Nuxt2y ago

How to get page title globally when using useHead() ?

useHead() seems to be strongly recommended for setting page titles & other meta, great, it works... but how can I access the current page meta data globally, in any component? Previously I used some form of {{ route.meta.title }} to do so, however, route.meta doesn't seem to be affected by changes made with useHead(). Use cases: a global header component, or perhaps some kind of breadcrumb component living in a layout. I literally just need the current page title, anywhere.
3 Replies
Hello, I know I'm almost 2 years late to the party xD but did you find a solution to this?
harlan4w ago
best solution is to make your own useTitle() function that wraps useHead() otherwise you can look at how Nuxt Scripts is handling it https://github.com/nuxt/scripts/blob/main/src/runtime/composables/useScriptEventPage.ts
scripts/src/runtime/composables/useScriptEventPage.ts at main · nux...
Third-Party Scripts Meets Nuxt Developer Experience. - nuxt/scripts
KalOP3w ago
My memory is vague but looking at the post date I think I was still using Vue2 at the time. Anyhow, testing in Nuxt3 just now, looks like things are easier/work as you expect: 1. Set a page title dynamically, somewhere: definePageMeta({ title: 'My page title' }) 2. Somewhere else, grab the page title as you need: (Script) const route = useRoute() (Template) {{ route.meta.title }}

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