
public dynamic data;
public string stack = "";
public bool sendReport = false;
public dynamic metadata;
public HttpStatusCode serverCode = HttpStatusCode.OK;

public JsonResponse(Type dataClass = null)
if (dataClass != null)
data = Activator.CreateInstance(dataClass);
data = new JObject();

public JObject ToJson()
JObject json = new JObject();
json["success"] = success;
json["errorMessage"] = errorMessage;
if (data is Stream)
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader((data as Stream));
json["data"] = reader.ReadToEnd();
json["data"] = data;
json["stack"] = stack;
json["sendReport"] = sendReport;
return json;
public class JsonResponse
public bool success = true;
public string errorMessage = "";
public dynamic data;
public string stack = "";
public bool sendReport = false;
public dynamic metadata;
public HttpStatusCode serverCode = HttpStatusCode.OK;

public JsonResponse(Type dataClass = null)
if (dataClass != null)
data = Activator.CreateInstance(dataClass);
data = new JObject();

public JObject ToJson()
JObject json = new JObject();
json["success"] = success;
json["errorMessage"] = errorMessage;
if (data is Stream)
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader((data as Stream));
json["data"] = reader.ReadToEnd();
json["data"] = data;
json["stack"] = stack;
json["sendReport"] = sendReport;
return json;
They have this object That they use all thru the project I dont know enought to tell if its okay to have this or if there are microsoft stuff for this
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júlio16mo ago
xdd the scary part is
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júlio16mo ago
I posted the whole
júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
Well They use it as a JSON result but with extra fields?
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júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
Yeah lemme see if i can find a small one
júlio16mo ago
it loadede btw
júlio16mo ago
this is going to be a pain to clean
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júlio16mo ago
it did, just after a while it showed 500 xd idk
Denis16mo ago
Might I suggest to modify the public fields of the JsonResponse into properties, to easily see whether they are even used
júlio16mo ago
goddamn it every method is so goddamn huge
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Denis16mo ago
Question is why
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júlio16mo ago
public async Task<JsonResponse> WASD(long docId)
JsonResponse ret = new JsonResponse();

HttpResponseMessage response = await abReq.Get(new Uri(SOME_SECRET_STUFF));

if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)

response = await abReq.Get(new Uri(string.Format(SOME_SECRET_STUFF, docId)));

if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
Stream bodyResponse = await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync();
if (await IsPDFHeader(bodyResponse))
ret.data = bodyResponse;
ret.success = false;
ret.stack = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
ret.errorMessage = ErrorStreamIsNotPdf;
ret.success = false;
return ret;
public async Task<JsonResponse> WASD(long docId)
JsonResponse ret = new JsonResponse();

HttpResponseMessage response = await abReq.Get(new Uri(SOME_SECRET_STUFF));

if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)

response = await abReq.Get(new Uri(string.Format(SOME_SECRET_STUFF, docId)));

if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
Stream bodyResponse = await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync();
if (await IsPDFHeader(bodyResponse))
ret.data = bodyResponse;
ret.success = false;
ret.stack = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
ret.errorMessage = ErrorStreamIsNotPdf;
ret.success = false;
return ret;
Found one
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júlio16mo ago
most likely I completly removedf the previous DAO stuff Since they were useless
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júlio16mo ago
STJ meaning... :p
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júlio16mo ago
ohh ok
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júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
they told me the code was never reviewed
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júlio16mo ago
XD So is using it as is, will be bad for future? in not sure if the way it was made is bad or if the logic behind + the way it was made is bad
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júlio16mo ago
oh thats bad... its not i think I will get someplace where its used so you can see
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júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
Its only used for UnitTesting
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júlio16mo ago
Nope, never used
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júlio16mo ago
correct xd
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júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
will do!
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júlio16mo ago
Btw I should have mentioned this the code 'im cleaning is inside AppBase AppBase is the base class for Apps (whatever that means) So looking at the structure
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júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
The thing in red They told me That the controllers use the functions thata are here so the Controllers have the endpoints and the things in red have extra code the AppBase.cs have 4 classes inside
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
So this is a thing... of these 4 classes
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júlio16mo ago
only AppBase is used for inheritage
júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
oh right
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júlio16mo ago
The changes im making are in the test project
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júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
public class ValidationResult
public bool isValid = true;
public string errorMessasge = "";
public class ValidationResult
public bool isValid = true;
public string errorMessasge = "";
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júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
oke SO I make another class just for the ToJson?
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júlio16mo ago
well im having a issue JObject is from the Newton thiingy but Im nto using that anymore im using the System.Text.Json
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júlio16mo ago
Oh You just care to see if it compiles correctly?
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júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
oh wait i think i know the issue it was the ;
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júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
Oh my bad
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júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
I think so
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júlio16mo ago
i cant run the tests because it will try to connect to production database
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júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
I do that on the original? or now i move to my version? Because my version is not using Newton
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júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
good i think
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júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
yep i figured
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júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
A bunch is used like this lemme see if i can find a small one
public async Task<JsonResponse> WASD(int year)
JsonResponse ret = new JsonResponse(typeof(JArray));
HttpRequestMessage request = new HttpRequestMessage();
HttpResponseMessage response = await abReq.Get(new Uri(SECRET_STUFF_I_THINK));
await ATAuthProcessLogin(await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync());

