C#17mo ago

❔ Entity Framework 7 - Where to call EnsureCreared method

I'm trying to create a PGSQL database with a code-first approach using EF7 in my ASP.NET Core Web API application. I have created the models, the ApplicationDbContext and the connection string, and want to know how to call the EnsureCreated method rather than using a migration to an existing database. Previously in .NET 6, it was called in the ConfigurationServices method in the Startup.cs file, but I'm struggling to find how top do the equivalent in Program.cs, which Startup.cs has been integrated into as part of .NET 7. Thanks in advance!
22 Replies
Angius17mo ago
If it was called on services, call it on application.Services, IIRC
TotallyJustin17mo ago
This is a screenshot of how it was done in .NET 6
TotallyJustin17mo ago
This is it in .NET 7, I'm not sure where the method should be called
Angius17mo ago
Just add it somewhere after builder.Services.AddDbContext() then
TotallyJustin17mo ago
Sorry if I'm being slow but do I need to put something before application.Services.[...]?
Angius17mo ago
Angius17mo ago
This code
TotallyJustin17mo ago
Sorry again I don't quite follow, I assume it's not meant to be like this?
Angius17mo ago
Remove that app.Services....? line See what the error is with ApplicationDbContext
TotallyJustin17mo ago
CS7036: There is no argument given that corresponds to the required parameter 'opts' of 'ApplicationDbContext.ApplicationDbContext(DbContextOptions<ApplicationDbContext>)'
TotallyJustin17mo ago
Angius17mo ago
Angius17mo ago
Stack Overflow
How do you do database.ensurecreated() in aspnet core web applicati...
In a .NET 5 web application, we use code such as the following in startup.cs to initialize the DB using Entity Framework: using (var serviceScope = app.ApplicationServices.GetService<
Angius17mo ago
Try this to get the dbcontext
TotallyJustin17mo ago
Already looked at that, it has the same issue of being for .NET 6. I’ve used EF 7 before just not by using the EnsureCreated method and instead using migrations
Monsieur Wholesome
That code works for both .net 6 and .net 7 tho
TotallyJustin17mo ago
I’ll give it another try
TotallyJustin17mo ago
I tried adding this code and I'm not sure how to resolve the issue
Monsieur Wholesome
dbcontexts need to be instantiated within a scope .
TotallyJustin17mo ago
You are a saint Thank you so much
Accord17mo ago
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