height 100vh problem on page load
Hey there. I have encountered a problem with height 100vh (svh etc.) On mobile device. (I have no idea why on an old phone it works how it supposed to).
After I hit enter when entering IP address it looks like that and when I move screen it fixes everything
10 Replies
what have u given height 100vh to?
have u tried changing to max-height or min-height
For a section div. No matter if its min-height or height.
well why did u give section div a height 100vh
what was the reason?
Each section supposed to take 100vh of space
At least
well in that case u should've used grid then
that would've been better
but anyway it's hard to tell why that's happening
are there any margin or padding on the text that might be causing the problem?
hero section

its main app

here is section template

OK. It seems it was something with the device. After reinstalling chrome it works fine
Unknown User•3y ago
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