Uri _url = new Uri(string.Format(SECRET_STUFF_I_THINK, year));
response = await abReq.Get(_url);

if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
dynamic json = JObject.Parse(await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());
if (json.fieldErrors == null)
ret.data = json.declaracoes as JArray;
foreach (dynamic item in ret.data)
DateTime d = DateTime.Parse((string)item["SECRET_STUFF_I_THINK"]);
item["SECRET_STUFF_I_THINK"] = d.ToString("s");


return ret;
public async Task<JsonResponse> WASD(int year)
JsonResponse ret = new JsonResponse(typeof(JArray));
HttpRequestMessage request = new HttpRequestMessage();
HttpResponseMessage response = await abReq.Get(new Uri(SECRET_STUFF_I_THINK));
await ATAuthProcessLogin(await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync());

Uri _url = new Uri(string.Format(SECRET_STUFF_I_THINK, year));
response = await abReq.Get(_url);

if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
dynamic json = JObject.Parse(await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());
if (json.fieldErrors == null)
ret.data = json.declaracoes as JArray;
foreach (dynamic item in ret.data)
DateTime d = DateTime.Parse((string)item["SECRET_STUFF_I_THINK"]);
item["SECRET_STUFF_I_THINK"] = d.ToString("s");


return ret;
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júlio16mo ago
xd tell me i wanan laugh too Xd is bad?
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júlio16mo ago
goddamn it the more i find out about this code the more I regret XD
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júlio16mo ago
yes but you will cringe
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
they look the same cause they are the same but they come from different files same code in the body of the function but in differernt files idk man they did the virtual thing but they used the same code
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júlio16mo ago
its only called with either null or JArray
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júlio16mo ago
fck no XD
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júlio16mo ago
O right
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júlio16mo ago
the first one is from the atrocious BaseController.cs, the second one inherits from the base controlelr
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júlio16mo ago
maybe some methods dont write to data idk ill try to find out
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júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
I will do that o7
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júlio16mo ago
not yet one moment i am drinking iogurt
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júlio16mo ago
i see ok, good luck!
Accord16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
Sorry i've been away Yesterday I pulled a wisdom tooth out not been having a good time, can't really eat anything that isnt cold soup or stare at the computer without feeling a bit sick :(
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gush3l16mo ago
4208 messages
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ACiDCA716mo ago
what is the highscore?
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FusedQyou16mo ago
4211, I'd like to be part of this piece of history
ACiDCA716mo ago
so this is the thread with the highest amount of messages ever on this server.. wow
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Sossenbinder16mo ago
Why the hell does this help thread have so many responses Are you guys solving p np in here
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júlio16mo ago
Oh lord
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
@TeBeConsulting might I suggest a different approach? I think I have a more sane solution to changin all that
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júlio16mo ago
Change all memebrs to private of the JsonResponse class and got to each error and comment and some other thing in the ToJosn thingy call ctor with values and not new and then fill values i think that was it make the construction in the return statement
public class JsonResponse
public bool success = true;
public string errorMessage = "";
public dynamic data;
public string stack = "";
public bool sendReport = false;
public dynamic metadata;
public HttpStatusCode serverCode = HttpStatusCode.OK;

public JsonResponse() : this(typeof(JObject)) { }

public JsonResponse(Type dataClass)
=> data = Activator.CreateInstance(dataClass);
public class JsonResponse
public bool success = true;
public string errorMessage = "";
public dynamic data;
public string stack = "";
public bool sendReport = false;
public dynamic metadata;
public HttpStatusCode serverCode = HttpStatusCode.OK;

