My ranked ban was 20 hours and went to 120 hours
I never played ranked for like 2 months ago, and didn't play until now, and suddenly my ban went to 20 hours to 120 hours ban from ranked
9 Replies
You can get a ranked ban from bad behavior in unrankes
@JSN i didn't even talk in the mics, just to pass locations and strategies
afking and dodging can increase your nba
even if its not in comp
But i didnt afk in any matches lately
And i literally got more 100 hours on the ban
it can be any gamemode
or dodging
maybe, but my pc isn't the best actually, and it crashes sometimes...
it makes me quit the game, but i can rejoin
i don't think that a 120 hours ban is necessary in this case
it most definitely is
its a fair ban
just wait it out