❔ im just trying to make an console app and everytime i try to troubleshoot it does this help

72 Replies
Saotom Gosling
or try to debug idk what all these words mean
Denis2y ago
And what happens when you close this window? This window allows you to attach to a running process. Imagine that you are developing multiple applications. You start the application via a shortcut on your desktop, and then you decide that you want to debug it. Using this window you can attach to the application Maybe you are pressing the Ctrl+alt+P shortcut? It opens this window
Saotom Gosling
it brings uo the same thing i just want to run the app in the cmd thing
Angius2y ago
How did you create this project? How are you running it?
Denis2y ago
Are you using any special extensions for Visual studio? Have you made any changes to the console application project (.csproj) or you've only worked on the c# files? Please also send a screenshot of the top of your visual studio - specifically the green play button must be visible Does it say start or attach?
Saotom Gosling
attach i think just a normal console app nothin changed can i just send the code and someone truns it for me
Angius2y ago
Means something was set up wrong Let me repeat the question: https://discord.com/channels/143867839282020352/1075872529400483900/1075910101300432896
MODiX2y ago
How did you create this project? How are you running it?
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Angius2y ago
And add another: how do you open this project?
Saotom Gosling
visual studio? i mean i can just copy the code into new something i make new project i choose consoel application right
Angius2y ago
Well, if so, everything should be working
Saotom Gosling
and choose netcore 3.1
Angius2y ago
Do you see the solution explorer panel? (.NET Core 3.1 is old btw)
Saotom Gosling
i only have 2.1 and 3.1 in my colection
Pobiega2y ago
You should consider upgrading your dotnet sdk to 7.0 then
Angius2y ago
Must be an old version of VS, then Still, should work even with old versions
Saotom Gosling
i downloaded 2019 free version
Angius2y ago
2022 is current
Saotom Gosling
cost money right? i use 2019 to learn vut shouldnt be a big difference
Angius2y ago
No, there's a free version of 2022 as well
Saotom Gosling
this is whne i click in the debug thing
Saotom Gosling
i just want it to open normaly in a cmd, why it do this
MODiX2y ago
Do you see the solution explorer panel?
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Angius2y ago
I see a piece of it I think
Saotom Gosling
the what
Angius2y ago
The panel where all the files from the project are
Saotom Gosling
also does my code work
Angius2y ago
The solution, the project underneath, then the files This
Angius2y ago
Saotom Gosling
this is all i have
Pobiega2y ago
so you have opened a solution with 0 projects in it C# is a project based language, so it has no idea what you are trying to do
Saotom Gosling
i see
Pobiega2y ago
you need to open the project
Saotom Gosling
normaly the project is there
Pobiega2y ago
okay, well lets see if we can get it to show up
Saotom Gosling
i have the code in there, but no project
Angius2y ago
Do you have the .csproj file? Or is it just the .sln and .cs right next to it?
Saotom Gosling
this is all i got in there
Saotom Gosling
besides the sln
Angius2y ago
And the .sln is one level above, I assume?
Saotom Gosling
Pobiega2y ago
open the .csproj in VS
Angius2y ago
Well, in that case, you should be able to right-click on the solution in VS and add existing project
Pobiega2y ago
or that
Saotom Gosling
with the cspro file right
Pobiega2y ago
thats the file that represents your project, yes
Saotom Gosling
when i do that it says it couldnt be opened because NET.DSK couldnt be found
Pobiega2y ago
wat What exactly did you do?
Angius2y ago
Could be that for some reason the project was created for .NET version unsupported by the version of VS...?
Pobiega2y ago
At this point, just create a new project from scratch and copy your code in
Saotom Gosling
at the site thingy, add ecisting project an selected the csjpro file or what its called i did that 2 times
Pobiega2y ago
can you share screen with us while you do it again?
Angius2y ago
I'd say just install VS2022, chances are it fixes the issue
Saotom Gosling
yeah one sec
Pobiega2y ago
#dev-vc-1 please
Saotom Gosling
i cant talk
Pobiega2y ago
thats fine I do hear your keyboard thou 🙂
Saotom Gosling
well i have computer class in a few minutes anyways so ill somehow get it fixed ig
Pobiega2y ago
Alright, well can we skip that solution and start from "scratch"
Saotom Gosling
oky but i gotta go now ill probably have it fixed by my teacher then thx
Pobiega2y ago
Saotom Gosling
also ignore this embarrasing piece of code ok i figured out i maybe shouldve used net framework instead of core otherwise the code had barely any errors yay
Pobiega2y ago
you should not be using framework these days its ancient and closed source and windows only and distinctly not the future of .net and C# it gets no new features, only security fixes. its on life support, not new development. the correct version to use is .NET 7 (or .NET 6, if you really care about long term support).
Saotom Gosling
uhm honestly i have no idea what i even used
Pobiega2y ago
likely .net framework 4.7 or 4.8
Saotom Gosling
a bit off topic but can anyone tell me how i can get mentally inteligent/stronger so i have better chances learning programming my brain feels weak
Monsieur Wholesome
take breaks set small goals
Saotom Gosling
can someone gimme homework on what to code like just ideas
Pobiega2y ago
MODiX2y ago
Collections of application ideas that anyone can solve in any programming language to improve coding skills: https://github.com/ZacharyPatten/dotnet-console-games https://github.com/karan/Projects https://github.com/florinpop17/app-ideas
Saotom Gosling
Accord2y ago
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