Custom URL not resolving
I have deployed a custom URL to my app
In Railway it says that it is all good-to-go but the URLs don't resolve
21 Replies
Project ID:
It could be a TLS issue.
⚠️ experimental feature
whats the url?
Project ID: 393aaf03-3bce-4f86-8bdf-b972761b2b49
works fine
clear your browser and ssl cache
it works for me on www, but not in "@"
then why would you send me the domain that does work
i didnt... - works - does not work
both work for me
but its not going to work if it cant resolve
okay, so it must be a dns resolution issue my side, i guess
thank you
what dns servers do you use - google
use cloudflares,
though google's works fine too
so its an issue with your computer / network
i just reloaded my firewall, it must have been caching it wierdly somewhree
thanks for the advice, you can close the ticket. have a good day
you too!