DNS setting for sending email from Railway

I want to use Mailtrap email sendig service to send emails from my Railway-hosted web-site. In order to do that I have to change some DNS settings here on Railway (CNAME, SPF, DKIM, and DMARC ). Is it even possible here? https://help.mailtrap.io/article/69-sending-domain-setup#domain%20verification
Sending Domain Setup
In This Article: Add Domain Name Domain Verification Cloudflare Setup Google Domains setup GoDaddy setup Completing the verification Tracking Settings Unsubscri
4 Replies
Percy17mo ago
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Percy17mo ago
⚠️ experimental feature
Brody17mo ago
It is not, you will want to add the appropriate DNS settings to a domain you own, then set the root value of that domain to be a CNAME of the railway provided domain
Percy17mo ago
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