12 Replies
i understand the question but to expect us to know what the problem is without even an error message or debugging info when the test fails... how can we help you?
It was not passed the first time I ran ./vendor/bin/sail pest. The second time it passed.🥹

something with your factory and/or migrations
For your test you create a new status, but in the controller you always assume there is a status with ID 1
Thank you.
One more question: how can I make this? What's the best way to do this?
Make what? Why do you use a fixed ID in your controller but not in your test?
it's not working.
Why are you doing this
'status_id' => 1,

But why are you creating a new Status in your test?
I'm not sure if this is the best way or not.
now I removed it.
I got it now thank you.