7 Replies
Project ID:
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- Project does not always restart?
- Project not automatically redeploying at the start of the month
- High Ram and network usage.
⚠️ experimental feature
I've been trying whole to get support on this issue.
Someone said it was a holiday so i was like ok...but then i got a msg that im muted because i tried pining the team...and my previous thread was deleted...plus i was kicked from the server
Even after the #🚨|incidents its not solved
I would not expect a resolution before monday.
Honestly I ain't expecting one...The thing that's bothering me is that i was muted for no reason and my previous with the info was deleted oh and kicked from the server too
It was neb or someone, they already told me to wait till monday..
perfect we shall wait, and to just set expectations Monday might be a stretch also
It seemed to a project only issue...i made a new project and its working...but i would srsly like to know what caused the issue in the first place.