C#17mo ago
The Robot 13

❔ Not sure what to use to Code (Idk language)

I want to make something but I'm not sure how I would, it's not about learning how to code. It's about what I would use to code (Idk if I will use C# or another language)
80 Replies
Thinker17mo ago
MODiX17mo ago
Collections of application ideas that anyone can solve in any programming language to improve coding skills: https://github.com/ZacharyPatten/dotnet-console-games https://github.com/karan/Projects https://github.com/florinpop17/app-ideas
Thinker17mo ago
Pick something from one of these and start programmin'
The Robot 13
The Robot 1317mo ago
No, ik what thing I want to code, but I'm not sure what is the right thing to use to code it (and what language, depending on the thing I would use)
Thinker17mo ago
What do you wanna make?
The Robot 13
The Robot 1317mo ago
Idk if you would understand what I want to build, but I want it to be on Desktop, Web, Mobile, aswell as things like VR and maybe Console. Flutter could be it but how would it work on Console?
Thinker17mo ago
that's... a lot of stuff
The Robot 13
The Robot 1317mo ago
Yeah, Flutter covers most but how would it get the other 2?
Thinker17mo ago
and I mean C# can do all of them (to varying degrees of success) $desktopappdev
The Robot 13
The Robot 1317mo ago
I want to find the most ideal method What might it be? If it ain't using C# then that's fine
Angius17mo ago
I mean, you have an incredibly wide range there, and we still have no clue what exactly you want to make "VRr, mobile, desktop, web" can be anything between a spreadsheet app and a photorealistic WoW-killer game
The Robot 13
The Robot 1317mo ago
It would have a 3d engine
Thinker17mo ago
a game? If you need some kind of backend API then all of these are just gonna be varying frontends for that API
The Robot 13
The Robot 1317mo ago
The plan is to start with one thing then later implement that thing into the 3d engine Unless you implement the 3d engine into it
Thinker17mo ago
so you're gonna... make a 3d engine...? again what exactly is it you want to make?
The Robot 13
The Robot 1317mo ago
It's a long story, but basically app that could later work in the engine
Thinker17mo ago
so just "an app which uses a 3d engine"?
The Robot 13
The Robot 1317mo ago
I want to make multiple apps, and the last 2 would have the 3d engine
Thinker17mo ago
but what are the actual apps what do they do what are their purpose who are gonna use them you're being way too vague here
The Robot 13
The Robot 1317mo ago
They're apps meant to do different things, I just want to know what I could use to program the apps and how I could implement the 3d engine
Thinker17mo ago
what do the apps do
The Robot 13
The Robot 1317mo ago
You could make things with them The last 2 apps would use the 3d engine
Thinker17mo ago
"make things with them" make what and what do you need the 3d engine for?
The Robot 13
The Robot 1317mo ago
Making 3d things
Thinker17mo ago
a "3d engine" could probably be Unity or Godot or something, but again you haven't specified what you need to use the 3d engine for
The Robot 13
The Robot 1317mo ago
Maybe using unity, but how would the previous apps be coded for Desktop, Mobile, and Web?
Thinker17mo ago
Unity can publish to basically all platforms known to man
The Robot 13
The Robot 1317mo ago
I'm talking about the apps, but the engine
Thinker17mo ago
just what do the apps do if you say what your apps require then we can probably help you decide what to use and "a 3d engine" and "every single platform" aren't requirements
Monsieur Wholesome
Isnt it clear He wants to make a thing maker that runs everywhere Duh
The Robot 13
The Robot 1317mo ago
What would be the best way to make an app that works on Desktop, Web, Mobile, and one that I could port to Unity?
Thinker17mo ago
Thinker17mo ago
probably MAUI or Xamarin
The Robot 13
The Robot 1317mo ago
I don't want to have to develop different code for each platform if not needed
Monsieur Wholesome
Inevitble tbh
Thinker17mo ago
oh so it's an IThingBuilder<TConfiguration>
The Robot 13
The Robot 1317mo ago
Monsieur Wholesome
IThingMaker<TThing> where TThing : IPlatformEverywhere
The Robot 13
The Robot 1317mo ago
So I could use MAUI for Desktop and Mobile, but what about web? Also what about Linux?
