How do I do this Stock Control ?
I think I've asked too many questions today. I apologise. But I want to take the product_price_id available in my code above and compare it with the stock status entered from the outside and give an error if the value entered is more.

6 Replies
FYI you dont need
required numeric min:0
in that validation array
we do that all for you
search "closure customization" in the docsThank you. But there was a problem like this It takes the id of the first data in the repater, it does not take the selected one, so the system makes a wrong calculation.

hmm it should definitely get the current repeater item value
Do you have any information on how exactly I can do this?
the way youre doing it should work so im confused
I think I made a mistake, I think the problem occurred because I searched with find. No problem in the code thank you