❔ Need help with var

5 Replies
Professor Chen
Professor Chen17mo ago
i need help i ave error with bot.Ticket , NebulaProfile , Nebulatoken why
Angius17mo ago
BotList seems to be a list of tuples You deconstruct them inside of that foreach So... use the variables you deconstructed the tuples into Ah, wait, later on you're trying to access the elements outside of the foreach Well, in that case, those tuples aren't deconstructed And they're also unnamed, because you didn't name them So there's only .Item1, .Item2, .Item3 and .Item4 properties Not .Ticket, .NebulaProfile, and .NebulaToken Either: a) use .ItemX b) Use a named tuple c) PREFERABLY use a class or a record instead of a tuple
Professor Chen
Professor Chen17mo ago
ok thx var bot = BotList.FirstOrDefault(); if (bot != null) { CS_WM(bot.NebulaProfile, bot.NebulaToken, botTickets); } so i just change the line to this
Angius17mo ago
No Your bot is an unnamed tuple It doesn't have .NebulaProfile property Read what I wrote again
Accord17mo ago
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