web-production-eaba.up.railway.app refused to connect.

Hi I have again problem with custom domain, when I use livelo-team.lv, it shows ''refuse to connect", but when I use www.livelo-team.lv it loads web page perfectly, but when I use domain without www, then it refuse to connect! What could cause the problem? Because at project settings, where is custom domains, I have both domains there with green check marks. one without www, nad other with www. project id: 83785c5e-ab72-48bf-aaf5-9c7c1e01248a
4 Replies
Percy16mo ago
Project ID: 83785c5e-ab72-48bf-aaf5-9c7c1e01248a
Brody16mo ago
garmtech does not support root level cname aliasing, you will need to use different name servers, like cloudflare's name servers
unrealname16mo ago
thanks for info