❔ how do i make a first person game UNITY

i want to lurn how to make a first person servival game using C# unity
19 Replies
Angius2y ago
Try asking in $unity
colorcar7172y ago
were in there i realy need someone to walk me through this
Angius2y ago
If there's something Unity isn't lacking, it's tutorials You should be able to find some easily on YouTube
colorcar7172y ago
they all dont make since to me and they dont work
Angius2y ago
I'm guessing you don't really have experience with Unity?
colorcar7172y ago
no not atall
Angius2y ago
I'd recommend going through some basic Unity tutorials first, then
colorcar7172y ago
thats 41 hours
Angius2y ago
Well, yes Learning takes time Don't expect to come in with zero knowledge and create a Breath of the Wild clone over the weekend
colorcar7172y ago
hes falling thats my problom
Anchy2y ago
You need to lock two axis's on your rigidbody to stop it falling over
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Unknown User2y ago
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hiyosilver2y ago
41 hours though... can't expect anyone to invest time into a complex and difficult skillset.
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Unknown User2y ago
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FusedQyou2y ago
I see literally no point in helping somebody that is not willing to put a single second into actually learning Unity. Helping him is just going to turn you into a spoonfeeder since he has no clue what he is doing, and you will be helping him constantly.
Anchy2y ago
I gave him the tools to research without actually spoon feeding, I am aware of what spoon feeding is and I have no issue with guiding beginners. But I appreciate the concern.
FusedQyou2y ago
Sure, but even giving him the tools like you did is not going to help since the guy is clueless. Appreciate you helping him, but the only proper solution here is to get over it and just follow those 41 hours of tutorials. Not to mention asking here is basically the same thing since the tutorial is literally going to give him the answer. The only difference is that the tutorial will give him the answer ontop of also providing the necessary tools to actually understand Unity basics in general. He probably ends up spending way more time figuring it out here instead of just following tutorials.
Accord2y ago
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