Title change when I scroll

Hello, I've got problem with title using useHead. When I scroll into my page, the title changing to a another title of page.
7 Replies
Thomas Bnt
Thomas BntOP2y ago
My app.vue :
<NuxtPage />
<script setup>
titleTemplate: (title) => {
return title ? `${title} — Compagny` : "Compagny";
ogType: "website",
twitterCard: "summary_large_image"
<NuxtPage />
<script setup>
titleTemplate: (title) => {
return title ? `${title} — Compagny` : "Compagny";
ogType: "website",
twitterCard: "summary_large_image"
An example of page (each pages have useHead and useSeoMeta :
description: "Cool desc",
canonical: "http://example.com",
title: "Secondary page",
description: "Cool desc",
description: "Cool desc",
canonical: "http://example.com",
title: "Secondary page",
description: "Cool desc",
Under Nuxt 3.3.1 and without plugins. I have this issue when nuxi dev AND nuxi generate :c Issue always here :c
harlan2y ago
Would it be possible to make a reproduction? The issue isn't very clear from what you've provided
Thomas Bnt
Thomas BntOP2y ago
GitHub - thomasbnt/reprod-err-nuxt3-seo-title
Contribute to thomasbnt/reprod-err-nuxt3-seo-title development by creating an account on GitHub.
harlan2y ago
But what's the issue? It's still not clear
Thomas Bnt
Thomas BntOP2y ago
Ooops wrong URL of the website. https://nuxt3-all-title-load-same-time.netlify.app/ I seen all pages load at the same time. https://i.thomasbnt.dev/i/y6amj.png My problem is : How I can have one title for one page without load all meta tags from others pages?
harlan2y ago
This is very strange, haven't seen this before 🤔 I would say it's related to ssr: false ah right it's because useHead is a vue composable, it needs to run inside the setup() method or you need to use <script setup>
Thomas Bnt
Thomas BntOP2y ago
Owwwh thanks ! Tagged this thread resolved with answer

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