public JsonResponse() : this(typeof(JObject)) { }

public JsonResponse(Type dataClass)
=> data = Activator.CreateInstance(dataClass);
My idea is first, rewrite this so that it uses System.Text.Json and now the NewtonJson thingy and theeeen as I split the things correct the small diferences Because Changing in the whole thing at once its insane I would be 100% lost all the time because I dont know the code that well right now I alreaddy succesfully split 2 services the one Im splitting and the next ones are the ones that use that JsonResult thing so I think this is a good oportunity to fix it before splitting and when I split ill correct the code in the other places, no?
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Unknown User16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
well in the original project yes but im changing to sysmte.text.jsno
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júlio16mo ago
yeah that is dones everywhere we use a JsonResult
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júlio16mo ago
Every JsonResult has something in the data
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júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
Isnt there something out there that does this? Cause I feel like they tried to reinvent some wheel
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júlio16mo ago
I dont understand why it would impact the front end :( maybe i dont undertstand the problem
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júlio16mo ago
well crap why didnt they review the code that was going to be part of such a crucial part of the company i swear to god small panic okay so just so I understand we are working with this crap, but what are the changes you suggest going to do? make it less crap? because i forgot
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júlio16mo ago
because I asked and I was told "you must keep the version support, because some customers have older versions or don't want to update to newer version" I would assume the customer i think? I donno :(
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júlio16mo ago
Well both I think because we are changing Usually client has the program in Delphi and that program talks with us
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júlio16mo ago
us being the service and stuff
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júlio16mo ago
but now they are doing like stuff in browser that in the future will replace the desktop
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júlio16mo ago
no that will stay
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júlio16mo ago
fuck do I know man I just do that they tell me to do XD
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júlio16mo ago
there is a Rest made in Delphi
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júlio16mo ago
and there is the client made in Delphi
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júlio16mo ago
you mena, does the delphi client talk with this service? sorry i get confused with words sometimes
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júlio16mo ago
good question
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júlio16mo ago
I will ask
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júlio16mo ago
TS meaning...
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júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
That would be good, thing is I dont run the company
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júlio16mo ago
The people that do, they want to keep having support for all kinds of clients
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júlio16mo ago
:( I dunno man
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júlio16mo ago
I'm just a junior developer
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júlio16mo ago
I agree with what you say but I have no power herer
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júlio16mo ago
I ask the guys before me "What interacts with the service" "the delphi cliente or only the cloud" he replyed "it doesnt matter" so either he deosnt know or im not supposed to make assumptions to what will interact with the service
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júlio16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
Delphi client is still maintained and will keep being maintained
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júlio16mo ago
the more we dig the more I space out plus the mouth pain from the teeth are getting so annyoign ughhhhhhhhh im sad about this feeling lost i might just use the old thing that is done too much has been build on top of it to change
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júlio16mo ago
I could only do that once I got the thing working
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júlio16mo ago
well the links care about version
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júlio16mo ago
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm okay only one thing I dont understand well I kinda understand but I want to make sure you are tellimg me to do a bunch of differnet kinds of Ctors because you want to make the properties private, and instead of creating a empty instance at the beginning of the function and slowly filling it up, you want to directly return a instance in the return statement is that it? and this is somehow better? This is the part I dont 100% understand, is encapsulation the only factor?
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júlio16mo ago
I see Makes sense now :) Thank you for explaining again they would remaing public then? Imma do that Ill start slow Ill start with the current one Im splitting
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júlio16mo ago
its the smalles of them all that uses that
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júlio16mo ago
I dont wanna touch the big one for this :( isnt it better to do it while I split them? same amount of work just done in different times
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júlio16mo ago
the original the big service
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júlio16mo ago
I guess yeah
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júlio16mo ago
DI meaning dependency injection?
Pobiega16mo ago
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sibber16mo ago
now its 4500
Accord16mo ago
