Fancy Bakery Website

Hello 👋 I've been working on a "Fancy Bakery website" for my Google UX design program. I have finished the prototype and I'd like feedback on it. Specifically, the experience as a whole ( visual and functional, from finding a product to checking it out) what do you think of it? Anything you feel that it needs to be changed, improved or removed in this experience? Any feedback is appreciated 🙏 Note: the cart button is supposed to be at the bottom right of the screen, but the phone browser bar might force the button to disappear from the viewport, zoom out and you will find it.
7 Replies
The Phone version
The PC version Let me know if you face anything with starting the prototype 🙏
vince2y ago
The ui is pretty! I don't have much to add other than
vince2y ago
The in stock "button" has the same hierarchy as the add to cart button. Edit: I didn't even see the price in the corner, maybe incorporate that into the add to cart button?
Good point 🤔 I'll fix them, thank you 😊

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