Monsieur Wholesome
Youre planning very far ahead
The Robot 13
The Robot 1317mo ago
Monsieur Wholesome
You dont even have the base class library done, and youre already planning 7 different platform implementations
The Robot 13
The Robot 1317mo ago
I don't want it to just be for only 2-3 platforms if it could be for more
Monsieur Wholesome
Youre saying you want to write code that can be used everywhere, in unity, in consoles, on desktop, etc What you want is to write a class library
Angius17mo ago
What you need to do, is realize all those platforms are very different and can achieve very different things You won't make an UE5 clone that runs in the browser or on mobile
The Robot 13
The Robot 1317mo ago
How many different versions of the code would I need to write?
Angius17mo ago
And making an Excel clone for VR makes no sense
The Robot 13
The Robot 1317mo ago
Obviously the graphics would need to be greatly reduced
Monsieur Wholesome
If you know how to properly code, you'd know that you ideally want to write the core of your codebase platform independent Thus only 1, without furtherado Putting different kinds of GUI libraries and stuff on top of it is only glue code honestly
The Robot 13
The Robot 1317mo ago
So I just make 1 codebase and have different code for the ui?
Monsieur Wholesome
Angius17mo ago
Potentially, yes
The Robot 13
The Robot 1317mo ago
What would be the best things to use for each platform?
Monsieur Wholesome
The Robot 13
The Robot 1317mo ago
If I have to pick for each one
Angius17mo ago
If you wanted to stay with C#? MAUI for mobile and maybe desktop, ASP.NET and Blazor for web, Unity or Godot for VR, Unity for console
Monsieur Wholesome
pretty much that
Thinker17mo ago
wait by "consoles" do you mean gaming consoles or terminal consoles
The Robot 13
The Robot 1317mo ago
Looks good, would using a more cross platform one work or should I just use yesowo
Angius17mo ago
There exists nothing that supports all of those platforms well
Monsieur Wholesome
These are as reasonably well-covered as possible
Thinker17mo ago
also since you haven't actually described what your apps are meant to do, it's impossible to tell how much code you could actually share between these platforms
The Robot 13
The Robot 1317mo ago
I want them to have the same functionality and user interface (obviously with differences to fit the platforms)
Monsieur Wholesome
Allow me to adjust: Desktop = Avalonia Mobile = MAUI or UNO Web = ASP.NET and Blazor Game Consoles = Unity VR = Unity or Godot
Angius17mo ago
So, to sum it up, with all the details you gave us, which amounts to "hey guys I don't know coding but I want to make a thing that does things and runs everywhere", that's the best advice we can give
The Robot 13
The Robot 1317mo ago
I wonder how long it would take for me to get all the UIs on each platform
Angius17mo ago
Between a week if you know the technology, to 1-2 years if you need to learn each properly and in full
Monsieur Wholesome
To give you some insight
Angius17mo ago
Add 1-2 years to the sum of those if you don't know programming
Monsieur Wholesome
heading towards two years with these kinda questions
The Robot 13
The Robot 1317mo ago
Since idk coding that's why I'm asking If I have to make the ui in each one
Angius17mo ago
I'd estimate making a "thing that does things and runs everywhere idk" from "what are variables" to completion would take in the ballpark of 6-10 years or so Depends how well you learn, too
The Robot 13
The Robot 1317mo ago
Which one should I start with when making the UI? If I have to make it on each
Angius17mo ago
Start by learning the basics Learning any sort of a GUI framework is still months away for you $helloworld
Angius17mo ago
Start here Then $projects
MODiX17mo ago
Collections of application ideas that anyone can solve in any programming language to improve coding skills: https://github.com/ZacharyPatten/dotnet-console-games https://github.com/karan/Projects https://github.com/florinpop17/app-ideas
Accord17mo ago
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