C#16mo ago

❔ C# methods

Why do I need to have a class or struct, so that I can have functions? In other words, why do I need to put functions inside classes or structures?
26 Replies
júlio16mo ago
Is it just the way the language was build? Functions must always be associated to some object?
blinkbat16mo ago
yes there are no first-class functions in c#
júlio16mo ago
If that is the case, are lambdas the way to go in c# so small functions that dont have to be directly related to any object?
blinkbat16mo ago
sure lambdas are great there are also static classes that can have static methods for reuse without instantiation
júlio16mo ago
Yeah, I was thinking about that, would be annoying if the language forced me to instantiate an object every time I want to call a function :)
Denis16mo ago
In C you do not need to associate a class/struct with a function
júlio16mo ago
I come from C++
Denis16mo ago
In F# you work with functions, even though it does support classes So what you are asking is just how C#, as an OOP language, is built
júlio16mo ago
Yes Pretty much I was curious to see the compiler didnt allowed me to declare functions outside classes
blinkbat16mo ago
I typically make a static class for helpers related by concern
public static class UserHelpers
public static void SomeMethodToReuse() {} // etc
public static class UserHelpers
public static void SomeMethodToReuse() {} // etc
júlio16mo ago
no syntax sugar to avoid having to write static all over?
Denis16mo ago
A great example of a static class is Console
blinkbat16mo ago
not that i'm aware of and when using you need using static
Denis16mo ago
You do Console.WriteLine("hello") without creating an instance of Console
júlio16mo ago
Could be a Singleton
blinkbat16mo ago
namespace System
public static class Console
namespace System
public static class Console
it's not though
Denis16mo ago
No there is not. However you can omit the static keyword on a class and only have the methods static
júlio16mo ago
I see I will experiment with that a bit
Denis16mo ago
Happy coding
júlio16mo ago
Thank you both :)
Anton16mo ago
"first-class member" is a term that means "can be treated as an expression", which basically means "can be assigned to a variable and passed around" which C# supports in the form of delegates. Functions without a class are usually just called functions, while functions inside a class are usually called methods. Technically speaking, C# doesn't have functions. Even local functions are converted to regular methods by the compiler (I think)
Jayy16mo ago
it depends on context, lambdas are common in many places
Angius16mo ago
There's one scenario where you don't need to put method inside of a class explicitly, and that's when using top-level statements. You're limited to just a single file then, though.
Console.WriteLine($"Hello {Foo()}");

string Foo()
return Random.Shared.Next(10) > 5
? "World"
: "Galaxy";
Console.WriteLine($"Hello {Foo()}");

string Foo()
return Random.Shared.Next(10) > 5
? "World"
: "Galaxy";
júlio16mo ago
Yes, the first time I created a project I didn't notice I had top level statements checked and it felt like a scripting language ahahah I see what you mean tho, that is interesting
Angius16mo ago
Yep, that's the goal of TLS Making quick little projects without the whole ceremony
Accord16mo ago
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