ignoreRecord: true
Hello, I'm trying to use ignoreRecord: true in a relation manager but it is ignored
->placeholder('Seleccione o busque a un estudiante')
->relationship('estudiante', 'carnet_nombres_apellidos')
->searchable(['carnet', 'nombres', 'apellidos'])
->unique(ignoreRecord: true)
8 Replies
I don't think that you can use ignore record on select component though, or maybe I'm wrong
thats were 95% of people use it
whats the problem @renatoalvarez, you said it is ignored?
Hello, on edit I get unique validation error

hmm not sure
Maybe because is a select flied? In text input doesnt have this problem
shouldnt be a problem
Are you sure you don't already have a record with that id taken?
yes, Im trying to edit the record