what aim routines do you recommend?

so i recently realised, that my gamesense and planning is ok, but 90% of my plans fail due to my aim. for example, i predicted what obe of my opponents would do based on utility they had but i died and lost us the round because my aim is dog, i might struggle with aiming at the head of a standing player, or even someone thats unaware im behind them, not to mention that my tracking also sucks. i used nats aim routine for a bit but then i started using raw accel which ruined my muscle memory, but now i got used to my previous sens i was training on. besides nats aim routine, i heard that the ethos aimlab routine is also pretty good, but idk if thats what i need. so,what routine do i use? it can take time, all i want is the aim
1 Reply
Chovel3y ago
idk my aim is worst than a dog playing minecraft

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