mute on comp

why can’t i play comp 5 stack if i’m muted i see why if i’m playing solo or duo as i couldn’t be able to speak with my team but if i’m playing 5 stack i can speak with them in party chat or on discord so there is no problem they should fix this
10 Replies
Kinito3y ago
there is no fi fix its a comp restriction as well not just a chat restriction
DARKOP3y ago
i know but it makes no sense they should change this
Ar1k43y ago
see this is fucking stupid right because ppl are allowed to play with team vc off and give 0 comms but u guys arent allowed to play even tho ur having the exact same impact exlain that riot
DARKOP3y ago
fr im my plat games at lest one of my team be totally mute never speaks only thing he says is “ 148 jett” for complain that we didn’t hit her once
Kinito3y ago
It does make sense. You were restricted for poor sportsmanship and toxic behaviour. It won’t get changed and there’s no point complaining about it
DARKOP3y ago
it doesn’t for a lot of reason 1) why i am not allow to play but ppl without a mic are allow ? and i know riot knows when u don’t have a mic bc next to their name there is no option to mute some ppl bc they don’t have a mic or they got issue 2) if i am 5 stacking i can speak with all of my team and i would not ruin any of my team experience 3) if care so much about not ruining other player experience then why are they allowing 2/20 players and not get them ban bc i don’t believe u are not trolling bc i have bad days but is not like i’ll be dropping 2/20 4) muting is probably one of the main reason that makes so many smurfs bc now that i’m banned i am smurfing in bronze and dropping 30/40 kills totally ruining the enemy team experience
Kinito3y ago
You are punished… your entire point is that you shouldn’t be punished because you play with friends lol Stop whining and wait it out.
JSN3y ago
You are banned from comp, that's why you can't play comp
Kinito3y ago
Yeah I told him that as well, very first few messages, he refuses to accept the fact shrug
JSN3y ago
Bro wait there's so much text for a simple explanation

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