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FusedQyou16mo ago
Wowee this thread finally finished
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júlio16mo ago
So I'm having a big problem Goddamn it I need to show code but can't rn I'm being monitored In 1 hour and 40 minuts more or less I will put the code Basically The old code was using some old stuff that don't exist anymore HttpContext.Request.Query.GetValue() This took in a String key and String valueIfKeyNotFound And returned the value for the key or second parameter Since this does not exist, I found something similar HttpContext.Rewuest.Query.TryGetValue() that takes in a Key and a reference to the place were it will store the result or the default value for the type of not found But I'm getting the compiler mad and I'm not sure what to do Well I did something that I think worked lol but it's kinda cursed I'll show code in a bit
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júlio16mo ago
Xd Hello Can you confirm is something makes sense or is insane before I talk about the thing above? I just found out that a Sha1 key was stored in the Resources Is this dumb? Aren't the resources meant for like files n stuff? Images or whatever Also, won't this break cross platform? Original service uses the Resources to store a Sha1 secret Is this normal? Then they have to have a Resources.Designer class thing to query the secret I'm a nood but I think this is kinda insane Please correct me :( Maybe it's not insane bigthonk
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danilwhale16mo ago
why this have 4544 (now 4545) messages omegalul
júlio16mo ago
So the HttpContext contains the things I pass to the service? Like the parameters in the url for example?
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júlio16mo ago
Hmmm I see I'm having a JSON problem If success and a object has fields, it does everything correct If it has null, instead for getting a {} I get 204 No Content I have no clue why, any tips I can try? It used to return {} I don't know what changed Oh snap in the afternoon I'm going to a meeting to talk about what I did so far Kinda hyped kinda nervous I just hope I don't forget anything xd
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júlio16mo ago
I see Noted! I think having JSON problems will be my day to day I'm having the most weird problem Sicne yesterday I managed to get the original service running thankfully I'm testing out one endpoint Same code Basically the only thing that changed was .NET version and the JsonResult object changed a bit The original Service correctly fills the JsonResponse object and returns the correct Json My Service apparently correctly fills the JsonResponse object but then when I go to return i get {} If I try to force it to convert to JSON by calling the .ToJson thingy, I get the most cursed JSON ever Lemme get some prints to show 1 sec
júlio16mo ago
This is the normal return of the Object (it should get implicit converted to JSON)
júlio16mo ago
This is me forcing the conversion to JSON by calling .ToJson
júlio16mo ago
júlio16mo ago
This is the contents of the object in memory, at the moment of the return So it has the things inside The object in the service has the same contents the memory looks the same but this one shows nothing or trash and the original shows the correct thing :( Any tips on how to aproach this? I got nowere yesterday
Accord16mo ago
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júlio16mo ago
not solved, still issues :L
FusedQyou16mo ago
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mr_technocal16mo ago
For clarity, the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Versioning* are effectively EOL. Since the 6.0 and .NET 6+ release, you should now use Asp.Versioning.* packages. Most things look, feel, and are named the same. If you're going to organize by folder, you might find it more convenient to use a convention rather than attributes. For example:
services.AddApiVersioning(options =>
options.ApiVersionReader = new UrlSegmentApiVersionReader();
options.Conventions.Add(new VersionByNamespaceConvention());
services.AddApiVersioning(options =>
options.ApiVersionReader = new UrlSegmentApiVersionReader();
options.Conventions.Add(new VersionByNamespaceConvention());
Assuming the full type name was My.Api.Controllers.V1.FooController, the version 1.0 would be applied without using any attributes. Conventions are not mutually exclusive and can be combined with other conventions, attributes. etc.
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Accord16mo ago
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júlio15mo ago
Nope! I solved it actually I've been away from discord but i've made a lot of progress so far! I got every service split now, aaaaand i added docker support to the projects So now I'm focusing on the Docker / Kubernetes aspect I do have a bunch of questions but I think I will make a new thread for them, since they arent much on topic of this original thread idk
basically, i am little cat
Oh god 4615 messages here already
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FusedQyou15mo ago
Keep it in this thread and make it even bigger
Monsieur Wholesome
Youve started this, now youve got to commit
júlio15mo ago
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Florian Voß
Florian Voß15mo ago
Exactly one relation requires third table afaik - m to n (many to many). To create that relationship we need helper table that has 1 to n (one to many) with both the tables that have have m to n
júlio15mo ago
not only a kinda of 1 to 1 can required 3 tables aswell and some other cases that requires another table exist too
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Florian Voß
Florian Voß15mo ago
in what other cases? also ellaborate on that 1 to 1 case that requires 3 tables pls
júlio15mo ago
1 to 1 non mandatory on each side requires 3 tables other cases depends on the kinds of columns in the tables
Florian Voß
Florian Voß15mo ago
I think those cases would be against 3NF rules
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júlio15mo ago
Ah yes im not focusing i was just anwsering the questions xd The table I created was very basic no relations not relly
Accord15mo ago
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sibber15mo ago
damn still not solved
FusedQyou15mo ago
Accord15mo ago
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