How to mark a message as seen based on push payload
We're using Novu to send push notifications to mobile devices. We want to be able to mark a message as seen when the user presses on the notification, but I'm not seeing anything in the message data that would allow use to do that. Any ideas on how I could do this? It doesn't look like there is a way to look up a specific message based on payload data either.
Edit: A little more info, in notification template we have the in app, email and push channels. Specifically what I'm looking for is a way to mark the in app message as read from data that would be available in the push notification.
5 Replies
@jarredwitt, you just advanced to level 2!
@omerbenami is this on our roadmap?
@jarredwitt this is a good point. Could you please open a feature request?
@galiainouz will do.
@galiainouz feature request submitted
[NV-1811] 🚀 Feature: Notification markAs · Issue #2957 · novuhq/nov...
🔖 Feature description A way to mark messages that share the same notificationId as seen/unseen and read/unread using the same markAs options that the novu/apps/api/src/app/subscribers/subscribers.c...