Railway17mo ago

Laravel Problem after last update

Hello, I have a problem with Laravel project, When I deploy I see the following error in the console:
up to date, audited 45 packages in 580ms
7 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
found 0 vulnerabilities
Can't open perl script "/assets/transform-config.pl": No such file or directory
up to date, audited 45 packages in 580ms
7 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
found 0 vulnerabilities
Can't open perl script "/assets/transform-config.pl": No such file or directory
I have this script in start command:
npm install && (node /app/cron.ts&) && ([ -e /app/storage ] && chmod -R ugo+w /app/storage); perl /assets/transform-config.pl /assets/nginx.template.conf /nginx.conf && echo "Server starting on port $PORT" && (php-fpm -y /assets/php-fpm.conf & nginx -c /nginx.conf)
npm install && (node /app/cron.ts&) && ([ -e /app/storage ] && chmod -R ugo+w /app/storage); perl /assets/transform-config.pl /assets/nginx.template.conf /nginx.conf && echo "Server starting on port $PORT" && (php-fpm -y /assets/php-fpm.conf & nginx -c /nginx.conf)
Before the 403 issue it was working fine. If I remove the start command I can't access either, error 503. Any solution? Thank you.
6 Replies
Percy17mo ago
Project ID: a60794b9-576e-4519-af0e-04c7b76a31eb
Percy17mo ago
It looks like you need to update the version of php in your composer.json to "php": "^8.1" and run the command "composer install && npm && npm prod && php artisan optimize && php artisan config:cache && php artisan route:cache && php artisan view:cache && php artisan migrate--force".
⚠️ experimental feature
Ore17mo ago
a60794b9-576e-4519-af0e-04c7b76a31eb I've been using php 8.1 for weeks
root17mo ago
Yeah, the latest update changed the name and functionality of the script a bit. Change that to npm install && (node /app/cron.ts&) && perl /assets/prestart.pl /assets/nginx.template.conf /nginx.conf && (php-fpm -y /assets/php-fpm.conf & nginx -c /nginx.conf) Pay no attention to the bot, the AI support is hallucinating again
Ore17mo ago
Thanks!!!! now it works for me! ♥️
root17mo ago
I'm glad it's fixed!