Admin Page translatable?

How can we integrate the custom admin page ( with filament spatie translatable plugin?
Getting started - Pages - Admin Panel - Filament
The elegant TALL stack admin panel for Laravel artisans.
5 Replies
ahmantOP2y ago
I am using it, but didn't find a way to make a custom filament page translatable Is there any way to do that? Maybe I skip something in the doc?
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin2y ago
you should read the package code and work out how to if you add the action to a custom page it will allow you to use the $activeLocale property
ahmantOP2y ago
Yes, unfortunately, I'm doing that right now I will post it here if I figure out something Thanks any way I solve it finally I forked their repository and create a new "Translatable.php" trait for custom pages I will test it a lit bit more, and if it's working well, I will make a pull request, with a small doc on how to use it. But if anyone needs it now (before doing more testing), let me know to send you the forked repository
Arthur Minasyan
Arthur Minasyan16mo ago
Can you show the code that works for you?

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