Dashboard Navigation not working
I'm not sure what is going on here. On my computer the dashboard works fine (guessing so due to caching) but on other PC, the dashboard loads but no navigation items are loaded. I can visit urls of the dashboard and that seems to work, I can update records and such. When I look at the console I see lots of errors in the console.
I tried to run
artisan view:clear
and that also returns an error.
➜ artisan view:clear Creating imm-server_artisan_run ... done ERROR: 255

8 Replies
Do you have overwritten view files?
the branding that's all
If you haven't overwritten a layout or sidebar file this probably is an issue with caching.
But since your artisan command gives weird output, there must be something else going on
I did read online that it could be a permissions issue but I have even tried wide-open permissions and that did not change anything
Not sure and the error message is not very helpful, sorry.
If I watch closely, on first load it is good but as soon as it loads livewire.js the navigation mostly disappears
clear your browser's local storage
also make sure your view cache is clear
thats kind of the problem though. In my main browser it is working but in any other browser/private browsing mode that does not load my cache, the navigation is broken
My guess is the 255 error from
artisan view:clear
and the navigation issue are related but I have no clear way of knowing where to look. The artisan command isn't even running at all it seems since if I attached -vvvv to it I still get nothing