Form fields into new component.

Hi, I'm trying to create a custom Section component with 2 static fields: - Status (Select) - Comment (Textarea) My section view have:
i set in the select and in the textarea
dusk="filament.forms.{{ $getId() }}.comment"
{{ $applyStateBindingModifiers('wire:model') }}="{{ $getId() }}.comment (or status if is the select)"
id="{{ $getId() }}.comment"
dusk="filament.forms.{{ $getId() }}.comment"
{{ $applyStateBindingModifiers('wire:model') }}="{{ $getId() }}.comment (or status if is the select)"
id="{{ $getId() }}.comment"
The problem is when i save the form, it colect all data about the childs, but don't collect the select and text area value.
9 Replies
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin3y ago
we need more code and please explain why youd hardcode the select and textarea instead of making them child components also
jals65OP3y ago
I create a formbuilder library when I can create forms by array. I need a section like you can see in the pictures. With 2 modals by section, one for a select status, and other with text area to add a coment in the section.
jals65OP3y ago
@Dan Harrin is that possible?
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin3y ago
i dont know why youd use a custom field for this why not the Builder component?
jals65OP3y ago
What's this?
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin3y ago
check the docs
jals65OP3y ago this? But in this way i can do the 2 modals?
Fields - Form Builder - Filament
The elegant TALL stack form builder for Laravel artisans.
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin3y ago
no im not gonna be able to help you create this custom component, it will take too much of my time that i dont have
jals65OP3y ago
Don't worry, I undestand you. Thanks

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